- 1 The essence of the diet with mastopathy
- 1.1 Permitted Products
- 1.2 What products are prohibited to use with fibrous cystic
mastopathy - 1.3 Vitamins and trace elements
- 2 Menus
- 2.1 Recipes
Mastopathy – a disease of the mammary glands, which is accompanied
neoplasms in the chest. Characterized by the occurrence of
knotty seals, benign breast tumors,
which can turn into malignant. Most common
fibrocystic mastopathy, the causes of which can serve:
hormonal disruptions in the body, thyroid disease,
liver diseases, iodine deficiency, polycystic, hepatitis, gastritis,
ulcer, dysbacteriosis, cholecystitis, and also frequent stresses, late
childbirth. Важную роль в лечении фиброзно кистозной mastopathy играет
special diet aimed at reducing pain and
prevent relapse.
Суть диеты при mastopathy
Питание при mastopathy молочной железы должно быть направлено на
maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Mastopathy – treatment
and diet in the complex will help reduce the risk of malignant
tumors in the breast, will make adjustments in the breast tissue,
stabilize the nervous system, get rid of extra pounds and
beneficial effect on the state of the organism as a whole.
При диффузной mastopathy наблюдается разрастание соединительных
tissues. Diffuse mastopathy without proper treatment turns into
nodal. Gradually in overgrown connective tissues
dense nodules are formed, about 2 mm in size. Without
due to the treatment they can grow to 4 cm in diameter. Mastopathy
diffuse – diet is one of the most effective ways
Правильное питание при mastopathy молочной железы и миоме
able to slow down the growth of connective tissue as well
minimize the risk of developing benign cysts in the area
chest Перед началом соблюдения диеты при mastopathy следует
consult with your doctor on making individual
dietary adjustments.
Диета при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy – основные
- Daily calorie diet with fibrous cystic
mastopathy должна составлять не более 2000 Ккал; - You should eat at least 5 times a day, with three doses
food should be basic, and two – snacks; - It is recommended that the diet at the same time;
- Every day should drink at least 1.5 liters of water without
gas; - Salt must be eliminated from the diet with fibrous
кистозной mastopathy или же свести ее потребление к минимуму; - Every day on the diet menu must be present vegetables, which
can be used both raw and boiled, baked,
stew; - Meat and fish dishes should be boiled, stewed or baked,
frying should be excluded.
Для действенного лечения mastopathy, помимо диеты, необходим
also good rest, sleep, avoidance of stressful situations.
Moderate physical activity is also shown. Perfect fit
long walks in the fresh air, charging, giving up
use the elevator.
Permitted Products
Рацион диеты при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy должен быть
composed exclusively of healthy products that
contribute to the cessation of connective tissue growth, as well as
will help reverse this process.
Permitted Products по диете при фиброзно кистозной
- Fish and seafood (especially salmon, herring, sardines,
mackerel, mussels, shrimp). They contain large amounts of iodine; - Low-fat meat and poultry (veal, beef, rabbit,
turkey, chicken). Are sources of protein; - Low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese,
ryazhenka, yogurt). Are sources of calcium; - Legumes (beans, peas). Beneficial effect on hormonal
background; - Beets, nuts, spinach, broccoli. Are natural
antioxidants. Normalize the liver, cleanse the body from
accumulated slags and toxins; - Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, asparagus). Are rich
fiber, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract; - Cereals and cereals (oats, buckwheat, unpolished rice). Contribute to
rapid saturation of the body and normalize the work
gastrointestinal tract; - Fruits and berries (apples, pears, apricots, citrus). Enrich
body vitamins and minerals during the diet with fibrous
кистозной mastopathy; - Brewer’s yeast. Lycopene and selenium, which are contained in beer
yeast contribute to the rapid absorption of iodine.
Из напитков при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy рекомендуется чай
(green and white). The composition of tea contains catechins, which
help to accelerate the excretion of toxins, toxins and
Sahara. Be sure to include white and green tea in
daily diet menu.
What products are prohibited to use with fibrous cystic
Диета при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy исключает продукты,
provoking the growth of benign cysts in the breast and
increase in secretion of female genital hormones.
Диета фиброзно кистозной mastopathy – запрещенные
- Bread, bakery and flour products from flour higher
varieties; - Semolina;
- Confectionery products contain a lot of “empty” carbohydrates;
- Fatty meat and poultry skin hinder the liver, increase
cholesterol level; - Fat sauces, margarine;
- Canned foods contain substances that provoke the development
malignant tumors; - Smoked and fatty, spicy dishes because of the high content in
they are carcinogens; - Pickles;
- Coffee, strong black tea;
- Carbonated drinks contain steroid hormones that provoke
accumulation of body fat; - Alcoholic beverages exacerbate liver function.
Vitamins and trace elements
Правильно подобранная диета при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy
will directly affect hormone synthesis and metabolism
steroids. В меню диеты при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy
High content foods must be included.
iodine (sea kale, seafood, fish, buckwheat, eggs, legumes,
Развитие фиброзно кистозной mastopathy также может быть вызвано
deficiency in the body of vitamins A, B6 and E. Therefore, in the diet menu
It is necessary to include products containing these groups of vitamins:
B6 (wholemeal bread, rice, buckwheat, vegetables, legumes,
nuts), A (offal, fish oil, cod liver), E (nuts,
legumes, vegetable and olive oil, beef, sea
a fish).
Во время соблюдения диеты при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy
it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral supplements
complexes, in particular, containing selenium and omega 3. It should
remember that the course of taking vitamins should not exceed three
months, otherwise a surplus could adversely affect the state
health Between the course of taking vitamins during the diet
фиброзно кистозной mastopathy рекомендуется устраивать месячный
Диета при mastopathy — меню на неделю (завтрак, перекус,
lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):
- Oatmeal with dried fruits;
- Green apple;
- Broth with crackers. Boiled chicken fillet;
- A glass of kefir;
- Baked potato. Herring with onions. Cucumber Salad and
- Cottage cheese, seasoned with Greek yogurt;
- Orange;
- Okroshka. Lightly salted salmon;
- A glass of ryazhenka;
- Risotto with seafood. Seaweed Salad.
- Pumpkin porridge on milk;
- Pear;
- Broccoli cream soup with croutons. Lightly salted herring;
- A glass of yogurt;
- Fig. Steamed veal cutlets. Salad from grated carrots.
- Muesli with nuts;
- Grapefruit;
- Ear with fish pieces. 2 slices of whole grain bread;
- Natural yogurt with greens;
- Baked turkey fillet. Beet salad with quince.
- Cottage cheese pudding;
- Kiwi;
- Bean soup with crackers. Fish soufflé;
- Goat cheese 2 pieces;
- Baked perch. Vegetable stew.
- Buckwheat porridge with milk;
- Garnet;
- Beetroot soup 2 slices of bran bread. Boiled chicken
breast; - Cottage cheese with berries;
- Baked sardine. Greek salad”.
- Omelette on a pair of 2 eggs;
- 2 apricots;
- Chicken soup with pieces of poultry meat. 2 slices of rye
of bread; - Prunes stuffed with walnuts;
- Stuffed cabbage with beef meat and sour cream.
In the intervals between meals during a diet with
фиброзно кистозной mastopathy показано употребление зеленого или
белого чая, но без Sahara.
Beet salad with quince

- Beets 2 pieces;
- Quince 1 pc;
- Raisin handful;
- Sour cream to taste.
Cooking method:
- Boil beets until cooked, peeled, grate
large grater. - Quince peel and seed, grate.
- Raisin pour boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes, chop.
- Mix beets with quince and raisins, season the salad with sour cream,
Beet salad with quince рекомендуется включить в меню диеты
при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy.
Bean Cream Soup

- Beans 200 gr;
- Cauliflower 300 gr;
- Onions 1 pc;
- Olive oil 1 tbsp.
- Rosemary 1 sprig.
Cooking method:
- Beans pour water, leave to swell for 10 hours.
- Drain the water, rinse the beans, put it in a saucepan, add 2 liters.
water. - Bring to a boil, reduce the gas and cook 2 hours to
readiness - Onions peeled, cut into small cubes.
Пассировать на сковороде с оливковым маслом до полуreadiness - Cauliflower disassembled into inflorescences, put into a pan,
send the finished beans and onions. - Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
- Grind the soup in a blender to a uniform consistency.
- Before serving, decorate with a sprig of rosemary to taste.
Rich bean soup can be included in your diet
при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy на обед.
Seafood risotto

- Long grain rice 400 gr;
- Seafood 500 gr;
- Onions 1 pc;
- Celery;
- Green pea;
- Olive oil 1 tbsp.
- Broth 1 l.
Cooking method:
- Peel onions, cut into cubes. Celery wash,
dry, chop. - On a frying pan heated with olive oil, pass onion with
celery 5 minutes. - Add rice and peas to vegetables, mix, add broth.
To simmer on low heat under the lid until complete evaporation
fluid. - Seafood pour boiling water, drain water, add to rice with
vegetables, mix, turn off the gas. - Let the dish stand for 5-7 minutes.
The refined taste of seafood risotto will surprise even
gourmet during diet with fibro cystic
Greek salad”

- Tomatoes 3 pieces;
- Cucumbers 2 pieces;
- Onions 1 pc;
- Bulgarian pepper 1 pc;
- Feta cheese 200 gr;
- Olives or olives to taste;
- Olive oil 3 tbsp.
Cooking method:
- Peel onions, cut into thin
semirings. - Bulgarian pepper cleaned from seeds, cut into thin
semirings. - Rinse, dry cucumbers and tomatoes, cut into cubes.
- Mix vegetables in dishes, season with olive oil,
mix. - Put the diced cheese on top of the salad and
Vitamin salad “Greek” should definitely be included in
рацион диеты при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy.
Oatmeal with dried fruits

- Oatmeal 50 g;
- Milk 200 ml;
- Dried fruits.
Cooking method:
- Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce the gas and
pour oatmeal. - Cook the porridge on low heat for 15 minutes under
a lid. - Dried fruits pour boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes. To strain
water, cut the dried fruits into small pieces. - Put porridge in a plate, sprinkle with crushed on top
dried fruit.
Oatmeal with dried fruits прекрасно подойдет на завтра во
время соблюдения диеты при фиброзно кистозной mastopathy.