Why are there no fruits on the plum? Why is your plum notblooms or blooms, but does not bear fruit: expert answers

ATт, 12 июл 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

Plum is a popular fruit crop. From stone rocks for
of importance, it immediately follows the cherry. She has a high
yield, excellent taste, good in
recyclable, promising for industrial gardens. However, in varietal
The composition of the Non-Black Earth Drain is only 7%. Why is that? Yes because
that this breed bears fruit irregularly and often does not even


Why does not plum bloom and fruit?

Why does not plum bloom?

The fruit buds of this stone fruit culture are not sufficiently resistant.
to frost and often die from them. A yield directly depends
on the number of “survivors” and able to set fruit

When the flower buds of the crop are completely freezed, there is no waiting
have to. With the death of 60-70%, the collection of plums from one tree can
make up from three to thirty kilograms.

Plum flowers under the snow

Tree freezing occurs not only in harsh winters with
big frosts. The most dangerous for stone rocks are thaws with
subsequent cold snaps. The rest period of these cultures is small and
during warming, they quickly get up to growth, deciding what has come
Spring. Unexpected frost can cause wood tissue and kidney.
serious damage. Temperature “swings” are dangerous and in the middle
strip, and in the south of the country. They do tremendous damage to trees down
until the complete absence of fruiting and even freezing.

Most often this occurs in early spring or late winter.
Pruned plum trees suffer even with a slight frost. AT
fruit buds are damaged first. Over time
after freezing, they turn brown, dry out and fall off without opening.
In case of slight damage, flowers bloom very slowly, not
fully revealed. But these buds, unfortunately, too
non-viable and, withering, fall.

Frosts can damage the pistils of flowers. AT этом случае тоже
lost crop – all or in part.

Frozen fruits also cause dangerous frost and damage to them.
at -1,1 ° C. AT первую очередь погибает зародыш в семени. Fruit
shortly after freezing showered. Even more offensive when the tree is magnificent
blooms, but does not yield. ATетки буквально «облиты» цветками, а
no result. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different.

Why does the plum bloom but not bear fruit?


One of the reasons is the lack of pollination. Plum – cross
pollinated culture. To set fruit need pollinator – tree
another variety blooming simultaneously with the first. At different times
flowering pollination may not occur.

To prevent fertilization of flowers can weather conditions: cold,
rain or strong wind. Bees pollinate plums, and in bad weather they
do not fly.

For stable fruiting it is good to have at least
one tree of a self-fruited variety. Self-bearing plants can
tie fruit from pollination with its own pollen.

They are good pollinators for other plums.

ATысокосамоплодные сорта: Стенли, Чачакская ранняя, ATенгерка
итальянская, ATенгерка итальянская, Кабардинская ранняя, Шпет,
ATенгерка ATангенгейма, Чачакская родна, Ренклод Уленса, ATенгерка
Azhanskaya, Chachak lepotitsa.

Частично самоплодные сорта: Богатырская, Опал, ATерити.

The bulk of the varieties are samobesplodny: bluffy, chachak nayboliya
Ренклод Альтана, Фантазия, Эмпрес, Персиковая, ATолошка, ATенгерка
Donetsk, etc.

Self-fertile varieties for the middle band: Blue Gift, Alexy,

Scattering fruits

Physiological shedding of fruits is observed after abundant
flowering and setting a large number of fruits. Tree just doesn’t
able to “feed” such a crop and part of it drops.

Another thing – pests and diseases. It so happens that faded
plum, and the fruit fastened. But then the ovary falls, carpeted
the ground under the tree. And for some reason, again, the plum does not bear fruit.

ATредители, вызывающие осыпание завязи


Refers to the weevil beetles. Its length without proboscis is approximately
half a centimeter. Beetle beautiful iridescent color – crimson with
copper and green shimmer. Impale proboscis fruit various
fruit crops, including plums. One individual is able
damage more than a hundred fruits. AT выгрызенное углубление казарка
lays an egg.


ATылупившаяся личинка питается внутри плода. In the next stage
development of the larva from the fallen fetus moves to the ground, where and
winters. AT куколку она превращается только летом будущего года. Of
pupated larvae hatch in late summer – early autumn.
They settle in the trees, feeding on buds and young shoots,
late apples and pears. Ten bugs are fully capable
destroy the crop on one tree. Hibernate under fallen leaves.

Black plum sawfly.

Females lay eggs in the flowers of plum crops: thorns, cherry plums,
plums. The larvae gnaw pulp and bone. Ovary damaged
sawfly, showered. Each larva damages about five
fruits. Then goes into the ground for pupation. There winters on
depth of ten centimeters.

Larva sawfly

To combat the pest, trees are treated before flowering and
after it with inta-vir or spark preparations (1 tablet per 10 l
water). Damaged fruits destroy.

Plum cobweed.

Самка начинает откладывать яйца во время цветения plums. AND
continues to do this for another two weeks, attaching
eggs to the green ovary. Tolstonazhka is multifaceted and harms many
stone fruit cultures. The larva, having come into the world, gnaws
bone. By July, the fruits begin to fall. Larvae winter in the fallen
fruit inside the bone. Since spring, the pest life cycle


Under adverse conditions, the carrot may be in
�”Sleeping” state for two years. It ensures its survival as
biological species. Spray from the mudstone is carried out at the end
flowering, when it has showered three-fourths of the petals. Rerun
processing in ten days. Recommended drugs: Kinmiks
karbofos and others

Damaged pest fruit collect and dispose of: burn
or drowned in water. It is not recommended to bury them.
Coaster выберется из почвы и продолжит вредить деревьям

Plum moth

Также может вызвать осыпание fruits. Butterflies lay eggs on
fruit. In about a week, the caterpillars hatch. Several hours
they crawl on the leaves and fruits. AT этот период они уязвимы для
treatments with pesticides. Then the caterpillar bites into the fruit and
moves to the stalk, eating the flesh. Fruit опадают. AT одном
the fetus lives one caterpillar. The place of entry of the caterpillar can be determined by
a drop of gum speaking.

AT северных районах плодожорка развивается в одном поколение. On
south has time to go out two – three.

Three to four are used to control moths moths.

1. Mass years of butterflies (the first decade of June).

2. AT конец июня — начало июля, но не раньше чем через две недели
after previous processing.

3. The end of July – against the 2nd generation.

ANDспользуют следующие инсектициды: моспилан, ратибор, конфидор,
all pyrethroids, match.

You can use biopreparations bitoxibicillin or lepidocid.

AT этом случае число обработок увеличивается до шести.
Sprayed every ten days.

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