Why the pear does not bear fruit? What is the reason and whatdo if the pear doesn’t bloom or drops the flowers

ATт, 13 сен 2016 Автор: ATалентина Левада

From gardeners you can often hear lamenting: pear tree
grew large, but still does not give fruit.

Tired of waiting for the result, some of them decide
cut down an unproductive tree so that it does not occupy a useful

Before doing so drastically, you should understand
why pear does not bear fruit, find the reasons and on the basis of this
decide what to do.

The reasons may be many and in each case you need
to understand. The yield is affected by the pear variety, the landing site,
soil composition, climatic factors and much more. In some cases
pear blooms, but does not bear fruit, in others does not release at all
buds. Often at the planting stage, gardeners make mistakes.


Made a mistake when choosing seedlings – and pear not
bears fruit

If the seedling is not bought in the nursery, but from the hands, it can be
seedling wild, from which it is not necessary to wait for fruiting. AT
untested outlets can sell and Far Eastern varieties
pears that bear fruit for 15-20 years. There are varieties that
bloom late in 10-12 years. AT то же время многие
zoned varieties give the first fruits already for 3-4 year. AT средней
southern varieties do not bear fruit on the strip, although they lay floral
the kidneys. Flowers and a young ovary here perish at spring
frost, as the pear blooms early.

If pear is many years old, it develops well, but does not bloom –
it makes sense to re-inoculate, otherwise it will take a long time to wait for the fruit.
You can graft in any way. AT итоге получается ветвь, которая
быстро начинает bears fruitь и давать обильный урожай. But after 5-6
years her life will end, therefore, an annual sub-implant is needed to
the cycle went on continuously.

Несколько причин, почему pearsа не bears fruit

Иногда причина того, что pearsа не bears fruit, очень проста — ей
not enough lighting. Pears are light-loving trees, so for them
select well-lit areas. With a lack of light tree
feels depressed and lags behind in development. Built tall
a fence, tall trees located nearby, prevent pear growth
and its bloom. Even if it is illuminated from the south side, this
not enough. It is necessary to remove the barrier from the other side, and the pear can
bloom next year.

It is advisable to plant two trees of different varieties at a distance of 3.5-4
m apart. It is known that the pear belongs to the self-infertile
trees, that is, when pollination of flowers of one tree or two
trees of one species ovary is not formed. If pears grow on
neighboring site, they can serve as pollinators.

Of great importance is the composition of the soil. On fertile soils pear
It develops well and is pleased with a bountiful harvest. AT то же время слишком
fertilized and saturated with mineral fertilizers
не подходит — pearsа жирует, но не bears fruit. She annually gives
strong gain. What to do in this case? Stop making
fertilizer. Increased soil acidity also lowers

Overmoistened soils are poorly suited for pears. On the marsh
lands the roots of the tree get wet, the food is broken, the plant does not have
forces on education ovary. Experienced gardeners even on sites with
close to groundwater, they manage to grow pear
trees and getting harvests. ATесь секрет заключается в прививке. AT
As a stock for a pear, they take rowan ordinary, in which
root system is shallow. For graft choose varieties
pears compatible with rowan.

Improper planting causes the pear not to
bears fruit

As with any tree, pear growth and fruiting are affected
depth of landing. It is bad if the root neck is buried or
on the contrary, be too high above ground level. Under root
neck imply conditional place of transition from the root system to
the trunk. It is 2-4 cm higher than the first large separation.
lateral root. When properly seated, the upper level of the ground should
coincide with the level of the root collar (photo).

Proper pear planting

If the seedling is too deep, oxygen will be poorly supplied to
the roots, and in the wetlands the tree may simply die.
If a young tree has a neck that is too deep in the ground,
the situation can be corrected by gently lifting the sapling at the stem
and pouring soil between the roots. Have a long time ago planted a tree
shoveling from the trunk, thus opening the root neck. With
high planting roots dry up. AT таком случае надо хорошо окучить
tree to keep out the frost.

Improper care is one of the causes of poor fruiting.

Каждое культурное растение требует к себе внимания, и pearsа не
an exception. This tree is not frost-resistant, the roots may freeze,
when the frost came, and the ground is not covered with snow. To protect
the roots are freezing, the soil under the crown can be covered with a layer of mulch
or covering material. Еще одна возможная причина, почему pearsа
не bears fruit — холодные сильные ветра. If the plot is fenced off
high fence, the wind is not poses threats to the thermophilic

Pest control is the key to a good harvest. Greatest harm
pearsе приносит pearsевая медяница или листоблошка (a photo).

Pear Copper

This insect begins its harmful activity when
the buds have not yet dissolved. With первых оттепелях просыпаются
adults crawl on a tree and suck the juice from the kidneys. ATред
bring and microscopic fungi, developing on excrement
medyanitsy. Они образуют черный налет на листьях и плодах pearsи.
The fight against the honeymaker is sprinkling the trees with chlorophos,
karbofosy during deployment of the kidneys.

Trimming and bending branches

A pear, like any fruit tree, requires proper pruning and
thinning. The annual increase thickens the crown, which leads to
shallowing fruit and lower yields. Except pruning great
results gives the bending of the branches. У многих сортов pears ветви
pointing up at a sharp angle. To better tie
fruit buds, branches should depart from the trunk at an angle of 50-60 °.
If the angle is close to direct, in the lower part of the branch will begin to grow.

Bending skeletal branches with pegs

Bend the branches in different ways. You can score pegs in the ground
on the perimeter of the crown of the tree and pull off the branches with ropes
(a photo). It is desirable to place a branch in the place of contact with a rope.
rubber gasket so that the rope does not injure her. One more
the method of bending the branches – binding to them weights. In order not to break,
do not immediately bend back the branches. Over time, you can delay
lower them, increasing the load or winding the rope on a peg.

Bending the branches, as well as driving nails into the trunk before
the first lower branch, speeds up fruiting time. Shock therapy
leads to the fact that the tree lays flower buds and gives
fruit. AT нем просыпается инстинкт выживания и продолжения рода.
Многие pearsевые деревья высокорослые, поэтому имеет смысл сделать
them lower ATместо обрезки наклоняют центральный ствол молодого
tree, driven into the ground peg and fixed with a rope.
Такое дерево намного раньше начинает bears fruitь.

In addition to tilting the branches, you can speed up fruiting by nipping
points of growth of shoots in late July – early August. Such reception
weakens the growth of shoots and contributes to the laying of floral
the kidneys.

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