What flowers to plant, and at what time: calendarplanting annuals. What you need to grow seedlingscolors

What flowers to plant, and at what time: calendar planting annuals. What you need to grow seedlings colors

Flowers – a bright decoration of any site. Their bloom
fills with joy, because it is so nice when the garden is fragrant from early
spring to late autumn. To achieve this effect, about landing
seedlings need to take care even in the winter.


What annuals sow in January for seedlings

AT середине зимы занимаются посадкой colors, которые туго всходят
and bloom after 5.5-6 months of cultivation. Also in January
you need to sow all annuals whose seeds need
stratification. At this time of year it can be held in natural
conditions. Посев клубневых colors также приходится на середину или
end of january Subsequently, their tubers develop better and well
endure the winter.

January sowing table

Plant name Landing time
Begonia 5.01-15.01
Aquilegia 10.01-20.01
Primrose 7.01-25.01
Carnation Shabo 10.01-25.01
Lobelia 15.01-31.01
Eustoma 10.01-31.01

This is not all plants that can be sown in January. To
independently determine the date of sowing seeds, just look
on a bag from them or find information about the timing of flowering. The more
the time interval from planting to the beginning of budding, the earlier
need to start growing seedlings.

Is it possible to sow annual flowers for seedlings in February and
what kind

AT феврале продолжают сеять рассаду colors с длительным периодом
vegetation. Especially if for some reason they were not put in
January The flowering period will move, but the garden will be fragrant until the very
of autumn.

Usually in February, sow flowers, which later will
to decorate balconies, terraces, grown in pots. But for most
of them will need light exposure, as they prefer a long light
day. Provide it is easy.

February sowing table

Flower name Landing time
Balsam 1.02-15.02
Fuchsia 1.02-15.02
Petunia 5.02-20.02
Viola Wittrock 5.02-20.02
Daisies 5.02-25.02
Lupine 10.02-28.02
Delphinium 10.02-28.02
Gatsania 15.02-28.02

Flowers planted in February bloom in spring, mid-summer or
the end. It depends on the variety selected. For example, delphinium
release flower closer to the end of summer. But daisies at the beginning
July will be pleased with bright colors.

Какие семена colors лучше сеять в марте

In early March, continue to sow flowers with a long period
vegetations that will have time to bloom in the fall. For example, if not
managed to plant a petunia or a balsam, it is not too late
to do. However, their seeds need to be prepared in advance and dunk,
otherwise they will not grow for a long time.

Обычно colorsоды на март планируют посадку таких colors, рассада
which is developing rapidly, needs an abundance of light. Already in may
some of them will please flowers.

March sowing table

Flower name Landing time
Snapdragon 1.03-10.03
Echinacea 5.03-15.03
Carnation grass 1.03-15.03
Matiola 1.03-20.03
Astra one-year 15.03-30.03
Castor oil 15.03-30.03
Alissum 10.03-30.03
Celosia 15.03-30.03
Coleus 10.03-25.03

Нужно ли сеять семена colors на рассаду в домашних условиях в

ATыращивать рассаду colors в april можно в теплице или парнике,
weather permitting. However, in order not to ruin the landing, it is better
продолжать сеять в домашних conditions. They put all that did not have time
end of March and flowers that will bloom in summer, autumn.

April crop table

Flower name Landing time
Zinnia 1.04-5.04
Daisies 1.04-5.04
Dahlias 5.04-15.04
Godetia 5.04-15.04
Morning glory 15.04-25.04
Calendula 15.04-25.04
Marigold 10.04-30.04

AT каком грунте лучше выращивать рассаду colors

Почва for выращивания colors на рассаду должна подходить
plants that will be in it. Main
soil requirements:

  • ease;
  • friability;
  • moisture capacity;
  • air permeability;
  • nutritional value

Such a soil mixture can be prepared by yourself in order to
significantly save the budget, because you need to sow a lot. Basis
soil is peat, river sand, sod land, sphagnum moss,
perlite or vermiculite, chopped coniferous bark. After mixing
all components add 70% of sawdust.

Important! Instead of vermiculite, you can use granules
foam, expanded clay, crushed pumice.

Для приготовления грунта под рассаду colors нельзя

  • composts;
  • rotted manure;
  • chopped straw;
  • unwashed quarry sand.

If there are no suitable components for seedlings, then it is better to buy
ready soil, for example Universal, Violet, Garden soil and
others. To правильно выбрать почвосмесь, нужно посмотреть на
package composition. It should not be an excess of fertilizer, otherwise
grow normal seedlings will not work. If the proportion of feedings
account for 300-400 mg / l, then sow in such a substrate is not necessary. Him
better to use after the picks. It is better to choose land for sowing.
for cacti.

Attention! For planting petunias, it is advisable to use
peat tablets.

Как лучше подсвечивать рассаду colors

Growth of seedlings depends on properly organized illumination. AT
the end of winter there is still little natural light, the seedlings pull,
become brittle. Immediately it is worth to say that incandescent bulbs
for этой цели не подходят. They give a lot of heat, but do not radiate
the rays needed by plants.

When organizing the backlight is
to consider:

  • phytolamps;
  • energy saving.

Among the fitolamps, special attention is paid to fluorescent. They give
полный спектр colors for растения, не тратят много энергии и не
radiate heat.

For the rapid growth of seedlings is better to stay on the LED
lamps. They emit red and blue color, which affects
growth rate. Such lamps will last for a long time, and the savings from them
use on the face.

Sodium lamps can be used when seedlings
Little. Мощности 100 ATт достаточно на полку, длиной 50

Among energy-saving lamps should be preferred
induction Те, что излучают теплый свет, подойдут for рассады в
phase budding and flowering. Lamps with daylight use on
throughout the growing period.

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