Yucca: care at home (photo).Reproduction, conditions of detention, problems in growing yuccahouses

Чт, 12 май 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Yukka, thanks to its exotic appearance, firmly occupied its
�”A place in the sun” not only in the gardens, but also in the indoor

For long spear-like leaves it is called “Spanish dagger”,
�”Adam’s needle.”

About 40 species of yucca are known.

In room conditions are most popular for growing:

юкка алоэлистная — древовидное растение, в
natural conditions reaching 4-6 m in height. Hard leaves
sharply serrated along the edges, up to 45 cm long, have dark green
coloring with a gray raid;

юкка слоновая — в природе это ветвящееся
tree up to 8-10 m. Received its name for a thick trunk,
resembling the foot of an elephant. The leaves have a light green color and thorns.
on the ends, leathery to the touch. A feature of this type is
the direction of the leaves in the outlet: the lower ones are drooping and the upper ones
directed upwards.

These species have a pronounced trunk, topped with a “cap” of long
leaves. For such an appearance they are often called false palm.
Despite the subtropical origin, yuccas are unpretentious, their
довольно просто выращивать в housesшних условиях при соблюдении
simple content rules.


Юкка: уход в housesшних условиях – почва, освещение, температура
and humidity

The soil

The ground for growing yucca must be loose and water permeable,
because This plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture. It can be made from
equal volumes of turf land, humus, coarse sand (fraction
more than 3 mm) or perlite. It will not be superfluous to add pumice to it.
(slag), pebbles or crushed stone, charcoal (1: 1: 1). Acidity
Soil no strict requirements: yucca grow well in the pH range
5.6-7.5. If it is not possible to select components for the soil mixture,
you can buy ready-made soil for growing yucca, for example, from
series Seliger-Agro, Gardens of Babylon, Bioud, Flower Paradise, Dream
botany and others


For a good development, yucca needs bright lighting, especially
young plants. However, to avoid leaf burns, it is necessary
pritenyat in the midday hours from direct sunlight. Optimal
will be placed on the windows of the western or eastern direction. AT
winter period to achieve the required 16-hour daylight
You can use an additional illumination with phytolamps
Sveta. In the summer, yucca can be brought to the open air, ensuring
diffused light and protecting from precipitation.

Температура and humidity

AT теплый период года оптимальной температурой воздуха для
Yucca content will be + 20-25 ° C. If the plant is on the south
side, it can overheat. AT этом случае его необходимо
transfer to the shade so that it is cold, and then spray it with water.
In autumn and winter, the yucca must be provided + 8-12оС. At higher
the temperature and lack of lighting shoots her strongly
drawn out, the leaves shrink, brighten and sag.

Some species of yucca need warm water spraying,
which is carried out before sunrise or after sunset. AT противном
Sunburns may occur on the leaves. For promotion
air humidity the pot can be put in a wet container
expanded clay, gravel, moss.

Юкка: уход в housesшних условиях — размножение, пересадка


AT housesшних условиях юкку размножают семенами и вегетативно.

Из семян вырастить «испанский кинжал» намного
easier than getting these seeds: firstly, with room maintenance
false palm blooms very rarely, and secondly, it does not tie
fruits (except yucca aloelista) in the absence of its
symbiotic pollinator – yucca moth. Yucca seeds possess pretty
long-term germination (from one month to one year), therefore, to speed up
this process they need to be calified – rub each seed
emery cloth. ATысевают семена в плошку со смесью из дерновой
earth and sand and placed in a greenhouse. You can keep the seeds in
wetted material (sponge, cotton pad, gauze, etc.) to
pecking. For seed germination must be maintained
air temperature is 18-24 ° C and periodically ventilated. Appearance
seedlings sprouting from seeds that are sown immediately into the ground, can stretch from
months to a year. After regrowing a couple of these leaves seedlings
dive into separate cups. Every year, young plants need

Easier and faster way to propagate yucca –
укоренение черенков. It is good to combine with
Planned pruning of overgrown plants, which is done before
active growing season. ATерхушку юкки срезают острым
disinfected with a knife, leaving a few lower leaves on
trunk (from their sinuses will subsequently grow new shoots). Slices
dried and treated with charcoal powder. Cut
�“Top” stalk rooted in water, adding to it
activated carbon to prevent the development of putrefactive
processes, or in soil mix. On the remaining trunk – “hemp”
lateral shoots will begin to grow from dormant buds. They can be thinned out or
оставить все для образования пышной «шапки» leaves.

Rooting apical stalk of yucca in the ground

Можно вырастить юкку из кусочков ствола. Their
can be bought at flower shops, cut yourself with
available plants. The sale of such cuttings is also common.
yuccas as a gift product in the southern resorts – live
�”Magnetic” as a memory of the rest. When buying such a landing
material should pay attention to its appearance: it should be
elastic and juicy, with no signs of drying out or wet rot, upper
and the lower ends must be marked (the upper end is “sealed”
waxing). Root such cuttings in the sand, vermiculite, peat mixtures
and sand. The lower end of the stick in the prepared substrate and put in
greenhouse. Rooting occurs at a temperature not lower than + 20 ° C
1-2 months.

If the purchased cutting has no end marking (it is not clear where
верх, а где низ), то в таком случае укоренение
проводят горизонтально. On moistened substrate
stack cuttings, lightly press down and place in a greenhouse or
covered with glass. When will appear on the upper side of the cuttings
sprouts with roots, trunks pulled out of the ground and divided into
pieces, each of which is planted in a separate pot.

Rooting of yucca with pieces of the trunk: 3 – vertically (with
presence of end markings), 4 – horizontally (if it is not clear where
upper and lower end)

Еще один способ размножить юкку — это воздушные
. This method can be used if
the plant dies from excessive watering. For this on the trunk,
departing from the crown at least 60 cm, cut off a strip of bark in the form
rings 5-15 mm wide. The wound should be wrapped with sphagnum, and on top
film, leaving a small hole in the upper part
further moss moistening. This harness is left on yucca
emergence and development of roots (3-4 weeks). Then rooted
the top of the plant is cut a couple of centimeters below the point of removal
bark, and, having processed a cut, planted in a pot.

Rooting by air layouts


Young plants need to be transplanted annually, and adults –
every 2-4 years. It is better to spend it in the spring. Healthy specimens
simply transfer (without destroying the earthy coma) to the new pot
with a drainage layer of 3-4 cm. This method allows to reduce
traumatizing the root system to a minimum and reduce adaptive
period. If yucca began to rot the roots, then they must be released
from the old primer, cut out the rotten pieces. After that the plant
transplanted into a fresh substrate and not fed during the month.
It is obligatory to transfer a yucca bought in a store (after 2
недельной адаптации на новом месте), because ground in
transport pot is not suitable for long-term cultivation

A new pot is picked up so that its diameter is
2-3 cm larger than the size of the old container.

Юкка: уход в housesшних условиях – подкормки и полив


The frequency of watering a false palm tree depends on factors such as
plant size, pot size and material, soil properties,
температура and humidity. AT теплый сезон юкку поливают
it is plentiful, at the same time the soil in a pot between waterings has to dry
at least 5 cm deep. ATажно не допускать застоя влаги в
soil, otherwise the root system will rot and the plant will die. In winter
strait cut.


ATносить подкормки начинают весной с периодичностью в 2-3 недели
and continue throughout the entire period of active growing season. Taking into account
того, что в housesшних условиях юкка цветет очень редко, то для нее
optimal use of fertilizers for leaf plants
or special for palm trees (Absolute, Pokon, Garden of Miracles, Biopon,
Health Turbo, Stimovit, Florovit). When foliar application
leaves from the bottom are sprayed with a solution of mineral

Why does yucca die?

Most often, yucca dies from improper care. Excess
soil moistening leads to rotting of the root system and the trunk:
leaves droop, softened and dark spots appear on the trunk,
exfoliate or swell bark. AT этом случае если остались
healthy areas, you can try to save the plant (rooting
crown or parts of the trunk).

Yucca can shed some leaves when transplanting or changing
conditions of detention. This is quite a normal plant reaction to
stress. If a massive leaf fall occurs,
be hypothermia or drafts.

Yellowing and leaf fall occurs as follows.

• natural aging process;

• waterlogging;

• hypothermia.

With a lack of lighting the leaves of yucca pale, wilted.

Browning of tips and edges of leaves indicates low humidity.
indoor air or sparse watering.

Frequent spraying, low temperature and high humidity
air, excess watering and nitrogen lead to the development of fungal and
bacterial diseases. Common ones are:

церкоспороз – характерно развитие на листьях
brown spots that increase over time;

коричневая пятнистость вызывается грибком
Coniothyrium concentricum. The main symptom of this disease
colorless small spots on old leaves. With
progression diseases stains turn yellow and then turn brown. AT центре
they develop the black mycelium of the fungus;

краевой некроз проявляется чаще всего на
old leaves of yucca. The edges of the leaf plates become yellow-brown,
subsequently these plots die off;

фузариозная гниль вызывается грибами рода
Fusarium. The leaves begin to rot at the base. Pathogen long
persists in soil, easily transmitted by contact;

бактериальной гнили подвержена нижняя часть
plants. The development of the disease is accompanied by putrid fish
the smell. The treatment does not respond, the affected Yucca will have to
throw away;

белая гниль провоцируется грибками
Sclerotium, which most often affects the lower leaves: they
become colorless and watery, with increased humidity on
they form white mold. The disease is acute when
low air temperature or during sudden drops and high

With подозрении на грибковое заболевание растение необходимо
обработать раствором фунгицида (Топаз, ATитарос, Фундазол, Ридомил
Gold, Previkur), the affected parts to remove. AT ряде случаев лечение
does not bring positive results and the plant with the ground
better to throw it away.

Из вредителей юкка поражается паутинными
, мучнистыми червецами,
щитовками. With их обнаружении растение надо обмыть
soap solution to wash off the parasites, and treat with suitable
инсектицидами (Акарин, ATермитек, Фитоверм).

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