Wild birds at their summer cottage – how to attract forpest control and protect the crop

Wild birds at their summer cottage - how to attract for pest control and protect the crop

Big mistake to perceive the birds on the backyard
the site only as live “music boxes” and thieves
ripening fruits. In fact, they are the first helpers in the struggle.
with malicious insects. Just so that it is not spontaneous.
acts of support from their side, as well as simply, on ethical
reasons birds need support. Small and not difficult, but
really invaluable to them.

One of the first moments is worth noting that birds do not destroy
all the withers cleaned up (in the end, it is completely unprofitable for them
deprive yourself of the source of food), but reduce and keep them
the number in the range when they are harmless to the garden. After all, many
birds eat them a day as much as they weigh themselves.

And what birds are considered the most desirable

  • swifts;
  • swallows;
  • redstarts;
  • chaffinches;
  • wagtails;
  • sparrows;
  • tap dance;
  • goldsters
  • the Orioles;
  • oatmeal;
  • charges;
  • woodpeckers;
  • boiling eggs;
  • blood oranges;
  • warblers;
  • greenfinchs;
  • nuthatch;
  • rooks;
  • wrens;
  • Slav;
  • starlings;
  • robins;
  • flycatchers.

And the list goes on. And every birdie can
praise long. For example, a starling with offspring in just a couple of weeks
destroys several thousand may beetles.

And it is also noteworthy that, depending on the predominant
feeding places, many birds can be assigned to one of three

  1. Поверхность земли, заросли трав — овсянки,
    finches, wagtails (the last person likes to hunt also on
    shores of reservoirs).
  2. Кустарники — славки, крапивники, зорянки.
  3. Деревья — пеночки, щеглы, иволги.

And sparrows – ripen everywhere.

But even if the garden-garden is flooded with pests, the birds will not wish
dwell in it, not having appropriate conditions. And this is for many
species means the need to plant trees and shrubs,
serving them:

  1. A place for nesting.
  2. Natural shelter from enemies.
  3. The source of additional power.

These plants, in particular, include:

  • barberry;
  • dog rose;
  • hawthorn;
  • honeysuckle;
  • blackthorn.

Quite a nice list, useful and for decorative
registration of the site. The main thing is to pick well-fruiting varieties.
Плюс, опять же — для подкормки, многим птицам понравятся
such landings:

  • black chokeberry;
  • wild grapes;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • pyracant;
  • privet;
  • Irga;
  • Rowan;
  • decorative apple tree;
  • elder.

Many birds taste for herbs, tall thickets. But
they do not need to run a garden for the sake of, but, let’s say, something
like the Moorish lush lawn will please both them and
person And by the way – if weeds were missed somewhere in the garden – many
birds are not averse to taste their seeds, which also contributes
biological natural protection of the site.

Despite the presence of insects and fertilizing with growing
plants, most birds would like to taste something else. AND
заметим сразу — недопустимо подкармливать их хлебом,
остатками со своего стола
. Guided by the materials on
species biology, you can make balanced feed from the fruit
a number of plants or to look for such top dressing in large

Naturally, if your backyard plot is visited by a person in winter,
feeding, all the more will not be superfluous (for example, tits, we recall
simple fact, adore unsalted lard with meat). Plus, will be good at
calorie cold, oily seeds (for example, rapeseed, flax seeds,
sunflower, pumpkin, millet, oats).

It is also necessary to place the drinkers and clean in a timely manner,
re-fill them. AND это должна быть чистая вода. No way
The case is not mineral, not carbonated. Often drinkers have the form
the shallow capacities serving as feathery also bathing grounds.

They should be fairly numerous and evenly distributed.
in the garden. And sometimes, by the way, drinkers are also an element of decor
landscape design. AND важно, чтобы их конструкция не оставляла
birds have a chance to drown. If there are people in the country and in winter – drinkers
needed again, even less. Experts say that winter thirst
birds, the problem is no less formidable than hunger.

As for the harvest section, then justly, you cannot be greedy.
and still the little birds will get him a little. Another thing is that
occupied by the basic ration of insects and having in their
Available also planted for them plants and feeding from hands
human, garden birds, for the most part, will not bring

And for guarantees and protection of especially valuable (tasty for birds) landings
(for example, vineyard, strawberry beds, cherry trees)
special grids.

But при сборе урожая, хорошим тоном и добрым, великодушным
act, will leave a little bit of it and for the treats feathered
support groups.

Very important and the theme of safety and comfort of birds. She can
reduce to such moments:

  1. On plants where they feed, use is unacceptable.
    химических пестицидов
    и подобного, а также некоторых
    �”Aggressive” folk recipes (for example, garlic solution, soap,
  2. In the garden they should not be threatened by predators. So that
    if there is a cat, it should live on the veranda (closing around the perimeter
    net, you can provide a lot of sun and fresh breeze, air) and
    walk on harness or under supervision, but not allowed
    to hunt all day. Birds, by the way, in general then can leave
    dangerous place. But иногда везет и кошка, в принципе, по поведению
    her, not a hunter.
  3. Collected bird houses should not have
    , через которые мог бы проникать сквозняк/дождь, они
    must have a suitable construction so that they cannot
    climb some predatory birds (for example, magpies) after the chicks,
    and so that they can comfortably visit / leave adult birds and
    their younger generation.
  4. Strongly disturbed and ultimately expelled.
    такие события, как часто звучащая очень громкая
    music, smoke from hookahs / fires, fireworks.

AND наконец, невозможно говоря о полезных птицах на приусадебном
plot, bypassing the fact that they are his living decoration,
how simple it is when they flash here and there, and then when
they begin to sing, each in its own way, in its own time.

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