Why young raspberries fade: diseases and pestsraspberries. Raspberry shoots fade: how to deal with the problem

Вт, 12 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Get a good harvest with raspberries can only be provided
proper cultivation and care.

Raspberry is a fairly undemanding plant, but without due
care is often attacked by pests and diseases that
significantly reduce the yield and winter hardiness of the shrub.

Many gardeners often witness the withering of young raspberry shoots,
who developed well yesterday. What is the reason and how to fight
with withering shoots on raspberries?


Why wither shoots of young raspberries

Often the withering of young branches says that the shrub
affected by pests. As a rule, the tops of young shoots
stop developing and wither when they are infected with fungal
diseases and pests:

• a crimson fly;

• glitz;

• purple blotch.

Often to save the bush will help only pruning wilted escape. On
the plant should not have a single hole and larva. Strong and
healthy bushes can quickly recover and grow young
shoots, which ripen harvest.

The use of chemicals is justified when pests
hit more than 50% of landings.

How to deal with raspberry stem fly

Recognize the pest on raspberries can be as a bush.
The tops of the stalks wither, the leaves turn black and die.

To combat this pest, you need to understand how it
develops. The fly winters in the soil, and in mid-May comes out on
surface and begins to lay the larvae in the apical sinuses
листьев raspberries. The larvae of the stem fly gnaw out the course in the young
escape, which causes its withering and further death.

At the first signs of wilting young shoots must necessarily
cut off the affected areas to healthy tissue. All trimmed parts
branches burned, the soil under the shrub loosened and treated
nitrophene solution. For prevention in the fight against crimson fly,
with the appearance of buds, spend spraying the bush

It is possible to avoid infection of raspberry leaf fly
caring for plantings.

• On зиму все листья и мусор должны обязательно
get out of the bushes. The soil should be loosened and processed.
It is important to remember that pests and hazards hibernate under the remains of leaves.
bacteria that begin to actively proliferate in spring. Leading in
landing procedure for winter gardener reduces the risk of disease and increases
plant immunity.

• Весенняя уборка участка не менее важна, чем
winter After winter, all the accumulated trash needs to be removed, once again.
loosen the ground and feed landing. Proper nutrition
shrubs – the key to a good harvest. Healthy plants resist
any disease.

Galitsa on raspberry

Inexperienced gardeners complain that young raspberries are withering
together with flowers and berries. In the middle of summer to such a problem
leads gallitsa. Detect the pest can be a careful inspection
shrub in early spring and autumn. When there are no leaves on a raspberry,
on the branches are clearly visible thickening – the Gauls, which are
the larvae. The pest is settling on the lower part of the plant, closer to
to the root.

Affected shoots weaken the bush, reduce its winter hardiness. Behind
one season may develop several generations of gall midges that
form all new swellings on raspberries. The process continues until
first frost. Pests overwinter in soil to a depth of 30

How to deal with gallfly

To fight pests spend spring pruning raspberries,
sanitary cleaning: cut out all damaged shoots, thin out
bush. Gauls love to settle on those bushes that are amazed
fungal diseases. Therefore, the main struggle must be waged with
raspberry fungus. In order to prevent fungal diseases
spend spraying landings Bordeaux liquid before blooming
the kidneys.

The spread of the fungus is prevented by summer pruning
ветвей raspberries. Initially, cut off the sprouts in the early
сортах, затем на средних, а осенью на поздних видах raspberries.

After this pruning, spray the preparations with
copper content. Repair grades sprayed before the first
flower brush. It is necessary to carry out the treatment in the evening, when there is no

In the fight against gall midges it is necessary to conduct a daily inspection of the landings and
cut shoots with galls in the initial stage. Spring shoots above
bulges do not develop and fade. In this case, the top of the branch
cut 1-2 cm below the lesion.

For successful struggle with gall midges, folk preparations are used,
that scare away the pest. For this purpose, use infusions
mullein, walnut leaf, wormwood and nettle. Between the bushes
raspberries can be planted with garlic and perennial onions. Behindпах этих растений
I do not like gallitsa. Spraying the infusion of herbs you need in
evening time, because mosquitoes gall midges fly at night.

Raspberry purple spot

Dangerous and widespread disease – purple
spotting – leads to the death of 50% of landings. Causative agent
is a mushroom that penetrates the plant and weakens it.
The resulting shrubs are attacked gall midges.

A purple spot appears in mid-summer. Raspberry stalks
are affected by blurry spots that crawl all over
plant: withering raspberry shoots, scapes and leaves die off, fruits
dry out. Shrub dies until the fruit ripens.

If time does not take measures to combat the disease, by the fall
many fungal spores are formed, which are transferred to healthy
plants. Spores of fungus overwinter on damaged stems. In conditions
warm winters continue to develop and hit new shoots.

How to deal with the disease

To successfully combat the disease you need to use preventive
measures. This is the way to prevent the spread of the disease.

• The affected shoots cut out at the root, not sparing

• In the summer, thinning is performed; thickening provokes
spread of fungus.

• Проводить правильную посадку shrub. Landing site
seedlings should not be located in the lowlands and near water.

• Comply with the irrigation regime, not over-wetting the soil.

• Remove weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil around the bush.

• Use resistant raspberries and healthy varieties for planting.

Protecting raspberries from purple spot damage will help
spring pruning. When forming a bush, otbrodlivshie cut out
branches, as well as young weak shoots that do not bring

Important! All cut shoots required
burned. Fungal spores can germinate over several
years old.

If these measures are not enough, then to combat the disease
used chemicals:

• Azofos 50%. On 10 литров воды используют 80 грамм

• Bordeaux mixture 1%. On 10 литров воды берут по 100 грамм
lime and blue vitriol.

• Nitrofen solution. 300 grams are diluted in 10 liters of water

• 1% ready DNOC solution.

Treatment with drugs is carried out before flowering, as well as immediately
после сбора harvest.

Verticillary wilting of young shoots

Грибковое заболевание raspberries, которое распространяется на кору,
побеги и корневища plants. Recognizing the affected bush is simple:
young pour and shoots turn yellow, tops wither. Raspberry stalks
slow down their growth and die off.

The treatment of the disease can not be. Fungus damaged plants
need to remove along with the rhizome and burn. To prevent
the disease will help healthy planting material, loosening

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