- 1 Nutrition Basics for Weight Gain
- 2 Diets для набора веса women: виды, меню
- 2.1 Protein Diet
- 2.2 Carbohydrate
- 3 Diets для мужчин для набора веса
- 3.1 High-calorie
- 3.2 Sports nutrition
- 4 Diet for a child to gain weight
The lack of weight for some people is equally serious.
problem and cause for concern, as fullness and obesity in
others. According to statistics, about 10% of the world’s population
balls suffer from lack of weight. The main cause of weight deficit
can serve hidden diseases. In this case, should immediately
Seek medical attention and complete examination. If with
health is all right, it is recommended to completely revise your
gastronomic habits, change food culture and start
follow a diet to gain weight.
Nutrition Basics for Weight Gain
Diet for weight gain is based on the right combination.
high-calorie foods that are not harmful to health. For
normal vital activity is very important to save not only
beautiful figure, but also good health, and therefore erroneous
will simply increase the amount of food consumed, which may
cause digestive upset, and later
disgust for food.
Diet for weight gain involves a gradual increase in
daily caloric intake, to start with only 200-300
Kcal. It is also important to increase the number of meals up to 4-5 times a day.
day. Fractional nutrition in small but high-calorie portions
a positive effect on the physical and mental state. Behind
half an hour before meals it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice
(vegetable or fruit). Drink water with food during the meal
prohibited. Behindниматься спортом можно спустя 2-3 часа после еды.
A diet for weight gain is recommended for men and
- have a tendency to thinness;
- subject to frequent stressful situations;
- suffered a serious illness;
- having diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- in the postoperative period;
- professional athletes.
The basic rules of a diet for weight gain:
Первый, самый важный элемент — калории. Exactly
your total weight depends on their number. As you know, what
more mobile man, the more he burns calories. Respectively,
If you decide to play sports, you should change your diet.
power, greatly increasing its energy
Источники калорий — протеины, углеводы и жиры.
A gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories, and a gram of protein and
carbohydrates – 4, respectively. So in a day you
it will be necessary to eat twice as much protein and carbohydrates,
rather than fat. That is, 100 grams of fat and 200 – carbohydrates
provide the body with an equal amount of calories.
To maintain energy balance, you need to add to
the above nutrients sports nutrition.
Nutrition for weight gain should be rich in micronutrients, then
eat vitamins and minerals essential for the body.
Микронутриенты крайне важны для организма, поскольку они
affect a variety of chemical processes, including synthesis
a protein that plays a very important role in muscle building
Далее рассмотрим белок, то есть протеин. Protein
is the founder of building muscle cells. Thanks
this beneficial macronutrient your hair, skin and nervous system
fortified. Among other things, the presence of protein in the blood contributes
strengthen immunity.
So that the muscle mass continues to grow and the weight increases,
Intake of proteins should be continuous.
Углеводы подразделяются на сложные и
simple. Simple carbohydrates (pastries, sweets, desserts) are easy
absorbed by the body, but at the same time increase the level of sugar in
blood, thereby contributing to weight gain. Difficult –
not immediately digested, saturating the body gradually.
On this basis, it follows that the rapid weight gain contributes to
simple carbohydrates. Therefore, you need to include in the diet menu.
it is them. Daily rate of simple carbohydrates for weight gain
makes up half of the total amount of food consumed.
Жиры обладают огромным источником калорий.
Therefore, they must necessarily be included in the diet.
diets. Athletes often use acid to gain weight.
consisting of fat, called Omega 3. In addition to building
muscle mass and rapid weight gain, fats strengthen the walls
vessels and heart, increase brain activity, accelerate metabolism
substances in the body and enhance the human immune system. Daily
the rate of fat intake – from 10 to 15% of the total food.
ATода — наиболее важный элемент, предназначенный
for normal human life, since the body is 75%
consists of it, and the muscles themselves – 70%. In any case, everyone in
a day is recommended to drink from one and a half to two liters of fresh
purified drinking water.
Surprisingly, even in a dream, your body burns about a hundred
kilocalories per hour.
No less important, the final element of the basis for weight gain
является подсчет калорий. For того, чтобы вам было
easier to calculate the ratio of all питательных веществ в day.
предоставим свой вариант приблизительной калорийности на
So suppose you weigh 80 kg. For набора веса в день вам
should be consumed 3100 kilocalories. Of them:
- 1100 kcal – proteins;
- 1550 kcal – carbohydrates;
- 450 kcal – fats.
Diets для набора веса women: виды, меню
Many women mistakenly believe that they can gain weight in
short time, having eaten high-calorie cakes and pastries.
Such an approach is fraught with not only weight gain, but also development
serious diseases (including diabetes).
For того, чтобы поправиться без вреда для здоровья,
The following common errors must be avoided.
- excessive consumption of sugar and animal fats
– will lead to heart disease and high cholesterol in
blood; - eating at night – will contribute to restless sleep;
- abundant food high-calorie foods – will serve
large load on the body and the gastrointestinal tract, in
particular. �”Undigested” food will ensure you feel unwell and
feeling of weight for the near future.
Protein diet
If you want to not only get better, but also to gain muscle
weight for pumping forms, protein diet is perfect.
Среднесуточная калорийность рациона должна
be 300-500 Kcal more than the norm. For выявления нормы
daily caloric intake, you need to multiply your weight in kg by
30. For example, a woman with a weight of 50 kg should consume at least 1500
TOкал в day. For набора веса необходимо увеличить суточную
калорийность до 1800-2000 Kcal. Eat often 5-6 times a day.
day. At least 2 liters of purified water should be drunk daily.
without gas.
Рассмотрим список продуктов, рекомендованных к
употреблению женщинам в первую очередь, при
protein diet for a set of kilograms:
- lean meat and poultry (veal, beef, rabbit,
turkey, chicken); - offal (liver, tongue);
- eggs, both boiled and scrambled eggs;
- ham (not more than 4% fat);
- fish (trout, pollock, tuna, cod and perch);
- seafood;
- dairy and dairy products (kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka,
milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream).
Based on the above list of products,
примерное меню на
неделю белковой диеты для набора веса
женщинам (завтрак, перекус, обед, полдник,
- Omelet from 2 eggs;
- 2 slices of ham;
- Bouillon. Stewed turkey in a creamy sauce;
- A glass of kefir;
- Fish soup with sturgeon.
- Cottage cheese, seasoned with natural yogurt;
- A glass of kefir;
- Bouillon. Meatloaf with egg;
- Soft-boiled egg;
- Cocktail seafood.
- 2 hard boiled eggs. 2 slices of ham;
- A glass of yogurt;
- Bouillon. Boiled chicken breast;
- Cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt;
- Behindпеченный карп.
- Cottage cheese pudding;
- 2 slices of ham;
- Meat broth. Beef steak;
- Hard boiled egg;
- Grilled dorado.
- Fried eggs from 2 eggs;
- A glass of ryazhenka;
- Bouillon. Meatloaf with egg;
- Pancakes with chicken liver;
- Behindпеченная форель.
- Cheesecakes with sour cream;
- 2 slices of ham;
- Bouillon. Veal medallions in a creamy sauce;
- Soft-boiled egg;
- Seafood (mussels, shrimps).
- Omelet with ham;
- A glass of kefir;
- Bouillon. Salmon steak baked in the oven;
- Cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt;
- Aspic from beef.
Carbohydrate диета для набора веса женщинам предполагает ту
same rate of average daily caloric and mandatory 4-6 one-time
nutrition. Of course, the main and obvious difference is that in the menu
данной диеты будут преобладать углеводные
- porridge: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat;
- pasta;
- wheat, rye, whole grain bread;
- brown rice;
- beans;
- vegetables: eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, radishes,
cabbage, carrot; - fruits: apples, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, kiwi, pineapples,
avocado; - dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes;
- sugar;
- bread, pastries;
- potatoes;
- mushrooms
Примерное меню на неделю углеводной диеты для
weight gain for women is as follows (breakfast, snack,
обед, полдник, dinner):
- Buckwheat porridge with banana;
- Апельсиновый the juice;
- Mushroom soup. 2 pieces of bread;
- Tea. Carrot Casserole;
- Spaghetti, dressed with soy sauce. Vegetable stew.
- Oatmeal with dried fruits;
- Tomato the juice;
- Pea soup. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
- Broth hips. Bun with poppy seeds;
- Potato пюре. Salad из капусты.
- Rice porridge with prunes;
- Carrot smoothie;
- Green soup. 2 pieces of bread;
- Green tea. Pancakes with jam;
- Mushroom pilaf. Salad from grated carrots.
- Millet porridge with dried fruit;
- Grapefruit;
- Lean vegetable soup. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
- Tea. 2 pieces of “Charlotte”;
- Bean puree. The vinaigrette.
- Barley porridge with dried apricots;
- Kissel;
- Rassolnik. 2 pieces of bread;
- Dried fruits compote. Pancakes;
- Stuffed peppers.
- Muesli with raisins and honey;
- Berry mousse;
- Borscht. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
- Apple juice. Biscuit;
- Baked potato. Cucumber Salad and tomatoes
- Oatmeal with berries;
- Fruit salad;
- Mushroom soup puree. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
- Plum compote. Bun with jam;
- Stuffed cabbage rolls
Volume one serving with a carbohydrate diet for weight gain
calculated individually, depending on the required daily
calorie intake.
Diets для мужчин для набора веса
Inflated, developed muscles are the goal of many men. For
effective pumping of muscles and transformation into a fit athlete,
men need weight gain. Both protein and carbohydrate diet
for weight gain, described above may not only be suitable for women,
but also to men. However, due to its physiological characteristics,
men gain weight is much more difficult than the representative
beautiful sex. Исходя из этого, рассмотрим две наиболее
effective diets for weight gain for men.
High calorie
High calorie диета для набора веса мужчинам делится
into three categories:
- Simple food plus protein-fat supplement. TO
up to two liters should be added to your usual meals.
milk According to experts, this milk drink contributes
growth hormone. - On dry weight. The essence of this power
consists in the daily use of five grams of carbohydrates, two
gram of protein and one gram of fat per kilogram of weight. Besides
weight gain, this diet avoids fatigue. For example,
a man with a weight of 70 kg must consume 350 grams of carbohydrates, 140
grams of protein and 70 grams of fat daily. - Behindключительная категория получила название
«экстремальная масса» за счет увеличения
the amount of carbohydrates for every kilogram of man’s weight from five to
seven grams. For example, мужчине с весом 70 кг необходимо употреблять
per day 350-490 grams of carbohydrates.
Питаться следует часто, не менее 5-7 раз в day. Daily
you must drink at least 2 liters of water without gas, before and after
food, drink water food is not recommended. At night you can drink
a glass of sour-milk drink (kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt).
To overload the stomach at night is not recommended for better absorption
food. Behindвтрак должен быть плотным. Diet to gain weight in men
involves the use of simple carbohydrates (baking, desserts) in
in the morning, in the evening it is recommended to give preference
protein foods and complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals).
Примерное меню высококалорийной диеты для набора веса на
день мужчинам выглядит следующим образом (завтрак,
snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):
First option:
- Omelette of 5 eggs with bacon. 2 cups of milk;
- Cottage cheese casserole. 2 cups of milk;
- Ear with fish pieces. 2-3 slices of wheat bread.
Potato пюре с молоком. Meatballs from beef. Salad
�”Greek”; - 2 cheese sandwiches. 2 cups of milk;
- Macaroni with grated cheese. 2 veal chops. Vegetable
stew; - A glass of milk (for the night).
- Muesli with berries 150 gr. Banana;
- Cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt 200 gr;
- Turkey soup with slices of poultry meat. 2-3 pieces of bread.
Stuffed pepper with sour cream 250 gr; - Green tea. Meat pie 150 gr;
- Pasta with cheese 200 gr. Salad «Цезарь» с куриным мясом 200
- Oatmeal 200 gr with dried fruits. Cheese toast;
- Cottage cheese casserole with raisins. Berry juice;
- Meat solyanka. 2-3 pieces of bread. Mashed lentils. Steak
grilled salmon with vegetables; - 2 bananas;
- Potato пюре 200 gr. TOотлеты из говядины. The vinaigrette.
Sports nutrition
Consider the main principles of sports nutrition for
- TOомбинация белков с углеводами особенно полезна на завтраках. TO
for example, dried fruit curd or fruit yogurt; - Do not skip breakfast in any case. Even if you eat
do not feel like it, force yourself to eat, as breakfast
заряжают энергией на весь последующий day. Find the strength
eat at least scrambled eggs; - Protein bars very much remind usual chocolate,
so buying this sweetness to gain muscle mass will be you
only joy; - You can eat at night. Fruit, vegetables or fermented milk drink –
great night snack for weight gain; - Special nutritional supplement called “Gainer” is rich
proteins, so it should be taken after each workout; - For наиболее эффективной прокачки мышц, мужчинам предлагается
Special sports nutrition for weight gain. AT
features it is suitable for those who only “embarked on the path” of healthy
The essence of nutrition in the diet for a set of kilograms for men
is to add to the usual diet following
drugs designed to increase growth
- �”Gainer” – in the morning and after each workout;
- �”Melatonin” – before bedtime;
- �”Whey Protein” – all day;
- «TOреатин» — по утрам и после каждой тренировки;
- �”Multivitamins” – in addition to the lunch meal;
- �”Fish oil” and “Omega 3” – add to breakfast.
Of course, to achieve the desired result, your diet
this period must be right and balanced. No
Fast Food, Baking, Confectionery and Alcohol!
Diet for a child to gain weight
No less urgent is the problem of underweight in children. For
In order to start taking action, it is necessary to identify
причины дефицита веса у ребенка:
- Lean build, fast metabolism;
- Excessive mobility. Energy consumption in this case exceeds
admission; - Metabolic disorders, hormonal disruptions;
- Gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions to
certain foods; - Diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism);
- Experiences of a psychological nature. In preschool and school
aged peer ridicule can lead to frustration
To gain weight, the child needs a culture adjustment.
nutrition in general. In no case can not be forced to force
have a child. Should involve the child in the process of serving the table,
turn the process of eating into pleasure. It does not follow
to feed the child with high-calorie foods, in the hope that
he will put on weight. The weight gain process should be gradual and
correct, with health benefits. It is recommended to feed the child
5-7 times a day, in the event of the slightest feeling of hunger.
The basic principles of a diet for weight gain
- for a set of kilograms, the daily use is mandatory
dairy products – cottage cheese, sour cream, milk; - twice a day (for lunch and dinner) add meat or
fish; - use hard cheese sandwiches as a snack,
butter or sausage; - cereal porridge recommended for use every day, eggs –
three times a week, pasta – twice a week; - also for effective recruitment, to the daily diet
vegetable salads are recommended, richly seasoned with vegetable
oil; - fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
- for the greatest effect of weight gain and improved well-being
child, you must at least once a day enter soup or
bouillon; - of drinks in the menu without fail should
attend: dogrose broth, tea with milk, fruit
Sample diet menu for a child for a week (breakfast,
snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):
- Milk soup with noodles. Pear;
- Kissel;
- Chicken soup with pieces of poultry meat and crackers. Potato
mashed potatoes with fish patties. Compote; - Kefir. Oat cookies;
- Buckwheat. Chicken schnitzel. Cucumber Salad and
- Semolina porridge with milk. Grapes;
- Broth hips. Ham sandwich;
- Borscht. 2 pieces of wheat bread. Fig. Meatballs from beef.
Apple juice; - Cheesecakes with sour cream. Kefir;
- Potato пюре. Baked perch fillet with vegetables.
- Buckwheat porridge with milk. 2 plums;
- Fruit salad;
- Vegetable soup. Spaghetti. Rabbit stewed in a creamy sauce.
Mandarin; - Milk. Biscuits;
- Pilaf. Veal cutlets. Salad from grated carrots.
- Cottage cheese pudding. Orange;
- Sandwich with cheese;
- Pike ear with fish pieces. 2 pieces of bread. Bean puree.
Fish souffle. Shredded beet salad; - Jelly. Peach;
- The vinaigrette. Baked potato. Meatballs from veal.
- Porridge on milk. An Apple;
- Berry mousse;
- Turkey soup with vegetables. Boiled turkey fillet. Colored
cabbage in batter; - A glass of milk. Carrot Casserole;
- Vegetable stew. Beef stroganoff from chicken. Garnet.
- Omelet with tomato and ham. Banana;
- Curd with sour cream and dried fruit;
- Soup in meat broth. Salad from vegetables and seafood. Tomato
the juice; - Dried fruits compote. Biscuits;
- Buckwheat. Beef meatballs. Salad
- Pumpkin porridge. Peach;
- Oat cookies. Dried fruits compote;
- Soup with meatballs. Potato zrazy. Apple-carrot
the juice; - Pancakes with curd and raisins. A glass of milk;
- Pasta with cheese. Chicken steak. Vegetable stew.
Creating a diet menu for the child to gain weight, you must choose
exceptionally healthy products, without dyes or preservatives.
For normal growth and development, increase immunity and
vitality, the diet of the child must include foods
containing: calcium, potassium, vitamins A, C, D, B1, B2. For children
it is recommended to be in the open air more often, to play mobile
games, as well as sports, exercise, which
promote appetite and weight gain.