Why dried currants, what is the reason? howsave the bush and what to do if the currant dries out before our eyes

Вс, 12 июн 2016 Автор: Анна Карпова

Often, gardeners who come to their beloved cottage find
that the currant was still pleasing to the eye with the young verdure of the leaves,
dried up.

And if the reason is not in a banal drought, the plant needs help.

No dacha from the southern
areas to the Far East and Siberia.

Good winter hardiness and variety of varieties brought currants
deserved love gardeners. Her berries are not only tasty, but also
are the real treasure of vitamin “C” – the primary remedy in
anti-avitaminosis in winter. Excellent harvest of large fragrant berries
– this is the cherished goal of summer residents. But how to be if pleased young
greens last weekend bush started to dry? Why did this happen
And now what i can do?


Currant withered: why?

The reasons why the currant dries can be divided into three
categories: natural influences, pests and plant diseases.

• The natural period includes the dry period when the plant
is under the scorching sun without watering. To the death of the bush can
lead an incorrectly chosen bush landing site when in the period
prolonged rain its roots, without quality drainage are
flooded and affected by rot.

• Insects – parasites, because of which the currant dries it:
common aphid, red gall aphid, currant glass, ants,
moth butterfly, arachnoid and currant bud mite,

• Diseases of a plant are diseases of the bush that are often
the consequence of the invasion of insects and parasites. The most common
– striped or streaky mosaic, fungal disease
anthracnose, chalcosporus, American or European mealy
dew, glass and columnar rust.

Currant withered: what to do – weather reasons

If the summer was hot and arid, not only vegetables
need watering. Shrubs suffer from the heat no less. Produce
watering currants like other shrubs is better in the evening when
the scorching sun begins to descend. Strongly not suitable for
For this purpose, water taken from a well or well, since it is too
cold and can harm the roots of plants suffering from heat.
This water is best allowed to stand in the sun so that it warms up.
Watering currants must be plentiful, pour at least one and a half
buckets under one bush, especially during the ripening of berries.

In the event that the currant dries from the fact that all summer go
rains, actions must be exactly the opposite. Under the bush
it is necessary to pour the earth, and around the bush, at least
60 centimeters to dig drainage grooves, which will remove the excess
water from the roots of the plant. It must be remembered that currants –
moisture-loving plant, and at the end of the lingering rains the grooves
should fall asleep.

Currants withered: what to do – pests and diseases

If the reason that the currant dries are insects
or disease, it is urgent to take action, otherwise the bush may

Most often currants are attacked by aphid and its “owners” –
муравьи, которые разводят этих насекомых для
own needs. You must carefully inspect the land around.
bush, and if an anthill is found nearby, it will have to
�”Move” away from the currants. This can be done with
shovels, simply removing land with a small amount of land
part of the anthill and move it away. Underground part
it is necessary to fill with water – then the ants will leave.

В качестве превентивных мер от нашествий тли
you can spend pollination or spraying the bush with ash or ash
solution – a glass of ash in a bucket of water. In addition, aphids have and
natural enemy – ladybug, so if you can
�”Agree” with her, planting grass near the bush.
Tansy, dill, chamomile or basil will do; aphids will be exterminated in
flow of several days.

Еще один враг смородины — клещи. Pliers on
bushes parasitize two types: currant bud and spider.
The first is dangerous because it destroys the currant buds, which is why
its yield drops sharply. The second is ruining the leaves. Learn him
�“Work” is easy – white dots appear on the leaves;
over time it grows and completely covers the sheet, in consequence of which
it dries out. In addition, ticks are carriers
diseases that currant can suffer for a long time.
Sulfur solutions will help fight both types of ticks,
such as colloidal sulfur, karbofos and phosphamide.

A parasite that often infects currants –
ржавчина — бывает двух видов. Columnar rust,
looking like small dots on the leaves, orange. She is,
usually falls on currants from conifers. Goblet
rust is transferred to the bushes with sedge growing nearby, looks like
she is like an orange warts. From both species of this parasite
spraying of bushes with phytosporin helps, and if it does not help,
go to a more serious drug – 1% Bordeaux liquid. For
Successful rust control requires four sprays with
10 days break.

Антракноз смородины проявляется обычно в
midsummer. Learn him можно по красно-бурым пятнам на листьях
about 1 mm in size. If you do not take action, spots increase in
sizes and cover the whole leaf, which dries and dies.
The causative agent of anthracnose is a fungus, whose spores overwinter in the fallen
leaves under a bush. That is why it is so important to remove foliage in spring.
from under a bush in the spring, and burn it. Treatment of this fungal
diseases are carried out by spraying a bush with fungicides.

From the majority of diseases, parasites and pests will help spring
treatment of currant bushes and the soil under them two percent
nitrophene solution or karbofos. During the summer as
Prevention can be sprayed currants with foundationol. Spring will not
remove the last year’s leaves from under a bush, in which
pest larvae often winter.

Currants withered: what to do – if the reasons are not
are set

If you can not determine the reason for drying currants, have
move on to pruning. You need to start with the affected branches,
necessarily burning them to prevent infection. Knowledge
the age of the bush will help determine its viability, perhaps
he has already grown old and will not succeed in “rejuvenating” him by pruning. In that
In the case of a bush, it is best to root out, and in its place, previously
disinfect the soil and make the necessary fertilizers, plant

To ensure that the currant does not dry out and does not hurt,
not difficult. The correct place for planting bushes, which will not be
water stagnation, watering during periods of drought, springtime fallen leaves
from under the bushes, timely spraying preparations and pollination
currant ash will lead to the fact that at the end of the summer currant
will delight gardeners and gardeners with ripe tassels of large berries on
envy all neighbors.

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