Why not greet through the threshold? trueDoes the church deny this omen?

Why not greet through the threshold? true Does the church deny this omen?

Proverbs, sayings, omens and beliefs came to us
their deep antiquity. They were based on the experience of ancestors
and passed from mouth to mouth, with temporary changes of narrators.
The goal was to convey to the descendants a warning about possible
changes. For example, we all know that they do not say hello through the threshold,
but why?


Why did the Slavs consider the holy place a threshold?

Our ancestors – the ancient Slavs considered the threshold as a talisman
between two worlds. By the way, few know that they buried under the threshold
the first owner of the house, that is, the person who built it,
put strength and soul into it. It is his spirit that protects the home and
tenants. Therefore, not only Slavs, but many other nations,
hello, do not convey anything and do not talk through it,
believing that this can offend the owner.

By the way: never pour salt on the threshold, you are not only
you will scare away the troubles from yourself, but all good things, including
financial well-being.

In order for the ritual to work at 100% or at least 50%, you need
know a special whisper or spell.

Your dwelling is your own world, beyond the threshold is another world.
In order to avoid the exchange of energies, one should not shake hands in
this place. By exploring other customs or omens of the Slavs, you can learn
a lot of things for us incomprehensible and forgotten.

  • The groom brought the bride into the house in his arms and allowed him to stand up
    only in the center of the house, thus presenting it to the house and
    asking permission to reside.
  • The customs to call the parents of the husband mom and dad, and the daughter in law
    daughter, brothers and sister-in-law – sister, alive to this day. BUT
    after all, this is nothing but a demonstration of the recognition of a new resident’s home
    Look now it’s ours.
  • Families were mostly large. Going to war, youngest son
    almost always had to stay home in case of death
    brothers, he was obliged to take their women to him in the chamber, and
    cares about them. Today, knowing this custom, many believe that they
    became his wives in the modern concept, hence many
    they say that the ancient Slavs were polygamous. But it is not
    the brothers’ wives were sisters for him by law, therefore the bond
    between them was banned. BUT слово «жена» – сокращено от

Another reason not to greet the threshold

There is another reason to refuse to talk and shake hands.
over the threshold.

In magic and witchcraft, the threshold is considered practically
an ideal place for lining and other magic

In other words, it can be used to harm
owners and bring health and wealth to the family.

Therefore, sometimes it is simply dangerous to even attack him.

What to do if the handshake is realized through the threshold

But still, if you knocked, the door opened, guest
I gave you my hand, without entering the house – in response, you stretch your
say hello but without unclasping handshakes drag it over the threshold
and only then relax your hand.

The fact is that on the palms there is a point that
radiates energy.

Greeting palms, people exchange their energy, if
it happens in the house, in your territory, the guarantee of causing
harm to you is unlikely.

How our ancestors greeted

This is one of the reasons why it was accepted in Ancient Russia
make handshakes with your wrists. The result was a triple system.

  1. Taking a man by the wrist, a pulse is sensed, according to which
    You can learn the sincerity of the intentions of the incoming.
  2. Greeting, thus, connected embroidery cuffs
    shirts, they were determined by what kind or tribe man than he
  3. Checks if the incoming armrest knife is for

According to some sources, the palm of the handshake was borrowed
Jews have the wrong information, as they greeted
nod your head. BUT вот обычай целоваться во время праздников,
really came to christians from them. No country in the world
there is no such thing for mutual triple kisses to occur
among strangers, between men and women.

Interesting: the ancient Slavs never asked their
gods of magic or witchcraft. They prayed only for help in matters
appealing to a certain god.

For example, the brownie asked for peace and tranquility in the house.
His favorite habitat is a stove, a corner with a broom and a threshold,
always kept clean and tidy.

Kissing someone, we give a part of our soul, mutual
a kiss is an energy exchange on a spiritual level.

In Russia, especially in the 17-18 centuries, it was decided to kiss
three times not only on holidays, but also at a meeting. Foreigners are not
could understand what that means. It seems to be a feud, people
disunited, but how the raid is made, everyone unites and gives a friendly
repulse the enemy. BUT дело было как раз в русской душе, которая была и
there is one for all.

And the church denies omen

The answer was found in the Bible (1 book of kingdoms; 5 chapter; from verses 1-6).
I will not quote, it says here that the Philistines fought with
Israel and won, the reason was recognized as discharge in
a certain period of it is from God. Therefore, God allowed victory
the Philistines. Thus, Israel lost the most valuable thing
– The Ark of the Lord. The ark was brought into the Dogon temple and presented
before him. The next morning, Dogon was found dead,
lying face to the ground, cut off head and hands lay on
the threshold.

This was the reason not to step and not stop at the threshold.
To the priestesses and to all who enter the temple. The one who violates the ritual is not
counts with Dogon and steps over his head. Observe this
tradition means bow down to idol. For this reason, most likely
церковь отрицает данную will take и считает ее ересью.

Denials and evidence of various signs can
find plenty. Some of us do not honor them, and many
honor and believe.

After all, who knows, maybe today’s reality is
in the form of the phrase “do not stick your fingers in the socket, will hit with a current”, through
several centuries will be perceived only by luck and signify
something we do not understand, but close to our descendants.

In any case, for sure, it will sound like
a warning.

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