Zamioculkas: home care,breeding features (photo). Properly care for the dollartree houses

Пн, 28 мар 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Zamioculcas (dollar tree) thanks to its
rich green complex leaves and unpretentious acquired
popularity in indoor floriculture.

Its homeland is Kenya, a country characterized by a change
tropical rain seasons and dry hot periods.

To survive in this climate, this plant has acquired the ability
accumulate moisture in leaf petioles, roots and tubers.

The waxy surface of its leaves reflects the sun’s rays well.
thereby reducing the evaporation of moisture.

It helps him survive the drought period.

Thanks to these features Zamiokulkas cultivation and care
him at home is pretty simple.


Zamioculkas – home care: reproduction, planting,

At home, a dollar tree is propagated by dividing the bush
and cuttings.

Черенкование лучше всего проводить в период
active growing season – in spring and summer. In this case, the mother bush
must be healthy. Poorly rooted cuttings purchased from
stores of plants treated with growth stimulants and
flowering Such copies can be used after a year of residence.
in your house. As a cutting take a single leaf or a whole
leaf with rachis (main axis of leaf, scape – its often wrong
called the stem). Root can be in water or in a mixture of peat and
sand (3: 1), which can be replaced by perlite or vermiculite. If a
for planting use a universal ground, then it should be
pre-sterilize (shed solution of potassium permanganate or
ignite in the oven at a temperature of + 200 ºС for 15-20 minutes) and
add baking powder to it (coarse sand, fine expanded clay,
perlite). From the selected plant with a sharp knife cut off the leaves with
scapes. The sections are dipped into root or heteroauxin. Pots
filled with prepared soil mixture with mandatory drainage from
small claydite.

Rooting leaf cuttings of zamiokulkas in

After planting the cuttings, they are watered with a solution of fungicide.
(for example, Maxim, Vitaros) and placed in a greenhouse or covered
transparent plastic bag. During the whole process
rooting (it takes 2 to 6 months) the temperature should
maintained at + 19 + 21 ° C. Periodically need to air
landing. After 60-70 days at the base, the leaflet will begin to develop.
tuber, which will reach its development only after six months. Not
it is worth being scared if by this time the leaf turns yellow – this
natural process. Escape will grow in about 12-14 months,
а новая пара листьев – спустя 1,5-2 года после landing.

Более простой вариант размножить замиокулькас
при пересадке поделить взрослый куст. Escape with
part of the tuber and the roots are separated with a sharp knife, sprinkle the cut
charcoal or sulfur powder. In pots with prepared
ground and drainage planted escape and watered with fungicide. Through
1-2 months will begin to grow new roots.


A dollar tree is a slow-growing plant: per year
1-3 new leaves grow. Young plants are transplanted annually.
in the spring. With age, as the bush grows, transplanting is done 1
once in 2-4 years. If a делать это реже, то таким образом можно
regulate plant growth. New pot for transplanting need to take
not much more old, otherwise the development of the root system will be
more intense than the ground part. Drainage (expanded clay, gravel,
broken into pieces of foam, broken clay shards, etc.)
should take up a quarter of the pot. Soil for landing prepare
from peat and leaf or garden, forest land in equal proportions,
add to it a mixture of leavening agents (sand, perlite or vermiculite,
fine expanded clay) – 1/3 of the total substrate. Roots before
by planting it is cleared of old earth, the transplanted plant is placed
in the pot, straighten the root system, covered with earth and

Zamioculkas – home care: temperature,
lighting, soil

Air temperature and humidity

The optimum temperature for growing Zamiokulkas is
range from +20 to + 28ºС in the summer and + 16-18ºС in the winter. Plant can
calmly carry and heat above + 30 ºС. It is important to remember: while reducing
air temperature (especially in winter) reduces the amount of watering. AT
summertime the plant will feel good in the open
balcony or terrace. ATлажность воздуха не оказывает большого
effects on the dollar tree. In the summer it can be rarely sprayed and
wipe leaves from dust with a wet sponge or cloth. After such
procedures (especially when using unfiltered water), and
also after the application of foliar applications, the use of chemicals
against pests on the leaves may be whitish spots. To
return a presentable look to the plant, it is sprayed with polishes
(for example, Perfect Plant). Experienced growers advise: if not
the desire to use chemicals is easy to do
�“Homemade” polish: mix in proportions 1: 1 egg yolk (instead of
you can take it milk) and water, wipe this composition leaves.
Glitter will be provided.


AT силу своей неприхотливости замиокулькас может расти при любом
lighting. However, in the shade it will develop poorly, its leaves
will be drawn out. Best for this plant fit windows
western and eastern direction. If a долларовое дерево стоит на
in the southern window-sill, then at noon, in order to avoid burns, it is lit up
from direct sunlight creating ambient lighting.

The soil

The dollar tree prefers well drained
moisture permeable soil with a neutral level of acidity (pH = 6).
For planting use a special substrate for cacti and
succulents or prepare it yourself. For this in
equal proportions mix peat, garden or garden land,
add loosening ingredients: coarse sand, fine
expanded clay, perlite or vermiculite. You can add to 1 liter volume
soil a handful of charcoal.

Zamioculkas – home care: watering, feeding


The main motto for watering zamiokulkas – not pour! Tuber and
the succulent roots of this plant have sufficient moisture reserves, which
uses as needed. The appearance of yellow spots on the leaves
indicates an excess of soil moisture. If a процесс не сильно
launched, then it is necessary to let the soil dry in a pot. With strong
oppression plants transplanted into a dry soil. AT
spring-summer period dollar tree is watered once a week,
and in the autumn-winter season – once a month with full drying
earthy coma. Wateringать долларовое дерево можно только отстоянной
during the day with water at room temperature. Novice flower growers
will help determine the duration of watering sound measuring soil moisture:
they show the moisture content not only in the topsoil, but
and throughout the depth of the earthy coma (for example, Raco, Rapitest). Through
10 minutes after watering, excess water flowing into the pan is drained.


Zamiokulkas are fed during the active growing season.
fertilizers for succulents and cacti 1 time in 3-4 weeks
(for example, Agricola, Health, Flower Paradise, Master,
GrowUp). Such preparations contain trace elements in chelate form,
vitamins, balanced for succulents NPK (with reduced
nitrogen concentration). Fertilizers can also be used for
foliage plants (Etisso series fertilizer line,
Pokon, Biomaster, Bona Forte, Good power, etc.), but in half
the dose indicated on the package. Top dressing bring on the next day
after watering to avoid burning the roots. September to March plant
no longer fertilize.


ATзрослые крупные кусты нуждаются в кольцевой опоре во избежание
piling up leaves and tearing them from the tuber.

The main problems in growing zamiokulkas at home

Due to their stamina and poisonous juice, Zamiokulkas are rarely
sick and affected by pests. The main damage to the plant is caused
improper care.

The leader among the main mistakes florist when growing
долларового дерева является избыточный полив. AT
combined with low air temperature, excess soil moisture
leads to decay of the roots and leaf stalks. If a такая
the situation happened, then the plant must be removed from the pot, remove all
rotted roots, powdered sections with activated charcoal and dried,
and then plant in new soil without watering.

Why does zamiokulkas not bloom? AT комнатных
conditions зацвести могут только взрослые (старше 5-7 лет) растения.
Their flower is homely and represents the ear with
a pale greenish veil on a short peduncle.

Темные полосы и пятна на черешках листьев (без
physical changes in plant tissue: rot, weeping) – this
dollar tree feature. But the appearance of such stains on
leaves are characterized by excessive watering, coupled with cold
drafts. AT этом случае необходимо отрегулировать поливной и
thermal regime.

Putrid stains on zamiokulkas leaf

Желтеющие листья могут быть следствием
natural aging process. If a при этом на растении растут
new young leaves, then everything is fine. AT иных случаях пожелтение
foliage indicates an error in care: abrupt change
air temperature, drafts, lack of moisture, defeat

При поражении паутинным клещом листочки
wrinkle, turn yellow and fall off. It is removed by washing with soap.
solution, water, tobacco infusion. If a эти меры не помогают,
the plant is sprayed with acaricides (Akarin, Sunmite, Apollo,

При появлении тли, трипсов, мучнистых червецов
use insecticides of contact or systemic action (Admiral,
Aktara, Biotlin, Konfidor Extra).

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