- 1 What diet is prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis?
- 2 The essence of the diet for pulmonary tuberculosis in adults
- 2.1 Permitted and Prohibited Products
- 3 Menus
- 4 Диета при туберкулезе легких у children
- 5 Traditional recipes for tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is caused by a microbe,
called Koch’s wand, which affects the lungs as well as the intestines,
bones and joints. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and
characterized by the formation of foci of inflammation in the affected tissues.
Previously, outbreaks of tuberculosis progressed during wars and
repression, but today this infectious disease
more than 10.4 million people in the world from various social
segments of the population. Koch’s wand is resistant to many disinfectants.
means, has the ability for a long time
survive in dried sputum, in soil, on the surface polluted
items. In addition to the aerogenic method, infection is possible.
through food and in contact with objects on
whose surfaces are Koch’s wand.
What diet is prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis?
To the main symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis
- Weakness;
- Sleep disturbance;
- Decreased appetite;
- Weight loss;
- Dizziness;
- Increased sweating;
- Swollen lymph nodes;
- Increased body temperature up to 37 degrees;
- Shortness of breath;
- Cough with sputum;
- Excretion of bloody streaks in sputum when coughing.
Often, pulmonary tuberculosis is discovered quite by chance with
ordinary passage of fluorography. One of the important components
treatment of tuberculosis is the diet Table 11, aimed at
weight gain of the patient, decrease in intoxication of the body and
increase the body’s resistance to disease.
A high calorie diet for tuberculosis patients is
an integral part of the treatment. Proper, balanced diet
during diet assists in the recovery of affected tissues
organism, normalizes metabolism, enriches the body with all
essential vitamins and minerals. Diet Table 11
necessary until complete recovery.
The essence of the diet for pulmonary tuberculosis in adults
Diet for tuberculosis. Table 11 according to Pevzner is different.
balanced diet. In the daily diet of the patient
tuberculosis must be present products
containing vitamins C 180 mg (lemons, kiwi, oranges, onions), A 5 mg
(carrots, pumpkin, apricots, spinach) and B 4 mg (nuts, beans,
cereals). With a lack of these vitamins, the patient additionally
designate their ingestion or in the form of injections.
Nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis should be strengthened, but not
excessive, especially for people who are overweight. On average, daily
caloric intake in the diet should be 2800-3500 Kcal.
In this case, the greater the weight, the calorie intake should be
less. Enhanced drinking is not recommended, 1 liter of water is enough
gas per day. When swelling reduces the amount of salt consumed
up to 6 grams per day or even exclude it from the diet. With diarrhea,
vomiting, nausea, the amount of salt consumed per day increase.
Protein diet for tuberculosis is a must for treatment.
infectious disease. In the patient’s body is observed
enhanced protein breakdown than a healthy person. In the diet menu
Be sure to include products containing protein:
lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy and dairy products,
the eggs. Depending on body weight and age, shown daily
protein rate for an adult 100-120 grams per day.
Diet for treating pulmonary tuberculosis should contain
enough fats and carbohydrates. The amount in the diet of fat
should not exceed the norm, depending on gender, age, weight
person On average, the average daily intake of fat in the diet
makes 80-120 gr, at the same time a third of them at a diet has to
fall on vegetable oils and the rest on
digestible fats (cream, sour cream, butter).
The amount of carbohydrates in the diet when diet Table 11, on average,
should be 400-500 grams. A large proportion of carbohydrates consumed
must account for vegetables and fruits, and easily digestible carbohydrates
(porridge, flour and bakery products, sweets) should be
Diet Table 11 for intestinal tuberculosis, especially in acute
form involves the use of food exclusively in boiled and
shabby form. Diet for tuberculosis of the joints and bones should
contain high content of calcium salts and vitamins.
Allowed and prohibited products
Diet Table 11 for pulmonary tuberculosis – permitted
- Low-fat meat (veal, beef, rabbit meat);
- Low-fat bird (chicken, turkey);
- Eggs (not more than 2 pieces per day);
- Dairy and dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, sour cream,
kefir); - Groats and cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice, pshenka, semolina);
- Pasta;
- Vegetables;
- Legumes;
- Fruits and berries;
- Bread (rye, gray, wheat);
- Buns;
- Shrimp, herring oil;
- Sausage, ham;
- Cheese and cheese butter;
- Vegetable oil;
- Butter;
- Jam, honey;
- Sugar, salt.
Of Table 11 drinks are recommended: dogrose decoction,
fruit drinks, fruit and vegetable juices.
Diet Table 11 for pulmonary tuberculosis – prohibited
- Fatty meats (pork, lamb);
- Pork, beef and mutton fat;
- Fat bird (goose, duck);
- Oily fish;
- Fatty and spicy sauces;
- Cakes with a high content of custard and butter cream;
- Alcoholic beverages.
Medical nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis does not provide
restrictions on the number of meals. Eat when dieting Table 11
can be an unlimited number of times a day, the main thing – compliance
shown the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, as well as
daily calories, which are calculated individually, in
depending on gender, age, weight and level of exercise. AT
breaks between meals while dieting Table 11 is recommended to drink
clean water without gas, no more than 1 l per day, as well as freshly squeezed
juices, decoctions of herbs and berries.
Diet for pulmonary tuberculosis – a rough menu for the week
(breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner):
- Omelet from 2 eggs. Sandwich with butter;
- Borscht. 2 slices of rye bread. Baked chicken fillet. Salad
from cabbage; - A glass of kefir;
- Cottage cheese with sour cream. Kiwi.
- Oatmeal with milk. Bun;
- Chicken soup with pieces of meat. 2 slices of bran bread. Salad
grated carrots; - A glass of milk;
- Mashed potatoes. Meatballs from veal. Salad «Греческий».
- Semolina with berries;
- Beetroot soup Beef Stew Cutlets. Salad из зеленого
peas; - A glass of yogurt;
- Spaghetti with seafood. Salad «цезарь» с курицей.
- Buckwheat porridge with milk. An Apple;
- Green soup. Boiled turkey fillet. Salad из огурцов и
tomatoes; - Sandwich with cheese;
- Baked carp. ATинегрет.
- Milk soup with noodles. Pear;
- Chicken cream soup. Spaghetti with cheese. Salad из рукколы;
- A glass of milk;
- Buckwheat. Steamed veal cutlets. Salad «Щетка».
- Rice porridge with milk and raisins;
- Bouillon. Vegetable stew. Baked Chicken Fillet;
- A glass of kefir. Bun;
- Baked zander with potatoes, broccoli and spinach.
- Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs. Ham sandwich;
- Soup with meatballs. 2 pieces of wheat bread. Baked
Bulgarian pepper; - A glass of tomato juice;
- Cheesecakes with raisins and sour cream.
Диета при туберкулезе легких у children
Туберкулез у children выявляется после пробы Манту, которую делают
in clinics, kindergartens, schools. The earlier was revealed
Koch’s wand, the easier it is to treat and prevent further
развитие infectious disease. Диета при туберкулезе у children
plays a crucial role in recovery.
Питание при туберкулезе у children должно быть сбалансированным и
nutritious. Lean children shown when dieting a table 11 boost
daily ration for 20-25%. With a normal daily weight
caloric intake of the child should not be increased.
Норма суточной калорийности рациона диете у children при
- 4-6 years = 2000 Kcal;
- 8-12 years = 3000 Kcal;
- 14-17 years old = 4000 Kcal.
Диета Стол 11 для children предусматривает разнообразное питание. AT
the menu should include: meat, fish, eggs, dairy and
dairy products, pasta, bread, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Fish oil, including capsules, should be given to the child at
tuberculosis every day of the year. Additionally when dieting
It is recommended that children take vitamin and mineral complexes for
replenish vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the body.
Диета при туберкулезе легких у children – примерное меню на
one day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):
- Semolina. Orange;
- Chicken soup. Mashed potatoes. Chicken meatballs. Salad
grated carrots; - A glass of milk. Biscuit;
- Pasta. Fishcakes. Salad из капусты.
AT перерывах между приемами пищи можно давать детям пить соки
(vegetable, fruit), tinctures and decoctions of herbs, berries. Sugar
You can add to drinks, but in reasonable quantities. With puffiness
it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumed per day
and drink liquids.
Traditional recipes for tuberculosis
In addition to the diet Table 11 in the treatment of tuberculosis, you can
additionally take infusions and decoctions, which are widely known in
traditional medicine. Предлагаем ATашему вниманию несколько народных
recipes for tuberculosis that can be adopted and
supplement therapeutic diet Table 11.
Infusion of birch buds

- Birch buds 1 tbsp. L .;
- ATода 2 стакана.
Cooking method:
- Pour a tablespoon of birch buds with two glasses of water
room temperature. - Insist until water becomes cognac
colors. - Take 1 tablespoon of infusion before meals 3 times a day
until full recovery.
Knotweed decoction

- Knotweed 1 tbsp. L .;
- ATода 1 стакан.
Cooking method:
- Tablespoon knotweed pour a glass of boiling water.
- ATарить 10 минут на водяной бане.
- Infuse for two hours, then strain.
- Take a decoction of 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour
before meals.
Decoction of oats in milk

- Oats 1 cup;
- Milk 1-1.5 liters.
Cooking method:
- Oats pour into pot, pour milk so that to the edge
2 cm left - Cover the pot and send to bake in preheated
180 degrees oven. - Bake until fully cooked oats. If necessary, milk
need to top up. - Strain the decoction. Take a decoction of oats 50 ml three times a
день за 30 минут before meals.
Tincture medunitsy

- Medunitsa 4 tbsp. L .;
- ATода 400 мл.
Cooking method:
- 4 tablespoons of dry honey flour pour 400 ml boiling water.
- Wrap the container with a warm blanket or blanket, leave
infuse for 2 hours, then strain. - Take 30 minutes before meals for half a cup of tincture 3-4 times a