When sowing cabbage seeds onseedlings? Planting white cabbage for seedlings: terms and methodssowing

Вт, 04 апр 2017 Автор: Евгений

Cabbage – unpretentious culture that requires a lot
Sveta. With early sowing of seeds, seedlings from lack of solar
rays may die. For this reason, you need to correctly
рассчитать сроки sowing семян.

Usually plant cabbage on seedlings, start in
the second decade of March, they sow seeds gradually every few days,
to extend the harvest.

Sowing is done according to precocity.

• Early ripening varieties planted on a bed at the age of 30-40

• Средние в возрасте 40-50 days;

• Late maturing at the age of 50-60 days.

By this date, you need to add 4-5 days required for
seed germination and about 3-4 days for rooting of seedlings after
transplants. Thus, it is possible to calculate the time with great accuracy.
начала sowing семян, разных сортов белокочанной капусты.

The cultivation of any garden plants begin with a choice
suitable for your conditions varieties. First you need
figure out by what time, and why the crop of cabbage is needed.
Это кажется странным, но ответ определяет кроме сорта, время sowing
seeds for seedlings of the required age. For example, if
need to get heads of cabbage in the middle of summer for cabbage salads, then
you need to choose early varieties, such as – June, Kazachok F1. If a
the crop will be fermented, it is better to sow mid-season varieties, for example
– Belarusian, Amager. For storage in winter are needed
late varieties – Geneva, Kolobok.

Учитывайте, что ранние сорта дают небольшой
harvest Most varieties are small and loose.
(about 1.5 kg) heads. They can give a harvest in 90-120

Среднепоздние сорта можно использовать в пищу
in the summer, you can store and salt them for a while. Can give a harvest
in 150-170 days (there are medium early varieties of white cabbage,
which head out in 130-150 days).

Поздняя капуста идеальна для длительного
storage (some varieties may lie until the spring). They
формируют кочан 160-180 days


Preparation of white cabbage seeds

Prepare seeds before planting to speed up
germination and to destroy the germ of disease.

For disinfection of seeds they are soaked in water heated to 50

After that, they are placed on a saucer, covered with a wet top.
napkin and incubated for 12 hours in the refrigerator.

Soil preparation

For seedlings of this culture should not use the garden soil,
it is desirable to make a nutritious soil mixture. For this
take an equal amount of coarse sand and sod soil to
destroy pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms water mixture
hot water, sift composition. At the end make 10 l of the mixture according to
10 art. l wood ash. Ash also destroys the infection in the soil,
reduce acidity, and reduces the risk of seedling disease black

Sowing seeds produced in boxes or pots. They pour in
pre-mixed soil.

Other soil mixes can be made, they are mostly different.
on the main component. For example, add peat, not sod
the earth. It is only important to choose air consuming when selecting components.
components, with a good supply of nutrients. Thereafter
it is necessary to treat the soil composition with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Attention! Do not use primer with
beds on which cruciferous cultures had previously grown, because these
plants probably infected the land with diseases affecting cabbages.
This will cause a decline in the quality and quantity of the crop, and even
can lead to the death of seedlings.

Before sowing seeds need to moisten the soil well. Sow
seed grooves cut through 3 cm space between
the seeds in rows should be 1 cm. between them should be 1
cm, 3 cm between the grooves. The seeds of early cabbage are sown in the first
decade of May, mid-season from the last decade of May to the end of April,
Late ripening varieties until April 20th.

До sowing емкости, предназначенные для рассады нужно хорошо
wash and treat with disinfectant compounds (suitable for this
potassium permanganate solution).

Sowing Cabbage Seeds

At the bottom of a shallow (4-5 cm deep) box you need to fill
1 cm thick drainage layer as the drainage use small
pebble or expanded clay, eggshell. Thereafter насыпают почву и
it is well watered. In the ground you need to cut neat grooves,
3-4 cm, seeds are buried 1 cm in the soil. Cannot be placed
the seeds are close, otherwise you need to break through the seedlings. Thereafter
the seeds are covered with soil, compacted and sprayed in the box
from a spray bottle.

Capacities cover polyethylene film or glass and place
in a bright place of the room in which the temperature is maintained in
пределах 18-20 degrees The first shoots can be seen after 4-5

Important! The soil needs to be maintained during
wet so that the swollen seeds do not dry out. This is better
do with a spray bottle. But do not forget that too much
moisture can lead to seed decay, and the spread of such
diseases like a black leg.

Hardening seedlings

When the seedlings appear, it is necessary to start hardening.

For this тару с ними заносят в комнату, в которой
temperature is maintained at 8-10 degrees, it will prevent
pulling seedlings.

After a week, you can return it to a warm room (greenhouse,
a room or a warmed balcony).

During this period, it is important to maintain a temperature regime – during the day.
время 14-17 градусов, ночью и в пасмурную погоду 9 degrees

Cabbage pick

Cabbage sprouts after real
leaf. Seedlings are transplanted into a common box (planted under the scheme 5×5
cm). Before picking the soil watered with warm potassium permanganate.

Care for cabbage seedlings

The sprouted cabbage sprouts must be placed indoors,
in which the temperature is maintained within 18-20 degrees,
so that they do not weaken, grow new roots and as a result quickly
caught on. After 2 days it is necessary to harden the seedlings again, for
This set boxes with seedlings in a room with a temperature
13-14 degrees in the daytime and 9-10 degrees after sitting down
the sun.

In early spring, cabbage seedlings need additional highlighting.
special fitolamps or fluorescent lights, since
the amount of sunlight is not enough for proper development

If a вы решили не делать пикировку рассады, то их пересаживают
immediately in a separate container. With such a transplant, plant roots
practically not injured. Note that it is too wet soil
it is impossible, otherwise the risk of plant diseases of the black

Attention! To seedlings cabbage quickly
and well developed it is necessary to provide them a light day not
less than 12-15 hours.

Do not forget that seedlings are necessary for good development.
feed on a mandatory basis. First time to feed
Plants are needed at the age of 9 days, the next feeding is through
14-15 days The last of them spend a few days before
пересадки на постоянное место для повышения иммунитета seedlings. For
This ready-made liquid formulations are well suited for
seedlings (used for feeding, exactly instructions).

In no case can not violate the temperature, seedlings
must be systematically watered, the only way you can raise
healthy and strong seedlings.

Planting a permanent place

When you have grown quality seedlings you need to land on
beds But first two weeks before it is necessary
harden plants, accustom to the effects of temperature, solar
rays, wind, which affect the plants in the open.
It is not advisable to transfer the plants to the open ground, when reducing
air temperature, with such a transplant saplings a month later can
throw away the flower arrow.

Get quality cabbage without cabbage
fertile soil is unrealistic. For этой культуры лучше всего подходят
loamy soils in well ventilated areas. Do not forget,
for cabbage you need to fertilize soil well in the fall. For every 1 m2
beds make for half a bucket of manure. In areas with acidic soil,
You need to make 1-2 tablespoons into each well. wood ash mixed
with 2-3 glasses of high-quality compost. You can land in one hole
a few shrubs seedlings, and after two weeks to remove weak
plants leaving one of the strongest seedling.

You need to transplant plants at the beginning (early varieties) or in
the last decade of May (for late ripening varieties). Soil in drawers with
seedlings 12 hours before planting moisten well. Early
white cabbage is planted in the beds according to the scheme 45×25 cm,
late ripening varieties according to the scheme 35×60 cm. Planting seedlings on the garden bed
It is better to spend in the late afternoon or in cloudy weather. First days
cover the plants from the sun.

Caring for seedlings in the garden

After planting white cabbage seedlings in a permanent place,
for the rapid development of plants and the formation of high-quality yield
There are several important rules for caring for you.

You must perform the following operations:

• Regular feeding of seedlings will give the opportunity to grow
The required number of healthy and tasty heads. Feeding
produce balanced fertilizer solutions;

• Regular watering is crucial for growing vegetative
masses of white cabbage, the formation of elastic and dense heads,
without it, it is impossible to get a normal crop;

• Prophylactic treatment of plants is necessary.
special means protecting plants from diseases;

• It is necessary to regularly destroy weeds in the beds.

Note that planting cabbage seedlings should not be thicker than through
40-50 cm, the wells need to do the depth based on the size of the root
system. Holes need to be watered only before planting cabbage bushes,
each poured about 1 liter of water, and immediately planted in it
plants. Dig the stem so as not to sprinkle the bottom

Cabbage seedlings grow better after legumes and grains
plants. The cabbage is well developed, if before it grew on the plot
root vegetables and pumpkin culture.

By following these technologies and recommendations, you can correctly
grow white cabbage seedlings at home
ensuring a good harvest.

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