What can you eat dried fruit while losing weight?

  • 1 Is it possible to eat dried fruit while losing weight?
    • 1.1 List of the most useful dried fruits
    • 1.2 Calorie
    • 1.3 Benefit and harm
    • 1.4 Contraindications
  • 2 Diet for weight loss
  • 3 Useful Recipes

According to the results of surveys, while observing diets for weight loss, people
most are missing in the diet of sweets. According to them, because
lack of glucose decreases brain activity and
irritability increases.

Fortunately, a technique was invented specifically for the sweet tooth.
based on the use of glucose-containing products, and
more specifically – dried fruit. The most useful types will consider in
next article.


Is it possible to eat dried fruit while losing weight?

In order for the natural fresh fruit to become dried,
need a lot of sugar. Based on this well-known fact,
nutritionists are in no hurry to recommend this product as a diet for
losing weight

But expert opinions on this score differ. If alone
the presence of glucose in the menu is strictly prohibited, then others
refer to the mass of beneficial substances contained in dried
fruits. Also one of the unquestioning arguments of the above
diet is a long-lasting feeling of fullness and high content
клетчатки в сухоfruits.

List of the most useful dried fruits

When choosing dried fruit for the diet should be extremely
cautious, as some of them will not only prevent
the process of losing weight, but also cause irreparable damage to health. AT
especially, it concerns exotic fruits.

ATо избежание неприятных последствий, представляем вашему
вниманию список самых полезных сухофруктов для

Dried apricots, called dried apricots are considered a treasure
valuable substances. They contain a large supply of magnesium, potassium, iron and
phosphorus. And also have a high content of vitamin A, B, C, PP,
B1, B2, B5. Курага нормализует давление,
fights anemia and improves cardiovascular function.
Despite its dubious appearance, this dried fruit is very
calories: in one hundred grams of dried apricots contains 215 calories.

Чернослив очень богат углеводами. Among his
The most beneficial properties stand out: improved digestion and
acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. Among other things
dried plums are an excellent way to get rid of nervous
Stress while maintaining a diet.

Инжир содержит большое количество железа и меди.
It is rich in vitamins, pectin and tannins. Thanks
its nutritional and caloric content, this product is able to replace
массу других при соблюдении методики losing weight This dried
fruit struggles with a mass of viruses and colds. Besides
In addition, it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerates
metabolic process.

Сушеный ананас является отличным жиросжигателем,
thanks to the bromelain ferment in it. Despite its
calorie content, even in the process of drying, it does not lose its properties.
Also this dried fruit contains a large amount of dietary fiber and
organic acids.

Финики содержат такие полезные вещества, как цинк,
натрий, железо, фосфор, калий и витамины: А, AT, Е и К. Besides того,
dried dates relieve the bad mood and promote
strengthen the immune system. They are also very useful for vessels
kidney, liver and heart.

AT изюме находится много селена, магния,
phosphorus, beta carotene and sodium. It is useful for stabilizing work.
heart and strengthen the central nervous system. Also dried fruit
reduces pressure, improves gastrointestinal tract and
suppresses hunger.

Calorie content

Despite the increased caloric content, dried fruit is the only
A way to enrich the body with vitamins and nutrients
diet time. Before embarking on such a very
необычного питания для похудения, ознакомьтесь с таблицей
calorie dried fruit:

Средняя норма килокалорий в сутки для похудения
— 1560.

Benefit and harm

As mentioned above, the choice of dried fruit for weight loss
should be taken very seriously, since not all of them are useful for
health Let’s start with the pros and consider
positive properties of dehydrated fruit:

  • replenish depleted body vitamins;
  • relieve depression;
  • effective for anemia;
  • strengthen the growth of hair, nails and bones;
  • improve the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • increase blood formation;
  • stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • effective in the fight against cancer;
  • improve skin condition.

In addition to the effective result of losing weight, dried fruits have
diuretic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Also
полезно знать, какие могут быть побочные эффекты при
употреблении сухофруктов для slimming:

  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • stomach pains;
  • violation of the bowels and gall bladder.

ATышеуказанные неприятные последствия возникают из-за частых
cases of special chemical processing of dried fruit in order to
long-term storage on the shelves.

ATо избежание дальнейших проблем, when choosing dried fruit for
losing weight, first note the color: if it looks
unnatural and very bright, so the product was exposed to chemical
processing. For a raw dried fruit, the color is more subdued, with
yellowish shade. Also избегайте покупки сушеных фруктов с
by touch


Alas, not everyone is allowed to eat dried fruit. This
method of losing weight has its

  • allergy;
  • food intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the intestine, stomach and bladder;
  • excess of excess weight.

If you have not found any of the above
diseases, you can safely proceed to a healthy diet
для похудения на сухоfruits. What are the main recommendations for her
proper compliance, we will explain below.

Slimming diet

Slimming diet на сухофруктах рассчитана на неделю и
means five meals a day.

The essence of the above dietary restrictions is
daily consumption of 500 grams of dried fruit and two liters
purified non-carbonated liquid. Also в данной диете допустимы
dried fruits in combination with oatmeal.

For the most effective result of losing weight, observe
следующие рекомендации:

  • AT первый, третий и шестой в обязательном порядке используйте в
    your diet 50 g dried apricots, 20 g apples and 10 g pistachios;
  • For the second and fourth, limit to 50 g of raisins, 40 g of prunes.
    and 30 grams of walnut;
  • Devote the fifth and seventh days to the use of 100 g of figs, 200 g
    prunes and 200 g cashews.

Observing the above recommendations for losing weight, do not
забывайте, что максимальная суточная норма «сухой»
food should not exceed half a kilogram mark.

Useful recipes

Recipes with dried fruit for weight loss are different
nutritional value and variety. Let’s look at the brightest
from them, bringing effective results:

A mixture of dried fruit with aloe juice and grass

A mixture of dried fruit with aloe juice and grass

Ингредиенты: 250 г чернослива, столько же кураги, по 200 г изюма
и инжира, 100 мл сока алоэ и 50 г senna.

  • rinse dried fruit;
  • put in boiled water for 20 minutes;
  • then grind in a meat grinder;
  • смешать сок алоэ с травой senna;
  • mix both the resulting masses and send in
  • the resulting mass is recommended to use a tablespoon
    in the evening.

Dried fruit salad with ice

Dried fruit salad with ice

Ингредиенты: по две столовые ложки высушенных слив, абрикоса,
pears and apples, as well as one spoonful of almonds and pistachios, several
ice cubes and juice of half a lemon.

  • wash the dried fruit and pour boiled water;
  • leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • then mix them with nuts;
  • pour lemon juice;
  • Add ice before serving.

Dried fruits compote

Dried fruits compote

Ингредиенты: по 100 г изюма, чернослива, кураги и сушеной

  • rinse the ingredients thoroughly;
  • pour two liters of purified water;
  • the resulting drink is recommended to take a glass to
    eating food.

ATышеуказанные рецепты эффективны благодаря содержанию большого
quantities of nutrients in the ingredients. They contribute
fast weight loss in a short time and supply the body

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