What varieties of apple trees are suitable for the Urals: photos,description and characteristics. Features of winter-hardy varieties of apple trees onThe Urals

Ср, 28 мар 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Климат на The Urals суровый, весна холодная и затяжная. Often
blooming apple tree gets frost, which is negative
affects the yield of the tree. Breeders bred varieties
apple trees that adapt to the harsh conditions of the Urals, endure
winters and successfully bear fruit. Consider the most popular ones.


Колоновидные сорта яблонь для выращивания на The Urals

Colony-shaped apple trees are distinguished by their precociousness, good
yields and compactness. Recently, breeders have vaccinated
New varieties for winter hardy stock, which allows you to grow trees
even in such difficult conditions.

A special winter hardiness is the variety “Currency”. Apple tree refers
for winter, the harvest is collected in the late fall. He kept until January.
The tree itself is compact, no more than 2 m in height. Leaves retain
the green color even in autumn, with the advent of cold weather, just crumble.
Fruiting begins in the year of planting, but it peaks at 4-5
cultivation year. At one place the tree grows well and gives the harvest
for 15 years. The average number of fruits up to 10 kg, with
age yields fall. The apples are quite large, correct.
Forms, cream with a red blush. The rind is thick but thin,
brilliant. The pulp is juicy, pleasant to the taste, sour.

Unpretentious can be called a variety of “President”. Apple tree good
tolerates frosts, fruits in early August. Harvest preserves
its taste and presentation for about three months. From one
tree with proper care to collect up to 10 kg of fruit. Apples
medium sized, yellow-green, juicy flesh.

Another proven variety “Moscow necklace.” Tree with
autumn fruit period, fruits are stored until winter, do not spoil.
Apple tree is compact, can grow from 2.5 to 3 m. Excellent
bears fruit on a plot with nutritious soil, but does not tolerate stagnation
moisture at the roots. Fruits are dark red in color with a distinctive waxy
by touch The flesh is sweet, juicy, does not lose during storage

Early apple varieties for the Urals

Apple tree “Country” tolerates frost well, has a high
resistance to scab and other diseases. In fruiting enters
in the fifth year after landing. Tree with пирамидальной кроной. Fruit
pale yellow, medium in size. Creamy, sweet flesh
taste juicy.

The grade “Ural bulk” is famous for the high productivity, yellow
small apples and early fruiting. Variety with success
tolerates lowering the temperature to – 51 ° C.

From the summer varieties can be identified apple “Aksen”. She possesses
highly resistant to scab, suffers a sharp decline
temperature Fruit ярко-красного цвета, полосатые. Taste them
sweet and sour. Crop harvested in early August. Fruiting
stable year after year, despite the harsh climate.

Good yield is different apple “Papirovka.” From the tree
remove up to 250 kg of fruit. However, the variety is self-infertile, for
fruiting pollinators are required. Often planted in the role of pollinator
variety “Welsey”. Paping gives small yellow-green apples with
good taste. Their flesh is white, sweet and sour. Sort
universal, used for processing and fresh consumption.
Fresh apples are stored no more than a month.

The best of the late varieties of apple trees for the Urals

The most common is the variety “Beauty of Sverdlovsk.” With
proper care apple tree fruits abundantly and long. Tree possesses
good immunity, increased winter hardiness. Fruit выровненные,
pleasant red with a blush, medium in size. Taste

Autumn variety “Gift of Autumn” fruits in September. Harvest
retains its taste and presentation for more than two months.
Apples можно пускать на переработку. Fruit крупные с желтой
peel, the flesh is soft, sweet. Sort ценится своей устойчивостью к
various diseases. However, for normal fruiting
pollinators will be required. In the garden it is recommended to plant an apple tree “Anis

Sort «Благая весть» относительно новый, славится хорошей
winter hardiness, stable fruiting. Tree withредней силы
height, his crown is rounded. Fruit большие, бочковидной формы.
The color of the apples is yellow and the covering red blush. The pulp is dense,
crispy, fine-grained, juicy. Apples снимают в конце сентября,
the crop is successfully stored until the next spring. Sort примечателен в
industrial purposes, well tolerated transportation, long
preserves the presentation.

From the new varieties of winter apples stands out “Danila”. Tree not
affected by scab, does not freeze. Fruiting large apples,
who collect at the end of September. Fruit желтого цвета, приятного
sweet and sour taste. Harvest стабильный, хранится до весны с
minimal losses.

Features of planting and cultivation of apple trees

Все сорта яблонь, которые выращивают на The Urals, нуждаются в
special care in the winter. The frost in this area is strong, the soil
deep freezes through the root system, even winter-hardy trees
may suffer. To prevent this happened for the winter stick
the circle is mulched with a thick layer of peat, humus, dry foliage,
sprinkled with spruce leaves and covered with snow. The height of the mulch layer is not
less than 10 cm

Another problem with growing can be strong winds.
Therefore, for landing a quiet place, without drafts. Young
trees are recommended to tie to the supports. In some cases
bind each branch separately.

Planted young plants in late autumn, so they do not start
grow or spring as soon as the snow melts. Spring landing
preferably, seedlings adapt faster, start growing and
get stronger for the season. Place for landing is prepared in advance, while its
choose so that the groundwater lay deep.

Traditional seedling care is standard

– watering;

– feeding;

– pruning.

Trees are especially watered after planting until they
take root. In subsequent years, the soil is moistened only in the period

In the first year, the seedling is not fed. In the subsequent make
nutrient mixture, mostly nitrogen in spring, gradually
transferred to phosphate-potassium fertilizer. After dressing the soil
plentifully watered. Granular fertilizers can be used.
long acting. They are brought in the area of ​​the circle of the trunk, with
Subsequent embedment into the ground.

The formation of the crown depends on the sort of apple. Kolonovidnye apple
they do not cut them off very much, they carry out only sanitary cleaning. Central
the conductor is not cut. If he suffered from frost, then
it is shortened to living tissue, the nearest lateral kidney is left in
as a conductor.

The remaining species begin to form in the second year.
cultivation. In spring, branches are shortened to the maximum so that they
began to grow actively. This leads to a good harvest, an apple tree
bears larger fruits.

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