What to do if cucumbers dry up? Detailedconsideration of the problem and its solution: cucumbers dry up – acceptmeasures!

Чт, 09 июн 2016 Автор: Татьяна Зайцева

A rare gardener will not plant cucumbers on his plot.

A pleasure to harvest and eat.
grown foods!

However, a common problem when growing cucumbers is they
dry up.

The beginning can be made by yellowing of leaves, and can dry
and already fruiting bushes.

What can be the cause and how to cope with it – consider in


Why do cucumbers dry up?

Cucumbers are planted in two ways – directly in the wells in
open ground or as a seedling at home. For both
способов актуальны некоторые ошибки, из-за которых
огурцы dry up. Here are the main reasons for this phenomenon:

Недостаток света. If we are talking about already
matured shoots, then the problem can be ignored.
As a rule, cucumbers grow, creating lush jungles, and
it is not surprising that some leaves lack light.

Недостаток влаги или ее переизбыток. WITH
watering cucumbers should behave carefully. Amazing but
cucumbers can dry out even in rainy weather – from excess moisture
the roots start to rot and it will cause yellow leaves or
drying of the ovaries. In hot weather will have to soak the ground.
every day, and in the usual summer will be enough 2-3 times a week for
glaze. With a lack of moisture, the roots of cucumbers try to look for it, and
can get to the surface. Frequent watering is only relevant for
cucumbers planted in open ground! Home seedlings are not there
highly susceptible to climatic influences.

Недостаток питательных элементов. AT
depending on the location of yellowing or drying up of leaves,
determine exactly what elements are missing seedlings. If the edges
leaves turned yellow and began to dry – the plant lacks magnesium
or potassium. If only the upper leaves dry up, this is a signal of
copper deficiency. By the way, one can not ignore the factor too close
finding ovaries to each other. Tight neighborhood also causes
lack of nutrition.

Грибковые заболевания. First symptoms
fungal diseases are the appearance of rusty spots on the leaves.
WITHначала их будет немного, но потом покроется весь лист, увянет и
dry completely. The scourge will also touch the disease – they will become
lethargic, like a rag, and will cease to respond to

Наличие вредителей. These include aphid
spider mite, whitefly, sprout fly. ATредители питаются
«соками» листьев, и в результате огурцы dry up. Death of the plant
will be gradual – leaves can curl up first, then they
dry and fall off. WITH ними же опадут и цветки, и урожай станет
unrealizable hope.

Cucumbers dry up: what to do if the weather is guilty
the reasons?

In addition to weather reasons, such as rain and strong sun,
which can negatively affect plants, I would like to
consider the general rules of planting and growing cucumbers.
Of course, no one can regulate weather conditions, but
we can protect cucumbers from drying out or death.

Cucumber is a very tender and sensitive plant, therefore its
landing should be carried out correctly. Should not be allowed
planting cucumbers in areas that are subject to strong winds
and is in the shade. Immediately after planting cucumber seeds
it’s better not to water for a while: the seeds will have
there is enough air to germinate, and the soil cannot form
корку, которая появляется после glaze.

ATажно понимать, что корневая система огурцов находится очень
close to the surface of the soil, so sometimes cucumbers dry up because
that the roots cannot supply the plant with enough moisture.
As soon as the first ovaries appear, watering should be carried out.
more often – daily, and it is necessary to water the root. Where daytime
temperature exceeds 25 degrees, shoots need sprinkling –
irrigation from the watering can of plant leaves. Procedures are performed
only in the morning or in the evening, otherwise the leaves that fall
drops of water will burn and get stained. Sprinkling should
excluded if the daytime temperature is below 25 degrees. AT этом
the case can only provoke the occurrence of fungal

If the leaves have already begun to dry out due to strong sun or
poor watering (maybe a few days in the garden there was no one
water the plants), it is necessary to water the cucumbers well. If direct
hitting the sun’s rays is inevitable, it is better to come up with some kind of canopy
for leaves. Professionals advise when starting out.
dry leaves pour cucumbers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Cucumbers dry up: what to do if the cause is pests and

Cucumbers belong to the pumpkin family, and all plants of this
группы подвержены образованию белой гнили, которую
also called root. A particularly acute phase of the disease occurs as
once in a while when cucumbers begin to bear fruit. To determine
the beginning of root rot can be on the stems, closer to the root – they
begin to cover with brown spots, and then become completely
brown. AT этот момент the root is affected and the plant ceases
getting moisture and nutrients, which means that cucumbers dry up,
leaves and stems perish. If this particular problem is found,
поможет обработка растения препаратом «Триходермин».
The powder must be diluted, withstand and process the affected.

If the cause of wilting, yellowing or drying leaves
is aphid, you can purchase special drugs or
take advantage of folk remedies. To detect aphids
you need to carefully examine the lower part of the damaged leaves –
if they are dark or translucent bugs, meet –

Помочь может такой препарат, как «Искра».

From popular funds can be identified

• Celandine. 200 grams of dry leaves need to pour 10 liters
hot water, leave to infuse for 2 days and then spray
cucumber obtained solution.

• Wood ash and laundry soap. Must Mix 2
glasses of ash and naked wood soap (half a bar),
Pour all 10 liters of water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then
spray the plants with a solution.

If there is an assumption that the plant is sick, it is necessary
take action – strip the affected leaves and prepare a solution
from chalk and potassium permanganate. Preparations will also help – “Kornevin”
�”Photosporin”, “Gitrauksin.”

Cucumbers dry up – and the reasons are not established

WITHуществует еще одна причина, из-за которой огурцы засыхают без
visible grounds. This is insufficient pollination. If for
plantings were chosen hybrid varieties, it is important to understand that they are in
mainly form female flowers. It is necessary to plant a number of cucumbers
with male flowers and provide access for insects. Conduct
pollination can be done independently, tearing the male flower and bringing
its to feminine.

To prevent any trouble with growing
Cucumber can use popular preventive methods.
For example, the landing can be sprayed with 1% bordeaux mortar
0.4% liquid or chlorine oxide – it will give
plants have more strength for growth and fruiting.

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