What can and can not eat when dieting.one?

  • 1 Diet Table 1 by Pevzner
    • 1.1 What can and can not eat?
    • 1.2 Sample menu
    • 1.3 Menu for the week
  • 2 Recipes for a diet table 1
  • 3 Когда назначается лечебная диета Стол one?

Cause of ailments are often products from your menu
dietary intake. Neither the weather nor the uncontrolled intake of medicines
so do not affect the changes of the body, as the use
�”Wrong” dishes. Treatment of a painful organ suggests
strict diet

Рассмотрим меню лечебной диеты под названием Стол 1. Она
assigned to people with chronic duodenal ulcer disease
intestine, stomach and with high acidity. 
And not
confuse her diet with number 9, which is intended to treat
diabetes mellitus.


Diet Table 1 by Pevzner

Menu diet Table 1 Pevzner assigned
people who are in the early stages of their disease.

M. I. Pevzner believed that a person needs a day, on average,
about 3000 calories. Therefore, his “methods” are not intended to
losing weight, and directed solely towards recovery.

Главным принципом каждой диеты
является ежедневное употребление в меню 100 грамм
fat, divided into 6 meals a day.

By diet Table 1 Pevzner, with diseases associated with
желудком, разрешены:
пшеничный хлеб, мягкие каши, овощные
soups, sweet fruits, dairy products, black tea, potatoes and
steamed meat.

This menu is also assigned to children. But since their body
not yet formed, given a simplified version. For example,
Only fried, smoked and spicy foods are prohibited. It all depends on
indications of the doctor and from the period of the disease

What can and can not eat?

To begin, consider the products that must be present in
menu for the day with diet 1 and those that can not be used.

What can you eat when dieting Table 1:

  • dairy products with low fat and acidity;
  • omelette;
  • steam meat;
  • vegetable puree;
  • cereals;
  • soft fruits;
  • hot drinks and water.

With regards to the “forbidden” products in the Table 1 menu, logically, to
They include those that are not in the above list.

List of products to include in the menu strictly

  • fatty food;
  • flour;
  • cheese;
  • chocolate;
  • sour berries;
  • ice cream;
  • sweet and sour drinks;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

According to the results of the lists of diets Table 1, we conclude that
«успокоить» раздраженные стенки желудка, меню должно
содержать мягкую пищу среднего вкуса
(ни кислую, ни

Если же вы побрезгуете рекомендациями диеты Стол
и не исключите из своего меню вредную пищу,
спровоцируете обострение недуга.

Sample menu

In order not to eat only steamed vegetables and diversify the diet.
food, with a diet table 1 you can cook dishes, not at all
inferior to those that you ate earlier: instead of fatty meat
cutlets, cook fish, and replace a cup of coffee in a glass
low-fat kefir.

Menu diet Table 1 for one day for diseases of the stomach
as follows:

  • Breakfast: fry eggs and make weak tea without
  • Lunch: cook stews of vegetables, adding fish to them
  • Dinner: make a vegetable salad in a combination of low-fat meatballs
  • Three hours before bedtime. Table 1 “recommends” eating an apple.
    mashed potatoes.

Menu for the week

In order not to mislead people without imagination, we will provide
свой список продуктов и блюд в меню Стол 1 на
с эффективным результатом:


  • Breakfast: mash vegetables and drink it unsweetened
  • Обед: картофельное пюре в сочетании с
    melted cheese and apple compote.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese and apple jelly.


  • cook semolina without sugar, but eat it with jam and
    weak tea
  • vegetable soup with sour cream and fruit juice.
  • cook mashed potatoes by adding a boiled egg to it and
    drink this mixture with a glass of berry jelly.


  • cook buckwheat porridge and egg. Запить чаем без Sahara.
  • make vegetable broth and drink a glass of apple juice.
  • cook buckwheat porridge with cottage cheese and drink a glass


  • processed cheese, rice porridge and a cup of weak tea.
  • soup with meatballs from low-fat meat and vegetables cooked on
    a couple.
  • стакан milk


  • mash the potatoes with orange juice.
  • buckwheat porridge in combination with fish cutlets.
  • cabbage salad, low-fat patties and stewed fruit.


  • cook mashed potatoes with meat bits and drink
    чашечкой некрепкого чая без Sahara.
  • cook vermicelli without flavorings and drink a glass
    apple compote.
  • low fat meat steaks and a glass


  • cook porridge without sugar and drink a cup of weak
  • приготовить овощной суп и выпить стакан kefir.
  • low-fat meat consoles with berry jelly.

Diet recipes for table 1

Для диеты Стол номер 1 при заболеваниях желудка
есть специальное меню со списком рецептов редких
delicious dishes. Consider the most useful ones:

  Sticky Rice Soup

Sticky Rice Soup
  • сварить крупу в пропорции 1:1;
  • add the rice to the prepared meat broth and cook on
    low heat for five minutes;
  • shake a glass of milk with an egg and add the mixture to the rice;
  • continue cooking over low heat for two minutes;
  • add a pinch of greens to the finished soup.

Boiled beef dumplings in broth

Boiled beef dumplings in broth
  • мелко порезать 250 г мяса и 1 головку лука;
  • fry the onions until golden brown;
  • wet 2 slices of bread in milk, divide into pieces and
    mix with a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • pass the finished mixture of meat, onions and bread through a meat grinder
    and add salt;
  • roll out the stuffing and divide into equal pieces ;;
  • cook meat broth, salt;
  • when boiling water, immediately put “cutlets” in it and cook on
    over 15 minutes;
  • serve along with the broth.

Когда назначается лечебная диета Стол one?

Меню пищевого «ограничения» Стол 1 назначается
with the development of diseases associated with the violation of the gastrointestinal tract
(gastrointestinal tract).

Diet 1 is a kind of supplement to the course of treatment. With
proper compliance, you will recover twice as fast.

Menu diet Table 1 for gastritis gastritis
с целью уменьшения воспаления и для
normalization of the motor function of the stomach.

With таком заболевании нельзя употреблять ни
cold nor hot meal. Also not allowed heavy bad
digestible food. Уместны каши и фруктовые mashed potatoes. what
касаемо приема пищи, его нужно соблюдать 6
раз в день небольшими порциями 
по стандартному
daily diet menu Table 1.

To get rid of ulcers when dieting Table 1 in the menu
рекомендуются следующие продукты: яйца, нежирное
meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, white bread, cereals and pasta.
«Под запретом» — жареная, жирная, острая и кислая
food. Observe the menu diet Table 1 in this case is necessary
every day for a month.

With сахарном диабете исключите из меню продукты, содержащие
sugar. Также не рекомендуется употреблять острую и
fatty foods. Можно — супы, фрукты и
vegetables. Food restriction number 1 for this disease
should be “used” until full recovery.

Pancreatitis, that is, inflammation of the pancreas personifies
a great pain and leads to numerous human
suffering. whatбы побыстрее избавиться от
этого тяжкого бремени, некоторое время соблюдайте голодную
. Thus, the pancreas will “calm down” and
reduce the risk of inflammation.

На саму диету садятся только после трех
«добровольного» голодания. The menu is not
допускается жареная, копченая и кислая food. Products recommended
готовить на a couple. Recommended Standard Menu Table 1 for
of the week.

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