When to replace the host – in the fall you can? Timingautumn transplant host, care for them, preparing for winter

ATт, 11 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Perennial host belongs to the family lily. His
The plant gained popularity due to its large and dense
leaves. In some species, they are especially decorative. AT
landscape design host wins among other representatives
flora. It goes well with trees and shrubs,
annual and perennial flowers. Hosta refers to unpretentious
varieties, but some issues should be considered when planting and


What you need to know when landing hosts

Although the flower is undemanding in the care, but when it is planted
Some things to keep in mind:

• host tolerates winter, suitable for growing in
middle lane;

• easily copes with heat, but requires shaded places;

• most species do not tolerate direct sunlight;

• The planting period of some species is too short, not
worth delaying with the works.

Timing осенней пересадки хосты

Transplantation of plants is quite rare, it is associated with
heavy adaptation in a new place. Hosta loses decoration,
long increases leaf mass. Transplant the plant only in
emergency: perennial heavily thickened, required
to save the plant from the disease, it became necessary to reproduce
this species.

Transplant plan in advance. Optimal is landing hosts
in the spring, but not for all varieties it fits. For example, host
Siebold and Tokudama are transplanted only in autumn. It’s connected with
feature of the plant root system.

When to transplant host in the fall? If any
such a need, you need to remember the timing of landing. Start off
work is needed at the very beginning of autumn. AT каждом регионе сроки
are different. AT средней полосе оптимальной считается пересадка хосты
from early August to late September. It’s connected with ранними холодами.
The adaptation of the plant takes about 1 month. About this need
Remember, choosing a time to transplant hosts in the fall.

How to start transplanting hosts in the fall?

Work begins with the preparation of the site. Despite the fact that
the host will grow on any soils, avoid planting
plants in the marshy and wet land. Especially bad condition
The flower is affected by clay soil. The best solution for growing
hosts will be a light, nutrient substrate.

Soil preparation includes a number of activities
aimed at improving its structure.

1. Before planting, you must dig the ground, choose
rhizomes of all weeds.

2. If the soil on the site is sandy, then under digging make

3. To improve the heavy soil will help river sand, which
add under the digging.

4. Too poor soils enrich with mineral fertilizers or

Land for planting is chosen in the shade of trees or other.
perennials. A few hours before the planned flower bed transplant
well watered. Experienced gardeners are advised to add to the water.
several crystals of potassium permanganate.

How to spend the autumn transplant hosts + photo

The transplant process itself begins with a complete digging out.
shrub. Next, the roots need to be freed from the old land and
Rinse. ATнимательно осмотрев корневую систему, вырезают все
damaged branches.

When transplanting is rejuvenated plants. For this ends
roots can be trimmed with a sharp pruner. Next, the mother bush
divided into plots, for convenience, use the tool. ATсе
cuts and break points need to be powdered with ashes or processed

The landing pit is prepared in advance. At the bottom of the hole stack
drainage from broken bricks, shards or rubble. Over draining
Layers fill the fallen leaves or humus. Sapling dipped in the hole
and sprinkled with earth. ATо время пересадки хосты осенью корневая шейка
the plants should be level with the ground. AT дальнейшем ее
mulch humus.

If you plan to plant several plants, then we must not forget
about the impressive size of an adult bush. Between seedlings left
enough space for their development. The optimum is considered the interval
between plants up to 1 meter.

How to prepare the host for the winter

After the fall transplant, the host needs extra care.
If the weather is warm, it is necessary to water the plants, not
letting the ground dry out. Special attention deserves
preparing hosts for the winter.

AT регионах с теплым климатом хоста не нуждается в каких-либо
special procedures. Before the onset of cold weather flower mulch
sawdust, peat or hay. But in the middle and northern bands
after transplanting the shrub may die. Therefore need
take steps to secure the plant.

1. The host needs pruning. In the fall, after the transplant hosts,
cut off old flower stalks. So the plant does not spend the strength to ripen

2. The leaves of the shrub is not cut. Dying they serve
natural mulch.

3. Before the onset of cold weather, the shrub is added dropwise and mulched.
sawdust, peat, dry leaves.

4. Further, the plant is well watered with the drug “Fitosporin” or
Sprinkle with tobacco dust. it necessary in order to scare away
snails in early spring.

ATажно! For shelter the hosts are not
use film or other airtight materials. it
leads to decay of the plant.

Despite the fact that многие садоводы склоняются к совету не
cut the leaves of the hosts for the winter, experienced gardeners advise the opposite.
Do it or not – it’s up to you. If a bed with hosts
large, you can conduct an experiment by cutting off some of the plants.

• Hosts are pruned in the fall, after their full
yellowing, but before frost.

However, it is difficult for a beginning gardener to find the right moment,
so before you cut the leaves, you need to be good
to think

Gardener’s mistakes when transplanting hosts in autumn

Novice gardeners make a number of mistakes that
adversely affect the plant.

• After the autumn transplant hosts can not be fertilized. AT это
time of year the plant prepares for winter, and does not begin to actively
develop. ATсе подкормки кустарника лучше отложить until spring.

• Covering material must retain heat, pass air and
moisture. These qualities affect the safety of perennials.

• If the plant is too weak, the transplant is better to postpone
until spring. Hosts do not tolerate any intervention, especially
in the fall.

Diseases and pests hosts

Perennial sick rarely, but still need to know about the most
common diseases hosts.


Hosta prone to fungal diseases that spoil the external
kind of leaves. Determine the damage can be on the red-brown spots,
that appear on the surface of a healthy leaf. With development
disease defeat goes to the entire surface of the leaf plate.
At the first sign of a fungal disease, remove all.
поврежденные листья и обработать кустарник препаратом «ATектра».

Root neck rot

AT случае неправильной осенней посадки хосты, когда корневая
the neck is too deep into the soil, it is rotting.
This is especially true when the weather is wet and often
it rains. Compliance will help prevent disease.
landing rules hosts. When a disease occurs, the bush needs
dig up and remove all damaged areas, after which
disinfect it in a solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the plant
transplanted to a new location.


Among the pests host “love” slugs. They feed on its leaves
making holes in them. Spraying will help save the plant.
опудривание ash. Alternatively, shrub can be transplanted to
another place.

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