What foods are rich in calcium

Before you answer the question of what foods are rich
calcium, let’s remember that most of the calcium in the body
human contained in the bones.

It is this chemical element that structures the bones and gives them
by force. A small amount of calcium dissolves in the blood and plays
important role in the normal functioning of the heart, muscles, blood vessels and
nerves. If you do not get enough calcium, your body
will begin to “pull” it out of the bones, redirecting it to the blood. If a
the process of such “compensation” will be delayed, osteoporosis can develop and
other unpleasant diseases and disorders associated with deficiency
calcium – insulin resistance, obesity, premenstrual
syndrome, lead poisoning.

On the other hand, calcium overdose is also fraught, therefore
better to get it from natural products.


How much calcium do you need

We have the least daily calcium requirement
youth, usually between 20 and 28 years of age, when bone
mass reaches the highest density.

Rapid bone loss occurs during menopause, so
that at this time, women already need more calcium.

In older people, calcium is absorbed less efficiently and in
large quantities can be excreted through the kidneys, so the elderly
people need to keep this item on for more
high level.

The recommended daily intake of calcium (for different age

– children aged 1 to 9 years = 500 to 800 mg – adolescents
and youth = 1000 mg – women over 50 and men over 70
years = 1300 mg

Натуральный йогурт Speaking of which foods are rich
calcium, you can note their diversity, allowing you to choose for
each of us something different, “to taste”:


Milk (особенно коровье) возглавляет список продуктов с высоким
calcium content. A cup of milk will provide you 30 percent of
daily body needs for calcium.

Despite the controversial conclusions about the benefits of milk, it is worth
say that official medicine considers milk absolutely
essential component for the development of bone tissue. Intolerance
milk, the content of steroid hormones – a subject for discussion already
in adulthood when the body is formed.

Milk содержит еще и калий, магний, витамин А и витамин D
(by the way, the body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium).


For many people, a great alternative to milk can be
products made on its basis and, above all, yogurt.
The manufacturing process (cultivation) of yogurt allows you to get
from the same portion of the volume even more calcium than from

At the same time, yogurt also contains from 10 to 14 grams of protein per
cup (which is 20% of the daily protein requirement for
most people).

Natural Greek yogurt is good to fill diet
salads, cook light sauces and low-calorie based on it


Compared to other dairy products, less cheese
lactose, so cheese is suitable for people suffering from lactose

Cheese способствует реминерализации, то есть отложению кальция и
phosphorus in the teeth, and increases the strength of tooth enamel. So, boldly
enjoy the cheese!

Remember – hard cheeses, such as Parmesan, have more
higher calcium concentration than soft varieties such as

A lot of interesting things about cheese told on our site nutritionist
Olga Perevalova.

And the following list will help you in choosing the cheese:

Calcium content in cheese per 100 g of Camembert – 350 mg.
Feta – 360 mg Cheddar – 720 mg Brie – 540 mg Mozzarella – 515 mg

Vegetables and greens

Fortunately for vegans, milk and dairy products are not
sole sources of calcium. Many vegetables and especially greens
rich in this chemical element. For example, 30 grams of greens contain
столько же кальция, сколько стакан коровьего milk

In addition, greens and broccoli are sources of vitamin K, another
a key nutrient for bone health.

However, it is worth remembering that in some vegetables, such
like spinach, beets and carrots high content of oxalic acid –
when fresh, it makes calcium “bioavailable” difficult.
Therefore, it is better to eat these foods boiled.

Fruits, nuts, seeds

Eat more almonds, dried figs and dried apricots. In two dried
Figures contain 65 mg of calcium. Nuts and seeds are also rich
magnesium, which helps the body absorb and retain calcium.
Almonds and cashews are particularly high in magnesium.

Calcium content in fruits and vegetables per 100 g of product:

Spinach – 210 mg Dill – 208 mg Parsley – 138 mg Chinese
cabbage – 105 mg Celery – 40 mg Green beans – 37 mg Salad
romain – 36 mg Batat – 22 mg Cauliflower – 22 mg Asparagus – 21 mg
Pumpkin – 21 mg Raisin – 49 mg Kiwi – 26 mg Strawberry – 14 mg Watermelon – 8
mg Banana – 6 mg


In addition to calcium, seafood is a good source of iodine, vitamin
K, vitamins of group B, magnesium and iron. Vitamin K and magnesium,
promote calcium absorption and increase its bioavailability.

As for the fish, since most calcium is contained
in her bones, eating fish is recommended when possible, together
with bones, for example, in the form of canned food.

Drinks that wash out calcium

Of course, it’s not enough to know which foods contain a lot of calcium,
It is necessary to simultaneously exclude from your table those that
contribute to its removal from the body.

Especially among them we note: soft drinks containing
phosphoric acid (it increases the excretion of calcium in the urine) –
mainly Coca-Cola and all soft drinks, on the label of which in
the composition indicated E338; caffeine (for every 100 mg of caffeine taken
about 6 mg of calcium is washed away from your bones); alcohol (he
inhibits calcium absorption and upsets its balance in

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