When to sow seedlings of vegetables. Accuratecrop calendar for 2019

When to sow seedlings of vegetables. Accurate crop calendar for 2019

Задуматься о выращивании овощей нужно  зимой,
since most of them are planting seedlings. To remove in time
harvest, you need to know the exact dates of sowing.


What vegetables to grow through seedlings and why

A beginner gardener wonders about why to grow
seedlings, if you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. AND
This is partly the case. In the southern regions of the country, most vegetable
культур выращивают посевом в open ground. Seedling method
used in order to get an earlier harvest. Besides,
In regions with warm climates, a seedling method of growing helps
get two waves of fruiting. Vegetables will be sung to the most

In the central part of Russia, in the North and the Urals, the cultivation of vegetables
without seedlings is unacceptable even in the greenhouse. The vegetables here are sown at home, but
then transferred to the ground. This is due to the local climate where
spring is long and cold, and summer is short. Planting seeds immediately in
open ground урожая не дождешься.

You can grow seedlings almost any
vegetables and greens:

  • celery;
  • parsley;
  • basil;
  • tarragon;
  • melissa;
  • mint;
  • eggplants;
  • pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • squash;
  • bow.

This is not a complete list of cultures. However, some of them
can be planted directly into the ground. This gardener decides on the basis of
growing region.

What vegetables to plant on seedlings in January

В середине зимы посадками заниматься еще рано,
but for the preparatory work it’s time. Better to buy now
seeds, check them for germination, prepare the container and the soil.

В конце январе уже можно начать сеять культуры
for early consumption. The further cultivation of them will be
occur in greenhouses. These may be early cucumber varieties,
tomatoes, greens.

What can be planted from vegetables for seedlings in February

At the beginning of the month seeds of crops are prepared, which are long
are coming up. In mid-February, plan to plant vegetables for the greenhouse

February landing table

Culture name Landing time
Celery Root 1.02-10.02
Basil 5.02-15.02
Parsley 5.02-15.02
Peppers 10.02-25.02
Eggplant 10.02-25.02
Early cucumbers 02.20-28.02

Important! In winter, seedlings are required to light up, otherwise she
will stretch and become fragile.

What can be sown in March for seedlings

The beginning of spring expands the possibilities, there are already gardeners with might and main
start growing seedlings, which can later
высадить в open ground.

Landing table for March

Culture name  Landing time
All kinds of cabbage 1.03-10.03
Bell pepper 1.03-10.03
Early tomatoes 8.03-15.03
Medium Tomatoes 10.03-20.03
Late tomatoes 03.15-25.03
Leek 03.15-31.03
Onion chernushku 10.03-31.03

What else can be sown from vegetables in April for seedlings

In April, continue to sow crops that did not have time to plant in
end of March, as well as vegetables for open ground and greenhouse, greens
and other heat-loving cultures.

April crop table

Culture name Landing time




Cucumbers 04/20/30/04

In late April, in addition to landing, you can do the landing of the finished
seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Terms of growing seedlings of vegetables: when transplanted into a greenhouse or
open ground

When it is time to transplant seedlings, depends on the speed
роста, от погодных условий и growing region. Besides,
there is an optimal age at which the seedlings endure
transplant is good enough.

A table that shows the age of the finished seedlings for

Culture name Age of seedlings
Tomatoes 50 days for protected ground

60 days for open beds

Cucumbers 20-25 days for open ground
Peppers 55-60 days for open ground
Eggplant 50-55 days for greenhouses

60 days for open beds

Early cabbage 45-55 days for all types of landings
Cabbage average 35-45 days
Late cabbage 45-50 days
Celery root 65-75 days
Zucchini, патиссоны 25-35 days
Pumpkin 20-30 days
Bow 25-35 days

How to transplant seedlings of vegetables in the ground

In order not to harm the young plant, it should be carefully
transplant. Here it is worth taking the advice of experienced

  1. The transplantation is planned no earlier, when the earth warms to 15 ° С on
    10 cm deep
  2. In cloudy weather, landing is carried out in the morning, and on a sunny day
    better to postpone work for the evening.
  3. После transplants молодые растения на 3 дня прикрывают, чтобы они
    adapt faster.
  4. Before planting, the bed is disinfected with a hot solution.
    potassium permanganate. On 1 square. m. use 1.5 liters of fluid.
  5. Immediately before landing in the wells add

Attention! Before the landing of the main crop from the garden you can to collect
harvest of early greens and vegetables, for example, radish, lettuce. Remove them
нужно за неделю до transplants рассады.

Vegetable Planting Scheme

Culture name Cm distance between plants in a row Cm distance between rows
Tomatoes 35-45 50-75
Eggplant 25-40 50-60
Peppers 30-40 60-70
Cabbage  40-50 50-70
Zucchini, патиссоны 60-70 70-90
Cucumbers 15-20 60-90
Bow 15-20 50-70

Tomatoes are planted vertically, obliquely or buried.
in a way. With the vertical method of planting plants are buried to
seed leaves or the first pair of these. Oblique way
assumes landing at an angle of 45 ° C relative to the soil, the stem
tomato submerged 15 cm overgrown tomato seedlings planted
buried way, while the stem is added dropwise at 15-17

Peppers и баклажаны высаживают вертикально, сохраняя
height as when growing seedlings.

All kinds of cabbage высаживают вертикально, но стебель заглубляют
to real leaves. This contributes to the formation of a dense
head of cabbage.

Cucumbers высаживают в шахматном порядке, при этом глубину посадки
keep, as in pots. Stem spud as it grows to
not laid bare roots.

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