What is popular apple tree “Jonathan”: description,characteristic photo. Features of growing apple trees “Jonathan”correct pruning

ATт, 20 мар 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Apple tree “Jonathan” is popular all over the world, the variety is cultivated not
only in private households, but also on an industrial scale.
Breeders use it to breed new varieties with good
indicators. Growing an apple tree is easy, just remember about it


Description of the apple tree “Jonathan” and the history of breeding varieties

The currently popular variety was bred by American breeders in
1886 g of seedlings Aesop Spitzenburg, who today meet
almost impossible. New variety is popularly called winter
red apples, he spread in the territories with
temperate and warm climate, where mild winters and lingering autumn. AT
it is difficult to grow it in the northern part of Russia because the tree is bad
tolerates frosts. The grade belongs to heat-loving.

The tree itself is low, but with a spreading crown. Skeletal branches
not too thick, under the weight of the fruit become drooping form.
The average winnowing depends on the number of young buds.
Annual shoots are thin, greenish-brown, pubescent.
Leaf cover is not too thick. Leaves wavy, elongated
forms, they have a matte surface.

Variety refers to a partially self-fruit with a late term
flowering A lot of flowers, fruit tied well. However for
increase yields in the garden is better to have several varieties
pollinators. Good pollinators for apple trees “Jonathan” are

– Mac;

– Idared;

– Spartan;

– Uman winter.

This planting technology allows for stable yields.
Every year. The yield of apple trees increases with the age of the plant.
One tree at the age of 6 yields no more than 18 kg of fruit, but by 10
the year of cultivation, the amount of fruit rises to 45 kg per tree. AND
this is not the limit. With good care, the apple tree gives from 50 to 80 kg of fruit.
The first fruits appear in the fifth year of cultivation.

Characteristic fruits of the apple tree “Jonathan” and photo varieties

The apples are round, large, the mass of one reaches 150 grams. Skin
they have a thin, smooth, shiny. Mature fetus gains red.

The flesh is fine-grained, pleasant greenish, with
хранении может приобретать кремовый shade. Taste
sweet and sour, juicy, dense and very aromatic.

Fruits are universal, suitable for winter storage,
processing and various preparations, making juice, wine. Cleaning
spend late autumn, ripe apples are not showered from the tree,
keep well until the end of winter in a cool room, easy
carry transportation.

Healthy fruits are stored for storage, without stains and mechanical
damage. AT помещении поддерживают температуру на уровне 2-3 °С,
if the temperature rises, the shelf life is significantly
going down. Spoiled apples during storage acquire

Особенности varieties: преимущества и недостатки яблок

The apple tree of this variety differs in the mixed type of fructification.
Fruits are tied to annual growths, kolchatka, spears.
In addition, wood has good immunity and resistance to various
diseases. But it endures frost badly, it can become critical
even the temperature is 15 ° C. Experienced gardeners recommend growing
Apple tree only in the southern regions of Russia.

Maturation dates depend on the growing region, as a rule
This is the end of September or the beginning of October.

Среди достоинств varieties:

– precociousness;

– large size of fruits;

– resistance to scab;

– long shelf life of the crop;

– good taste characteristics;

– high crop transportability.

There are not many disadvantages, but they are present. Grade is bad
opposes powdery mildew, during storage the crop can
marvel at spotting. When grown on marginal soils
and the lack of moisture suffers yields. Apples shrink, their taste
getting worse.

ATыращивание яблони �”Jonathan”

For planting a tree choose a well-lit place with
loamy or sandy soil. Mineral advance
fertilizers and humus. AT дальнейшем дерево удобряют через год или
two after landing.

The landing period is at the end of April, when it is established
warm weather. Seedlings are best purchased in the nursery. Pay
attention to the condition of the tree. Optimum length of a sapling is no more than 80
see. Before planting it is cut, remove long and dry roots.
ATысаживают яблони на расстоянии не менее 3 м. Если погода стоит
hot, young trees should be priten.

Landing pit is prepared in advance. Its depth must be at least
70 cm and width up to 1 m. One-third of the hole is filled with fertile soil,
which is mixed with fertilizers. Then proceed to landing
sapling It is set in the hole, straighten the roots and sprinkle.
by land. Do not forget to tamp the soil well and water so as not to
there were voids. After this, the trunk circle mulch improvised

Какой уход нужен яблоне сорта �”Jonathan”

There is no special care for the apple tree. The tree needs systematic
watering, feeding and pruning. AT For the purpose of prevention, it will be useful
carry out the treatment of diseases.

Watering moderate, if summer is rainy, then it will be enough
natural moisture. AT засушливый период поливают чаще, особенно
young plants.

Top dressings are done throughout the growing season.
potassium phosphate fertilizers in the fall make humus that
beneficial effect on the growth and development of the tree.

Pruning seedlings carried out regularly from the second year of cultivation.
AT начале роста делают формирующую обрезку и санитарную чистку
spring and autumn. Anti-aging pruning is performed only on adults.
plants. The crown of the tree can be formed on the basis of personal
preferences. It may be tiered, cupped or

Do not forget about disease prevention. To do this in a timely manner
remove fallen leaves; handle crown in spring and autumn
iron preparations. If it was not possible to avoid infection,
use drugs “Topaz” or “Scor”.

Как подготовить яблоню �”Jonathan” к зимовке

The variety does not differ in winter hardiness, therefore, in some regions
no additional shelter is necessary. If a decrease is expected
temperatures up to – 20 ° C, the root zone and skeletal branches need
to warm.

You can tie a young tree with fir branches or other
material that will allow the cortex to breathe.

Популярные клоны яблони сорта �”Jonathan”

Благодаря своим характеристикам яблоня �”Jonathan” часто
used in breeding work. AT результате чего получаются
New varieties, some of them are distinguished by good winter hardiness,
before starting to bear fruit. We give the most popular:

– Jonagold;

– McFrey;

– Prime;

– Excel;

– Morens.

There are at least 40 species of this apple tree. Each
only the best from the mother plant

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