White diet after teeth whitening

  • 1 What is a white diet?
  • 2 How much time to stick?
  • 3 What can you eat?
  • 4 List of permitted drinks

As you know, dietary restrictions are respected not only with
purpose of losing weight, but also to improve health. In this
If necessary, a nutritional limit is necessary after the procedure.
teeth whitening. This is a white diet, which is mandatory
order is required to comply with all in order to keep the received

In this article, we will look at what products are recommended.
dentists in order to keep the enamel in perfect snow white
condition. With information about what the white diet is and why
it has that very name, let’s take a closer look at
the following material.

As you know, the teeth most clearly reflect what is happening
inside the body. Therefore, before complaining about their bad
condition, make sure there are no diseases.

Of course, with obvious defects of this “chewing agent”
food “, some diseases are still there. Therefore, for a start
it is strongly recommended to take on your health, and only then
proceed to action, after which you will need to respect the white

Alas, with all the subtleties of teeth whitening, we introduce you not
we will. All information below will be provided.
exclusively on mandatory actions at the end of the procedure.

Although teeth whitening is considered difficult
procedure, the most severe trials are coming after it. So that
to preserve the whiteness of enamel, for 7-10 days after this session,
without fail must adhere to strict white


What is a white diet?

Many wonder what the white diet is after
teeth whitening? The white diet, also called transparent,
implies the exclusion from the menu of products that contribute to
to some extent their staining. That is the name itself
�”Prompts” that in this period white food should be eaten

Наиболее вредны для вашей
эмали после отбеливания следующие продукты:

  • coffee Tea;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • beverages containing dyes;
  • beets, carrots.

Smoking is also included in the above list. As known,
this bad habit contributes to the destruction of your teeth, therefore
with the observance of restrictive nutrition in the “after whitening
period “is strongly recommended to abandon it. Using
lipstick is also under strict taboos.

Terms of adherence to the white diet can not be chosen independently. By
expert advice on eating white foods
necessarily all the same amount of time, regardless of
the duration of the procedure and the sensitivity of the teeth.

How much time to stick?

How long does a white diet follow?
teeth whitening? You will be able to return to the usual diet
after 14 days of proper compliance.

Especially carefully select the diet in the first 2-3 days after
procedures. Since during this period the teeth are subject to
hypersensitivity, it is strongly recommended to refuse
fermented milk products, sour berries and citrus.

The list of the above prohibited products implies
mandatory waiver of them in the first two days after the above
session. The rest of the time the white diet allows their use,
but in moderation.

If you forget and the first time to complete whitening
procedures used a product containing a dye, do not rush to beat
anxiety. It’s just enough to immediately clean the
chewing food “recommended toothpaste. And of course, not
forget about dental floss.

What can you eat?

As mentioned above, after teeth whitening
It is recommended to eat light-colored products. In this пункте
consider in more detail what you can eat with a white diet after
the above session at the dentist.

К списку рекомендуемых продуктов для сохранения эффекта
относятся следующие:

  • eggs;
  • a fish;
  • chicken meat;
  • rice cereal;
  • cereals;
  • beans;
  • cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • apples, bananas;
  • White cabbage.

Due to the use of only these products, by the end of the white diet
you not only save the white enamel, but also lose weight up to 5 kg for
two weeks.

Кроме того, к плюсам белой диеты относятся
factors such as:

  • improvement of intestinal microflora;
  • normalization of the functionality of the digestive system;
  • speeding up the metabolism process;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances;
  • strengthening bones and muscle tissue;
  • rejuvenation of the skin and body cells.

Products from the white diet menu are contraindicated for diseases
organs of the gastrointestinal tract and oversaturation

List of permitted drinks

What can you drink after teeth whitening on a white diet?
The answer to this question is obvious – white drinks.

Byсле вышеуказанной процедуры, к употреблению

  • milk drinks: milk, kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt,
    natural drinking yoghurts;
  • white and green tea;
  • White wine;
  • natural juices and cocktails from apples and bananas.

Of course, to the list of drinks intended for consumption
after the procedure teeth whitening, it is impossible not to add clean
drinking water without gas.

If the above drinks are allowed only in moderate
quantities, especially the first 48 hours, you can drink water in
unlimited quantities. The main thing is to make sure that it is not
too hot, not too cold, because, recall, the first
time after bleaching enamel is subjected to a special

With proper observance of the white diet, the effect of white teeth
сохраняется в течение двух лет по завершению procedures. Byсему,
repeat this action is recommended not earlier than the above

Before the procedure itself, make sure that your enamel condition
suitable for this kind of action. In the presence of dental diseases,
caries, hypoplasia or endemic fluorosis, bleaching
only aggravate the situation, destroying your enamel completely.

In this regard, dentists recommend the use of paste,
containing fluorine. If your case is running to such an extent that
no significant benefit pastes are being made
Enamel strengthening by remineralization or
fluoridation. During these procedures, the surface of the teeth is applied.
special substance containing fluoride or minerals. To complete
strengthening, recommended 10 sessions.

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