Yemalia – what kind of berry? Special featurescultivation of trees, varieties and their description with photos

Вт, 13 сен 2016 Автор: Валентина Левада

As you can guess from the name, the spring is a hybrid of raspberry
and blackberries, which combine the properties of these berry

Some varieties of blackberry are dominated by signs of blackberry, while others
– raspberries.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders managed to get unpretentious
high-yield drought and frost-resistant crop.

An adult plant with long flexible stems and large,
brush-picked berries look more like a blackberry.

Compared with raspberries, hybrids produce good yields.


Common varieties of saplings

The first raspberry-blackberry hybrid bred in the USA in the 19th century
got the name “Blackberry Logan” by the name of the breeder. Since
Since then there have been many varieties with different properties. there is
varieties of spring trees with erect and creeping stems, with thorns
and without them, with berries that differ in shape, color and taste.

The ripening of the berries on the bush is uneven, fruiting can
stretch for a few weeks. From blackberry hybrids inherited
good yield, disease resistance and large,
compared with raspberries, berries. The berries of some varieties of spring trees in
length can reach 5 cm.


Early ripe very fruitful grade. Bushes with vigorous
creeping type of shoots dotted with small soft spines.
Delicious fragrant berries in length reach 4 cm. As they mature
they change color from red to red-violet. The main disadvantage
This variety are qualities inherited from blackberries – bad
separation of ripe berries from the stem and frequent thin spikes on

Yemalina Сорт Tyberry


The American variety with creeping shoots is of two types – with
spikes and without them. The average size of the berries – 5 cm, weight 10 g. Ripe
berries get cherry-brown color. They differ greatly
pronounced blackberry aroma, pleasant sweet taste with a slight


Plants of this variety have average creeping shoots.
lengths The berries are elongated red-purple with
sweet and sour taste ripen unevenly. Resistance to
заморозкам позволяет выращивать Loganberry в средней полосе


It is believed that the variety was developed by Michurin through the selection of seedlings
Loganberry. Creeping thorny shoots in length can reach 5 m.
The large elongated berries become dark crimson when ripe
Colour. Winter hardiness and yield varieties are good. Disadvantages
can be attributed to the long spikes on the shoots and poor separation


This variety has upright shoots, reaching a length of 3 m.
Due to its high frost resistance, it is suitable for areas with cold
climate. The berries are small in size red-purple with
pleasant sweet-sour taste. Productivity varieties high.

How to multiply saplings

There are several ways of breeding seedlings. Least of all
seed is used, because seedlings grown from seeds do not preserve
properties of parents. The following methods are more common.

• root cuttings;

• root suckers;

• green and lignified cuttings;

• apical and horizontal layouts.

For reproduction of seedlings with upright shoots are used
root cuttings. In the spring, the roots are dug out of the ground. The best thing
Root diameters of 7 mm are suitable. Planting material is cut into
cuttings 10-15 cm long and planted, laying horizontally in
prepared grooves.

Another simple and convenient way is rooting of annual shoots.
method of layering, used for varieties with creeping shoots.
The easiest way is to multiply the spring by apical layering. In the spring
one of the climbing shoots bends down to the ground, its tip
prikatyvaetsya in the soil. Out of the ground, the kidneys grow
roots and new shoots. After this, the young plant is separated from
maternal bush.

Reproduction by the method of horizontal otvodok is
next. Growing 30-35 cm shoots saplings bend to the ground
and placed in pre-prepared small ditches, after which
sprinkled with earth, watered regularly. In the autumn they snatch peat from above.
or sawdust. In the spring каждый побег даст 3-4 ростка. When they
grow by 10-15 cm, the layers are separated from the parent plant,
cut into pieces and transplanted to a permanent place.

The reproduction of the horizontal horizontal layers

Site selection and landing every week

Although culture and unpretentious, but still when choosing a place for
planting every spring need to pay attention not some nuances.
The plot should be sunny or only slightly shaded.
It is advisable to have protection from cold winds. Must not be
stagnant moisture in the soil. Yemalina prefers aerated,
fertile soil.

Planting seedlings can be made in spring or autumn. Dig out
pits 40 cm deep, a hill of earth is poured at the bottom, placed on it
seedling. Roots gently straighten, fall asleep hole with the top layer
land mixed with humus. Not recommended when planting to make
many organic fertilizers – they can cause intensive growth
shoots to the detriment of winter hardiness.

A seedling is planted at the same depth as it was before.
shortened to 25-35 cm, well watered, the ground beneath it is mulched
compost, humus or grass. When planting in the fall
shelter for the winter. Two years after planting begin
use organic fertilizers.

Yemalina is a tall plant requiring support. Culture
grown just like grapes – on the trellis. Every adult bush
occupies a lot of space, so seedlings are planted at a distance of each
at least 1 m from each other. If there are several rows, then the distance between
they should be 1.5-2 m.

Growing treasure trees on a trellis

Weekly care

On the trellis make several cross-beams of wire. On the bottom
wire in both directions from the center of the bush have young shoots.
This shaping will further facilitate the task of winter styling. On
the upper crossbars distribute fruit-bearing branches in the form of a fan.
When the whips reach a length of 2-2.5 m, you can pinch the tops.
In the fall, the branches that are cut off are cut out, and the young ones cover for
wintering In the southern areas of the winter, winter can winter without shelter.

In the middle lane, this culture must be covered to
avoid freezing of the kidneys. Before the onset of frost shoots
removed from the support and laid on the ground. Flexible, flexible lashes
easy to shape, so bending them down is a snap.
Top insulated with straw, leaves, spunbond or any other
covering material. You can not wrap too much
provoke the excretion of the kidneys.

In the spring при наступлении устойчивой плюсовой температуры 10°
shelter is removed, whip lifted and distributed on the trellis. The earth
under the bushes mulch. Does not require special care every spring – watering
as needed, garter growing shoots. Correct them
accommodation – the key to a good harvest. Under low light
young shoots drawn out and obscured fruiting. Quality and
the yield of berries decreases, plants are more susceptible to pests and

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