What prefers hellebore: planting and carebeautiful buttercup Problems in growing hellebore (photo)

Ср, 17 авг 2016 BUTвтор: Юлия Кривенко

The hellebore is a perennial plant of the buttercup family.
In nature, there are more than 25 species of this amazing flower.
This ornamental plant blooms in winter or early spring. Flowers
hellebore resemble lanterns of various colors.

All varieties of hellebore are cold-resistant and easily tolerated.
the harshest winters. Some species are available for growing even

In the old days, hellebore was grown exclusively for medicinal purposes.
The plant cleans the body well and promotes weight loss. BUT
planting the hellebore near the front door was protected from the evil eye,
defacement and drove away evil spirits.

In Europe you can find thickets of hellebore in the winter forest. When
the flower beds are still covered with snow, an amazing flower pleases the eye.


Growing hellebore in the garden: planting plants

Choosing a place to plant a flower, you need to remember that he does not like
frequent transplants. In one place hellebore grows up to 10 years.

The best place for a plant will be a glade under the shade of trees and
shrubs where good soil. Flower prefers moist, good
drained soils. But it can grow on poorer soils.

The flowering of hellebore begins in winter or early spring, when
there are no leaves on the trees, and the plant receives enough light. AT
the summer period the shadow of the crown creates a comfortable environment for growth, and
Falling leaves increase soil fertility and nourish the flower.

Planting hellebore is carried out in pre-prepared wells,
the distance between which should be about 30 cm. The fossa fills
mature compost that allows you to grow a flower without
additional fertilizer. AT первые недели после посадки растение
need to be watered well. The best time to plant is spring, when
snow will come down.

ATысаживать морозник лучше группами, которые эффектно смотрятся
against the backdrop of a snow-covered garden. The flower goes well with tulips and
other bulbous.

How to care for hellebore

The hellebore is an unpretentious flower, the care of which is not
delivers trouble. The plant is quite cold-resistant, so it does not
requires shelter. The only thing the hellebore doesn’t like is stagnation.
water in the soil.

ATнесение удобрений хорошо сказывается на растении, цветение
becomes more lush and long. Fertilizer is better
give preference to organics, which contribute in the spring. Helpful
mulch the soil around the flower opad.

Autumn hellebore need to carefully examine the presence of
damage. ATсе старые и больные листья нужно удалить, что
prevent the spread of disease. Hurry with cleaning dry
inflorescences are not worth it if you need to collect the seeds.

Reproduction hellebore

The flower propagates in several ways:

• division of the bush during transplantation;

• seeds.

Most often, gardeners resort to a less labor-intensive method –
sowing seeds for seedlings.

ATыращиваем рассаду морозника

ATыращивать рассаду нужно сразу, после сбора семян. Usually,
they ripen in june. Seeds are sown in prepared soil on
глубину до 1,5 см. ATсходы придется ждать долго, они появятся только
in March next year.

Young seedlings need care. After the appearance of several pairs
their leaves dive on the prepared bed in the shade of the trees. On
flowerbed they will grow for several more years. After three years seedlings
hellebore can be transplanted to a permanent place, you need to do it
in April. The grown up seedlings will bloom in three years,
after landing on a permanent place. By the time the plant is good
get stronger and take root in a new place.

How to divide an old hellebore bush

You can get ready planting material by dividing the old
hellebore bush. Usually, размножают его весной, как только
the plant will bloom. Bushes are suitable for dividing by age from five
years old. ATыкопав подходящий куст, его корневище нужно разделить на
several parts. For work use sharp tools. ATсе
cuts surely need to sprinkle with crushed coal.

ATажно! Some varieties of hellebore can
to divide in the fall, for example, the hellebore east.

Care of hellebore after flowering: how to collect seeds,
winter preparation

After the plant fades, you need to collect the seeds to
avoid self seeding. Seeds begin to ripen from the end of June, the process
lasts all summer. The hellebore boxes burst easily and the seeds
spilling onto the ground. To prevent this from happening
tie a still cloth with a thin cloth. When семена
fall on the fabric, they must be dried at room temperature.
Keep the seeds better in a paper bag.

ATажно! The hellebore seeds quickly lose
germination, so it is better to sow them immediately in the ground. Long storage
leads to loss of quality.

How to care for hellebore зимой

The hellebore belongs to cold-resistant cultures, but in the snow-free
winters and he may suffer. As a rule, only young freeze
immature plants. Therefore, for the winter they should be well fall asleep.
foliage or cover with spruce branches.

Diseases and pests of hellebore

Often the plant suffers from the attack of snails and slugs, aphids and
mice. They eat away its leaves, the flower loses its attractiveness.

You can get rid of mice by spreading the bait around the landings. From
aphids and гусениц применяют различные препараты, а вот улиток придется
destroy mechanically, i.e. assemble manually.

ATредители разносят различные болезни, которые поражают морозник,
therefore, it is imperative to destroy them.

1. Ring spot of hellebore.

On листьях морозника заметны характерные пятна, поврежденные
parts lose their appeal. ATсе больные листья сжигают, а
the flower is treated with fungicides.

2. Mealy dew.

On пораженном растении перестают развиваться молодые листья, оно
lags behind in growth. Sick leaves are deformed, covered with dark
stained and gray bloom. Affected plants are removed and the plot

ATообще, морозник очень устойчив к болезням, поражаются только
unkempt plants that are grown in unacceptable conditions,
for example, in too acidic soil.

Varieties and types of hellebore (photo)

• Black hellebore is the most common species that
found in the wild. ATысота куста достигает 30 см, цветки
large snow-white, high stalks. Flowering occurs in
April and lasts up to two weeks. Plant with good
winter hardiness, can withstand temperatures down to – 35 degrees. AT цветоводстве
Popular varieties of this freezer are grown: Precox (blooms in
November), Potters Will.

• The smelly hellebore forms green flowers on long peduncles,
which height reaches 80 cm. This look transfers not only
severe frosts, but also resistant to drought. Популярный сорт — ATестер

• The red hellebore is a plant with large shiny
leaves. Violet-purple flowers, drooping, have a very
unpleasant smell, in the process of flowering change color to green.
Blossoms in April, the duration of flowering up to 10 days.

• Caucasian hellebore blooms less attractive than others
species of hellebore, but its foliage remains decorative even in winter
period. ATысаживая в саду, нужно помнить, что этот вид морозника
very poisonous.

• Freezer Hybrid – combines several types of soda
plants with a variety of colors of flowers. Onиболее популярные
сорта: ATиолетта, Белинда, Квин оф зе Onйт.

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