- 1 What diet to follow during menopause, so as not to gain weight?
- 2 The essence of the diet with menopause
- 2.1 Permitted and Prohibited Products
- 3 How to make a menu for the week?
- 3.1 Recipes
Climax – a period accompanied by a change in activity
gonads in women after 50 years. Climax accompanied
menopause, changes in the hormonal balance in the body.
The synthesis of progesterones and
estrogens that affect skin elasticity, fat absorption.
The metabolic processes in the body in women with menopause slow down,
which inevitably leads to weight gain. Correctly selected
diet will help not only to keep a slim figure for women
menopause, but also improve health, and improve
What diet to follow during menopause, so as not to gain weight?
Proper nutrition during menopause plays an important role not
not only in weight loss, but also in improving health. Hard diets
women over the age of 50 are strictly forbidden, because they differ in meager
diet, in which there is an acute deficiency of vitamins, which can
lead to premature aging, sagging and sagging skin,
development of cardiovascular diseases and other negative
the consequences.
Diet for women over 50 must be
balanced. Vegetable fats should be included in the menu
origin (nuts, oils), digestible protein products
(lean meat, dairy and dairy products), carbohydrates
(cereals, pasta), vitamins (vegetables, herbs, berries and
Food for weight loss in women over 50
It is recommended to boil, stew, bake or steam.
Fried foods not only lead to the accumulation of fat deposits in
time of menopause, but also to the development of hypertension, as well as to
atherosclerosis. Additionally, when dieting, it is recommended to take
vitamin and mineral complexes, increase the level of their physical
activity. Physical activity during menopause is important for strengthening
and maintain muscle tone, as well as to normalize the exchange
The essence of the diet with menopause
A diet during menopause in women eliminates fasting and
fasting days that can lead to additional stresses
for an organism that is fraught with the development of many diseases. Feed on
It should be varied and only useful products. Weight loss
women with menopause should be gradual, since it is important not to
only keep slim, but also health. Women over 50
shown daily consumption of bran, which can be eaten as
separately and added in the process of cooking. Diet
Klimakse Ducana involves the use of 2 tablespoons of bran
daily that has a beneficial effect on work
gastrointestinal tract. When dieting for women after 50 years is important
not only monitor the composition of your diet, but also to comply
basic rules for eating.
Diet климаксе у женщин для похудения – основные
- Reducing daily calorie intake. Women with menopause
for losing weight, you need to reduce your calorie intake on
15%. - Feed on следует часто, не менее 5-6 раз в день. Fractional
nutrition will speed up metabolism. Received energy
the body will immediately be wasted, not postponing in the form of fat
sediments. - The volume of portions in the diet after menopause should be reduced.
twice. - When dieting, it is recommended to have breakfast tightly. Dinner should be
easy and less calorie. - Dietary snacks for women over 50 are prohibited. The fact,
that the body begins to digest the incoming food during a snack,
putting in undigested fat reserves. - 20-30 minutes before each meal, you must drink
a glass of water without gas. Water will fill the stomach, which will affect
loss of appetite. - The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
- Daily drink at least 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated
water. - Salt is recommended to eliminate or minimize when dieting
because it increases the risk of developing hypertension with menopause.
Instead of salt in the diet is better to use herbs and spices.
Allowed and prohibited products
Diet климаксе – разрешенные продукты:
- Lean meat (veal, beef);
- Low-fat bird (chicken, turkey);
- Fish and seafood;
- Eggs (not more than 2 pieces per day);
- Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
- Wholemeal bread (bran, rye,
wholegrain); - Pasta from durum wheat (in limited
quantities); - Cereals and cereals (oats, rice, buckwheat, wheat, barley);
- Bran;
- Vegetables (cabbage, beet, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach,
broccoli); - Fruits (apples, pears, apricots, citrus);
- Berries (currants, strawberries, strawberries);
- Nuts;
- Dried fruits;
- Vegetable, flaxseed, olive oil;
- Lemon juice.
Of the drinks for women after 50 years with diet after menopause
Recommended: freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, fruit drinks, decoctions
from herbs and berries, weak tea (green, herbal).
Diet климаксе – запрещенные продукты:
- Fatty meats (lamb, pork);
- Fat bird (goose, duck);
- Fried foods;
- Fat dairy and fermented milk products;
- Rich soups and broths;
- Smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
- Semi-finished and fast food;
- Fresh, rich pastries;
- Sweets and desserts;
- Fatty sauces;
- Sausages;
- Sugar;
- Salt;
- Potatoes (in limited quantities).
Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are prohibited for women after 50
years with diet after menopause.
Diet климаксе у женщин — меню на неделю (завтрак,
second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner):
- Cottage cheese, seasoned with Greek yogurt with berries;
- A glass of tomato juice;
- Bouillon. 2 slices of whole grain bread. Boiled chicken
breast; - A handful of nuts;
- Buckwheat. Meatballs from veal. Cabbage salad
- Oatmeal with dried fruits;
- Orange;
- Green soup. 2 slices of rye bread. Baked fillet
turkey; - A glass of kefir;
- Fig. Hake baked with broccoli and asparagus.
- Buckwheat porridge with apple;
- A glass of yogurt;
- Chicken cream soup with crackers. Steam cutlets from
beef; - Kiwi;
- Baked carp. The vinaigrette.
- Cottage cheese casserole;
- 2 apricots;
- Broccoli puree soup. 2 slices of whole grain bread. Fish
souffle; - Glass of airan;
- Lenten cabbage rolls.
- Muesli with dried fruits;
- A glass of ryazhenka;
- Okroshka. Steam cutlets from телятины;
- Pear;
- Boiled chicken грудинка. Greek salad”.
- Pumpkin porridge with raisins;
- A glass of kefir;
- Ear with fish pieces. 2 slices of rye bread;
- Orange;
- Spaghetti with seafood. Seaweed Salad.
- Cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream;
- Grapefruit;
- Beetroot soup 2 slices of bran bread. Boiled chicken
brisket; - A handful of nuts;
- Baked perch. Arugula salad.
According to the rules of the diet with menopause, you need to drink a glass.
water half an hour before each meal.
Chicken Cream Soup

- Куриная breast;
- Onions 1 pc;
- Carrots 1 pc;
- Vegetable oil 1 pc;
- Bay leaf;
- Greens to taste.
Cooking method:
- Wash the chicken breast, put it in a saucepan, add water,
bring to a boil, reduce the gas and cook over low heat 20
minutes - Peel the onion and carrot, cut the onion into cubes,
grate carrots. - On a pan heated with vegetable oil, fry until
golden onions, add carrots to it, simmer for 4-5 minutes,
stirring occasionally. - Remove the boiled chicken breast from the broth, chop to
blender. - Add vegetable gravy and chopped chicken meat to the broth,
Bay leaf. - Варить на слабом огне 10 minutes
- Pour broth into a blender, grind until homogeneous
consistency. - Before serving, decorate the dish with chopped herbs (dill,
Women with menopause рекомендуется включить в меню диеты
chicken cream soup for lunch.
Pumpkin porridge with raisins

- Pumpkin 200 gr;
- Milk 250 ml;
- Figure 0.3 cups;
- Raisin handful.
Cooking method:
- Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes, add water,
довести до кипения и варить 10 minutes - Drain the water, put the pumpkin back into the pot, add
washed rice and raisins, pour milk. - Bring to a boil, reduce the gas and cook over low heat 15
minutes - Put the porridge in a container for baking. Bake in preheated
до 180 градусов духовке в течение 10 minutes
Pumpkin porridge with raisins прекрасно подойдет на завтрак при
diet after menopause for weight loss.
Cabbage Salad

- Cabbage 0.5 head;
- Carrots 1 pc;
- Onions 1 pc;
- Greens to taste;
- Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
- Lemon juice 1 tsp.
Cooking method:
- Peel carrots and onions. Grate carrots on a large
grater, onion cut into thin half rings. - Cabbage subtly chop a little press hands for
softening. - Put the vegetables in a plate, season with vegetable oil and
lemon juice, mix. - Top decorate the salad with chopped herbs to taste.
Cabbage Salad обогатит организм женщин при климаксе
vitamins, and therefore it is recommended to include it in your
diet while maintaining a diet for weight loss.
Seafood Spaghetti

- Spaghetti 300 gr;
- Seafood 500 gr;
- Cherry tomatoes 5 pcs;
- Cream 250 gr;
- Basil;
- Olive oil.
Cooking method:
- Defrost seafood, fry on preheated with olive
маслом сковороде в течение 5 минут, stirring occasionally. - Rinse tomatoes with boiling water, peel, cut into small
diced, add to seafood, simmer 3 minutes. - Pour the cream in the pan to the seafood, add basil,
перемешать, тушить под крышкой 5 minutes - Boil spaghetti, strain through a colander, put in
a plate. - Pour over the spaghetti cream sauce with seafood.
Top decorate with greens to taste.
Hearty and delicious spaghetti with seafood can be included in
diet menu for menopause for lunch or dinner.
Arugula Salad

- Arugula 200 gr;
- Feta cheese 100 gr;
- Cherry Tomatoes 4-5 pcs;
- Onions 1 pc;
- Lemon juice 1 tsp.;
- Olive oil 1 tbsp.
Cooking method:
- Arugula wash, dry, chop arbitrarily.
- Tomatoes �“Cherry” rinse, cut into halves.
- Peel the onion, cut into thin half-rings.
- Put the vegetables on a plate, decorate the top with sliced cubes
cheese - Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice and olive oil, gently.
Light and vitamin-enriched rocket salad – just
a find for women with menopause, dieting to reduce