What to feed the seedlings of tomatoes, so that wasplump? Fertilizing methods, the effect of fertilizing ontomato seedlings

Чт, 27 апр 2017 Автор: Евгений

It’s no secret that tomatoes are grown to produce delicious.

But to get the required amount of crop, you first need
подготовить качественную tomato seedlings, при выращивании которой
need to properly apply various fertilizers.

Additional nutrients to this culture
almost always needed.


How to determine that tomato seedlings lack nutritious

Very often beginners, and experienced gardeners ask “What
подкормить tomato seedlings, чтобы были толстенькие и здоровые
shoots? This is the right question – plants with thin stems are not
can form a normal crop.

When growing seedlings, tomato seeds are sown in the soil with
pre-loaded nutrients. For this reason, about
feeding begin to remember after transplanting seedlings to a permanent
a place.

Attention! Start preparing the plot
for tomatoes it is necessary still in the autumn, at this time it is fertilized
humus or manure, make phosphate fertilizers. On plots with
in loamy and clayey soil, in autumn they bring a slight
the number of rotted sawdust and peat. Plot with acidic soil
need to lime, do not forget that spring from organic
fertilizers can be fertilized with only biohumus and good

It is important to pick tomatoes correctly. But not always even
picking up all the seedlings is developing well, its
внешний вид скажет вам, что необходимо для

• If the seedlings after transplantation dramatically slows growth, and the leaves
brighten, the plant lacks nitrogen;

• A seedling that quickly grows vegetative mass needs
reduction of nitrogenous feedings (this is called “fattening”, it can
cause bad fruit set);

• Leaves with a violet tint, talk about the lack of phosphorus, if
there is a lot of it – the ovaries and the leaves will begin to fall

• Fading after transplanting seedlings with sufficient watering
requires nitrogen supplements;

• Curling foliage on seedlings, speaks of a lack of potassium and
nitrogen, and too much phosphorus in the soil.

Нужно обязательно подкармливать tomato seedlings, если грядки
prepared on a plot with sandy soil. Feeding seedlings not
exceed the recommended dosage of fertilizer, seedlings better
�“Underfeed” (high content in the soil solution of mineral
elements harms plants).

Top dressing of seedlings of tomatoes

No matter what kind of fertilizer you feed tomatoes in any
If necessary, follow the recommended dosage.
The scheme of dressings almost does not change:

1. • On the 15th day after transplantation of seedlings, containers with seedlings
need to feed – add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water.
complex fertilizer for tomatoes and nitrophoska. This solution
water each plant with 100 grams each;

2. • On the 25th day, you need to feed the plants with a solution of nitrophoska
(1 tsp of fertilizer is added to 1 liter of water). It does not hurt to add 0.5
tsp complex fertilizer. This feeding can be carried out 1 time per
10 days;

3.•Через 10 суток после пересадки растений на постоянное a place.
She is watered with potassium permanganate;

4. • 25 days after planting on a permanent place of the plant
feed potassium nitrate (dissolve 20 grams of fertilizer in a bucket

5. • Extra root feedings are very useful for seedlings, they speed up
созревание fruits. So seedlings can be fed 1 time in 6-7 days.
In a bucket of water dissolve 15 grams of potassium sulfate, 10 grams of double
superphosphate and 15 grams of urea;

6. • When forming the first inflorescences, the seedlings are fed
a solution of azofoski and mullein;

7. • Flowering plants need to be fed 2-3 more times, which
spend in 2 weeks. In a bucket of water diluted 25 grams of chicken
litter and 25 grams of potassium sulfate. Instead of litter, you can use
potassium nitrate, make 25 grams of substance in a bucket of water.

Please note! If you landed tomatoes on
poor soil, in a rainy year you need to feed 2 times more often
plants. But the dose of fertilizer should be reduced by 1/3 in order “not to
burned out.

Fertilizers for tomatoes

There are many fertilizers, both organic and mineral,
which use for top dressing.


It is often used for feeding tomatoes, but fresh it can be
to make the soil only in the autumn. When feeding seedlings
mullein, they fill 1/2 buckets and pour water. In this form
fertilizer stand for several days in the sun. After
mullein ferment the solution dilute 1:10 and water the bushes

Внимание! It is harmful to tomatoes
the amount of mullein, large concentration can destroy the bushes.

Wood ash

During the planting of seedlings in planting pits make 1 tbsp.
ash, it will provide plants with essential trace elements for long
time limit You can simply remove it from the stove after burning wood, or
make a fire from twigs, straw or leaves in the area where they will be
grow tomatoes.

Ash is good because it contains many trace elements, calcium,
phosphorus and enough potassium. Only you can not make it very much –
It is better to feed the site with ash in the autumn, you can not make
more than 0.5 kg per 1 m2.

Yeast top dressing of tomatoes

Not every gardener knows that yeast dressing is good for
на tomato seedlings. To do this, dissolve 10 grams of living in a bucket of water.
yeast. Yeast fermentation will be much better if
solution use heated water and a small amount
Sahara. Раствор подливают под кусты tomatoes

Top dressing with iodine

This dressing will increase the mass of fruits and speed them up a little.
maturation. Plants are watered 1 time in 7 days with a solution of 1 bucket
water with dissolved 4-5 drops of iodine.

Top dressing of tomatoes with urea

This substance is an excellent source of nitrogen. Plant nutrition
begin after transplanting to a permanent place, the bushes are watered
solution at the rate of 20 grams of substance per 1 m2. But to avoid
problems (overdose of this strong nitrogen fertilizer) urea
it is better to use exclusively for foliar (spraying)
top dressing.

Did you know? During the pick, saltpeter and superphosphate can
add to the wells in which seedlings will be planted. However at 1
the hole can not be used more than 1 tablespoon

Technology of foliar feeding plants

This treatment is done by spraying the plants.
aqueous solution of fertilizers of low concentration. This is optional
procedure, it is mainly used as an ambulance for
plants (when spraying plants with fertilizers, they are very fast
absorbed by the leaves and immediately begin to act).

Most often, urea is used for such dressing.
boron that helps tomato bushes like this:

• Treating inflorescences with boron, stimulates fruit set and
accelerates their development;

• Tomatoes after processing grow sweeter;

• This dressing reduces the risk of plant infection by disease and

Tomatoes are treated with the composition prepared according to such
prescription – in 1 liter of heated water dissolve 1 g of boric acid.
Treated with a solution not only the ovary and leaves, but also
formed fruits.

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