What foods contain vitamin B12?

  • 1 Effect on the body of B vitamins
    • 1.1 Daily rate
    • 1.2 Consequences of excess
    • 1.3 What is the disadvantage?
  • 2 What foods contain vitamin B12 – a list of products
    • 2.1 Herbal Products
    • 2.2 List of products containing B vitamins

Vitamin B12 is an essential element for normal functioning.
all processes occurring in the body. To provide for yourself
daily dose of this substance, it is important to know in which products it is

Proper nutrition and a balanced diet will help to do.
no special expensive additives and help greatly
own body.


The effect on the body of B vitamins

Группа витаминов В известна человечеству уже
more than 100 years.

  • Its feature is the presence of nitrogen in its composition.
    Substances of this group are responsible for the nervous and digestive systems,
    предотвращая стрессы, дестабилизацию
    уровня сахара и улучшая работу внутренних
  • Продукты, содержащие витамин В12, являются
    Excellent adjunct in the treatment of neurological
    anamnesis. Общее состояние иммунной системы и развития
    организма зависит от потребляемой пищи,
    containing B12.
  • Нехватка витаминов группы В в организме
    может привести к набору веса и потере мышечного
    tonus, as they directly affect the metabolic processes,
    assimilation of food eaten and increase efficiency for burning
    extra calories. Wound healing occurs due to B5.

Различают 20 элементов группы В. Помимо
self-impact on the human body, their literate
сочетание дает не менее положительный эффект:
Vitamin B12 and folic acid (B9) contribute to women’s health.
organism and the establishment of the reproductive system.

Daily rate

For the correct operation of all body systems, scientists derived
approximate daily intake of each substance.

Ежедневная норма В12:

Age  Norm for women and men
мкг в
Children from birth to six months 0.4 mcg
Children 7-12 months 0.5 mcg
Children 1-3 years 0.9 mcg
Children 4-8 years 1.2 mcg
Teens 9-13 years 1.8 mcg
Children and adults over 14 years old 2.4 mcg
Pregnant women 2.6 mcg
Nursing mothers 2.8 mcg

With proper nutrition, the body gets enough
useful items. But during periods of illness, stress, significant
физических нагрузок, употребление этого вещества в
food may be inadequate.

Accordingly, it may require the use of vitamin
complex in the form of drugs.

Daily rate витамина В6

Age Norm for women and men
мкг в day)
Children from birth to six months 0.5
Children 7-12 months 0.6
Children 1-3 years 0.9
Children 4-6 years old 1,3
Children 7-10 years old 1.6
Teens 11-14 years 1.6 — 1,8
Children and adults over 14 years old 1.8-2
Pregnant women 2 – 2.3
Nursing mothers 2.3 – 2.5

It should be borne in mind that an unhealthy lifestyle can impede
the assimilation of useful elements and their combination with other substances.
Smokers need a little more than the daily intake of food.

Consequences of excess

For most people, even a significant excess of the daily rate.
does not cause side effects. Due to its ability
, избыток витамина В12 просто
is deposited in the body and is implemented at the time of its

Abundant problems can only arise within
индивидуальной непереносимости
его конкретным человеком,
what is manifested by pulmonary edema, urticaria and the formation
blood clots.

What is the disadvantage?

В отличие от избытка, недостаток витамина
ощущается остро любым человеком. However nature
The symptoms are so varied and extensive that not always
can immediately identify the source of the problem.

Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency may

  • Irritability;
  • Fatigue;
  • Headaches / dizziness;
  • Pallor;
  • Backache;
  • Numbness of the limbs / persistent goosebumps;
  • Inflammation of the mouth or eyes;
  • Impaired cardiac muscle;
  • Nausea;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Shortness of breath, pallor, unhealthy look;
  • Lack of a menstrual cycle;
  • Suppressed morale, sense of degradation, etc.

В долгосрочной перспективе нехватка может привести к
brain diseases.
Considering the invaluable
The effect of B12 on digestion, its deficiency may be one of
причин возникновения язвенной болезни и других расстройств
gastrointestinal tract system.

What foods contain vitamin B12 – list

The human body is not able to independently produce
this vitamin is why it is so important to know in which products
contained. To avoid the above symptoms and improve
health, it is important to add this vitamin daily to your

Итак, продукты, богатые В12 (количество мкг в 100 г

  • beef (especially beef liver – 60 mcg);
  • pork – 30;
  • chicken – 16.5;
  • lamb – 2;
  • mackerel, sardine, salmon – 12;
  • octopus – 20;
  • cheese – 1-1.4;
  • яйца — 0.5;
  • sour cream – 0.4;

Foods that contain vitamin B12 are mainly
животного происхождения, так как в организме живых
creatures he saved much better.

Herbal Products

Витамин В12 в vegetable food
происхождения содержится в
значительно меньшем
, чем в мясе. This is due to the peculiarity of its

The content in the plant food substance depends on the conditions of its
growth: soil, development of a system of microorganisms, etc. His
могут содержать ламинарии, яблоки, а также
азиатская кухня: тофу, темпе, мисо.

Этот микроэлемент содержится в грибах: шампиньоны
0,1-0.4 mcg.

Vitamin B12 is most often found in artificially enriched
their food, if we talk about food of plant origin. People,
who do not consume meat and dairy products may also
получить его из пивных дрожжей, сухих завтраков и
специальных additives.

Список products, с содержанием витаминов группы В

Depending on the characteristics of a particular substance, group B,
may be contained in different products. Some of its elements
maintain heat treatment. Others, such as thiamine,
niacin and folic acid are destroyed during preparation

B1 is found in all sorts of nuts, cereals and
пророщенных семенах
– его не найти в животной пище.

В2, В3, В6 и В12 находятся, в основном, в
beef, eggs, seafood, fish and offal.

В9 можно найти в грибах, моркови и свежей

Особенностью В5 является наличие его
in almost all food, ranging from vegetables and ending
sour milk products.

Foods that contain vitamins of the group

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