Why does the black currant crumble? What to do,if currant berries fall immature – urgent rescueharvest!

Вт, 19 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Growing currants at the dacha, gardener is faced with
many problems and one of them – dropping berries.

Why berries currant crumble and how to deal with it?


Currant berries fall off: a problem in the care

Understand the reasons why the yield of currants decreases and
the bush sheds the ovary, it is not difficult. Often to the problem
leads to lack of care for the plant.

1. The presence of old shoots reduces

The reason why currant berries fall is in the age of
shrub. Young, newly planted seedlings shed
almost all the ovary. The plant does not have enough strength to give
full harvest.

An adult shrub, on the contrary, sheds ovaries from those branches,
who have exhausted all resources. Such shoots must be removed.

Important! Currants need pruning, during
the time of which the bush is rejuvenated and thinned out.

Conducting pruning, all the old branches cut, they replaced
grow new strong shoots that will give a good harvest.

2. Delayed watering leads to loss

Very often the gardener forgets to water the shrub. Untimely
watering is another reason why berries are showered

During the period of the formation of berries, the plant needs watering. Dry
and hot weather, the frequency of watering should be increased. Experienced
gardeners advise watering currants in several

• once during the formation of the berries;

• twice during fruit ripening.

Water currants need to be so that the water penetrates to the depth
bedding roots.

3. Wrong landing site

By choosing a place for planting currants need to be approached
responsibly. Currants will not be able to grow and fully fruit in
the shadows. In such conditions, growing berries currant will crumble.
For planting seedlings better to choose a well-lit place.

4. Poor pollination often leads to the fall of berries.

Currant needs cross pollination. One or more
bushes of one variety will not fully bear fruit. Pollination will
partial, the berries will start to fall off.

For full development on the site you need to grow a few
varieties of currants with different ripening berries that can
fully perepylitsya.

Important! If the neighbors grow currants,
Feel free to have a landing nearby. For good pollination
The distance between plants can be up to 20 meters.

Currants showered due to disease

If all growing conditions are met, and the harvest is not
увеличивается, стоит обратить внимание на болезни currants.

Most often, black currant is affected by powdery mildew – this is
fungal disease, which appears in May – June. Signs of
disease can be seen with the naked eye: the lower part of the currant leaf
covered with white bloom. When the disease progresses, the fungus
moves to the shoots and green fruits that do not have time to ripen
and fall off. Overwintering pathogen on young shoots and leaves,
who have not fallen.

Getting rid of the disease will help the burning of all damaged
branches. The bush is sprayed with antifungal drugs. Good
established the following composition: 20 grams of copper sulfate,
laundry soap, 10 liters of water. All mix and regularly
sprinkle currants.

As a preventive measure, soil loosening, timely
trimming the bush, spring spraying with copper preparations.

What to do, если опадают ягоды красной currants?

As a rule, red currant is showered due to fungus, which
winters in fallen leaves. A disease of red currant is called –
rust rustled. The disease progresses in the spring when disputes
fungus spread to shoots, pour and ovary. Fruits fall off and
yield is decreasing.

Infection can be avoided by removing weeds under the bushes in time.
In the autumn they carry out sanitary pruning, remove all fallen leaves and

In the spring, red currant bush is treated with 3% solution
Bordeaux mixture. During flowering processing must be repeated,
but used for this 1% solution of the mixture.

Bordeaux mixture can be prepared from 300 grams of copper sulphate and
600 grams of lime. Substances dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Currant Pests

Fruits and ovaries of currant fall off due to defeat
shrub pests. If a plant grows in one place for a long time,
then with age it becomes vulnerable and attacked

• Крыжовенная огневка — один из
распространенных вредителей currants.

A harmful insect lays its larvae in flowers and fruits.
currants. From larvae appear caterpillars that gnaw ovaries
from the inside. Damaged berries are showered. Caterpillars winter in the ground.

It is possible to get rid of a fire bug manually. For this damaged
the berries are cut off and destroyed. In the autumn under the bushes clean everything
plant residues, spud, ground mulch with peat or fresh

In early spring, the bushes razokuchivayut, but manure is left in place.
Ognevka should go.

• Berry sawfly

This pest damage black currant. Females lay
eggs at the base of the ovaries. The larvae hatch caterpillars, which
питаются плодами, выгрызая их from the inside. All damaged berries
чернеют and fall off.

Fight with the pest should be the same as with the fire kiln.

Currant berries are poured: lack of nutrition

Feed the shrub with mineral fertilizers in summer
period is not enough, they are not able to provide all the needs

Replenish the supply of nutrients and save the crop rather
just carefully enough to look at the currants. Bush
he signals what he lacks.

• Lack of nitrogen

Lack of nitrogen is manifested by weak leaf color, thin
shoots, poor flowering. On the tops of the bush leaves are painted
in yellow and sometimes bluish tint. Harvest from such a bush
small: berries are showered, not having time to ripen. At the weakened bushes
early fall foliage begins.

Feed the bushes need a solution of fertilizer. Good
Organic has established itself: chicken dung, manure or mullein.
In the absence of organic matter, urea can be used. On one
the adult bush leaves to 15 liters of top dressing.

The safest methods of pest and disease control

Many gardeners do not want to plant currants in their garden, because
lack of time and fear of not cope with the cultivation of culture.
However, it is easy to grow currants. Most common
проблема currants — это опадание berries You can get rid of it,
and it is not necessary to go all summer around the bush and
identify all his sores. There are comprehensive safe
methods that can be used to get rid of several

Rule number 1: any damaged parts of the plant must be removed and
burn, loosen the soil under the bushes, prevent the spread

Rule number 2: Be sure to mulch the earth with herbs: wormwood,
garlic leaves and onions.

Rule number 3: It is advisable to plant medicinal around the shrub
plants: calendula.

Rule number 4: Use of all fungal diseases drug
�”Fitosporin”, which is biological and does not affect the bees.
Processed berries can be eaten immediately. A drug
designed for comprehensive disease control.

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