What kind of fruit can I eat while losing weight?

  • 1 The effectiveness of fruit for weight loss and fat removal
    • 1.1 What fruits help to lose weight?
    • 1.2 When losing weight, can I eat fruit at night?
    • 1.3 Benefits of pomelo
    • 1.4 Useful properties of kiwi
  • 2 What fruits can not be eaten while losing weight?
  • 3 Cocktail Recipes

What do we know about fruits? First, they are good for health.
due to the content in them of a huge amount of vitamins and
trace elements. And secondly, these fruits are incredible

To date, the most popular fruit
diets. They reduce weight, saturate the body with beneficial effects.
vitamins and remove harmful substances from it.

Of course, not all fruit fruits are suitable for weight loss.
Some of them can even harm health. What fruit
allowed to use during the diet, and which – no, consider


The effectiveness of fruit for weight loss and fat removal

Almost all fruits are dietary and low-calorie.
Their regular use contributes to the removal of fat from
organism. To make a fruit diet maximum effective, you need
know firmly which fruits contribute to weight loss, and which
lead to his recruitment.

Существуют фрукты, которые обладают жиросжигающим
. Eating them speeds up metabolism and
promotes splitting of the accumulated fats. Some fruit
полезно есть натощак, так как они запускают
exchange processes.

It is important not to forget that the fruit diet will only bring
good for losing weight when you start eating right
exceeding daily calories and actively exercising.

What fruit помогают похудеть?

The beneficial properties of fruit are the presence of
elements that accelerate the metabolism of weight loss. Special
внимание нужно обратить на низкокалорийные фрукты, к
which include:

  • Watermelon. Its caloric value is not
    exceeds 35 kcal. In addition, the fruit contains a large amount
    fluid and suitable for handling days.
  • Персик также подходит для похудения. Him
    Calorie content is within 40 kcal.
  • Груша – вкусный и полезный продукт,
    positively affecting the bowels due to high
    fiber content.
  • Яблоко поможет избавиться от застоев в
    intestines. On the day you need to eat a couple of fruits.
  • Слива обладает слабительным effect. If a
    eat a fetus for two weeks, then you can throw a few
  • Лимон в большом количестве содержит витамин С.
    Due to this, immunity is strengthened, fat is split
    выведение лишней жидкости из organism.

In order to eat and simultaneously burn calories, you need
выбирать плоды, способствующие максимальному выведению

  • Grapefruit. One of the most beneficial fruits
    способствующих расщеплению и выведению fat Besides that
    grapefruit removes excess fluid from the body, it also
    благотворно влияет на exchange processes. Grapefruit applies to
    low-calorie product. Him калорийность не превышает 35
  • Orange. Another product from the family
    citrus fruit Promotes the splitting and removal of complex fats,
    boosts immunity, affects human activity.
  • Ананас  – еще один представитель
    low-calorie fruits. It contains a special substance – bromelain,
    которое способствует выведению fat

Цитрусовые лучше не есть натощак: такое
consumption may harm the stomach.

When losing weight, can I eat fruit at night?

Often, especially in the period of diets, I want to eat at night. Because
we are talking about a fruit diet, determine what kind of fruit you can eat on
night with losing weight, and which can not.

  • Get rid of the feeling of hunger better
    citrus. Their use does not
    will affect the figure, but will allow to saturate the body, and blunt
  • Также можно полакомиться манго или киви. These
    фрукты способствуют выведению жира и прекрасно борются с
    overweight (find out what percentage of body fat you have will help

Apple is a fairly low-calorie product, but it
on the contrary, it only stimulates the appetite. Therefore, from the use of this
fetus at night is better to abstain.

Good pomelo

Pomelo is an incredibly tasty and healthy fruit containing
a large amount of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5) and trace elements
(iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium).

Especially great is the benefit of this fruit for weight loss. Pomelo
ускоряет обменные процессы в организме и активно сжигает

Pomelo считается низкокалорийным продуктом. Him калорийность
составляет 32 Ккал на 100 гр продукта. it
allows you to use the product at any time of the day without hurting
this to your health.

Because помело отличается «мясистостью», он отлично насыщает
организм и создает длительное ощущение сытости.
Фрукт является прекрасным вариантом для проведения
fasting days. Также его смело можно употреблять на

Useful properties of kiwi

Kiwi is a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. Use
этого фрукта в пищу невероятно полезно для organism.

The benefits of kiwi concluded in:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • improve hormonal background;
  • immunity strengthening;
  • neutralization of harmful substances (nitrates and toxins);
  • fast breakdown of fats;
  • strengthening bone and muscle tissue;
  • stress management, etc.

Use киви после основного приема пищи помогает
get rid of heaviness in the stomach. Fruit helps to eliminate fat
lower cholesterol and increase metabolism.

Useful properties of kiwi для похудения очевидны:
it contains a whole complex of vitamins, fiber,
organic, vegetable and amino acids.

Use 3-4 фруктов в день будет особенно полезным для
organism in the period of weight loss. Киви низкокалориен — 60 Ккал
на 100 гр продукта
. it позволяет есть его и в ночное
Times of Day.

The only contraindication to the use of fruit is considered
tendency to allergic reactions.

What fruit нельзя есть при похудении?

Despite the effectiveness of the fruit diet, there are a number of
fruits that are undesirable for weight loss.

These include fruits containing a high amount
carbohydrate and fructose:

  • bananas – the most high-calorie fruit;
  • avocado – is considered a heavy and high-calorie fruit;
  • grapes – contains high fructose content;
  • persimmon;
  • papaya;
  • figs;
  • watermelon – frequent use violates the water-salt balance;
  • dried fruits – high glucose content;
  • cherry, sweet cherry;
  • dates;
  • peaches;
  • blueberries, blackberries.

Of course, all these fruits are good for our body! But because
high sugar content in them, as well as increased calorie content,
eating them is prohibited.

Because ваша основная цель — снижение веса, на некоторое время
These products will need to be removed by replacing them with others.

Cocktail Recipes

Dietary fruit smoothies are a great way to fight
with extra pounds. They speed up metabolism and dull
hunger. Such drinks provide the body with the necessary supply.
nutrients and provide a large supply of strength and energy.

One of the most effective are the following recipes.
Low-calorie cocktails, useful for losing weight:

Рецепт коктейля из киви, способствующий
burning and removing fat:

  1. In a blender, mix 1 kiwi, 2 circles of lemon, parsley and
  2. Add 100 ml of water. Delicious and healthy cocktail is ready.

Vegetable, Apple and Ginger Cocktail Recipe:

  1. Mix in a blender 1 apple, 2 tablespoons of ginger, medium
    beets and 4 carrots.
  2. Add 100 ml of water.

Watermelon Cocktail Recipe:

  1. In a blender, mix 500 g of watermelon pulp.
  2. Add 5 mint leaves and 200 g of raspberry.
  3. All thoroughly mixed.

The recipe for low-calorie cocktail from

  1. To prepare you need 100 ml of water, 1 grapefruit, 100 ml
    green tea, 10 g of ginger.
  2. Mix all this with a blender and add 1 hour spoon of honey.

Low-calorie fruits and vegetables contribute to the removal of fat from
body and clean it from toxins.

Fruit and vegetable diet is shown to those who want to lose weight for
fairly short time without harm for
organism. Low-calorie fruits and vegetables contribute
выведению жира из body and clean it from toxins.

Важно не забывать, что любая методика похудения
involves the observance of simple rules:

  • The exception fasting and overeating.
  • Use 2,5 литра чистой воды в день.
  • Healthy sleep and lack of stress.
  • Use небольших порций.
  • Compliance with daily calories.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle (sports, dancing, etc.)

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