What are the diseases of eggplant seedlings: photolesions and ways to fight. Measures for the prevention of seedling diseaseseggplant

Ср, 03 май 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Eggplant is a rather capricious culture. With
Growing seedlings gardeners face a number of problems, since
eggplant susceptible to various diseases.

How to recognize the disease in seedlings eggplant, in time to start


Withчины болезней рассады eggplant

Most often, eggplants are affected by viral and fungal
diseases. Inadequate care and abnormal conditions
growing cause damage to seedlings. Prevent disease
easier than cure. Preventive measures are taken at the stage
landing. Before sowing, seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate
or antifungal drugs. Processing time from 15-25

But preplant treatment does not always save from diseases, so
как рассада eggplant очень чувствительна к перепадам температур,
lack of lighting and excess moisture in the soil. Often admitted
mistakes can not be fixed, seedlings disappear, and the amount of harvest
going down. To prevent this from happening, follow the agrotechnology.
growing for each culture.

Распространенные грибковые болезни рассады eggplant
(a photo)

Fungal diseases of seedlings occur due to improper
watering, insufficient soil disinfection and a number of other factors.


Частое заболевания рассады eggplant, для которого характерно
darkening of the radical neck. The disease develops rapidly,
sprouts wither on eyes, without proper treatment, all the seedlings

Fighting the black leg on the seedlings is very difficult, therefore
be sure to carry out preplant seed treatment with potassium permanganate,
in addition, disinfect the soil and packaging.

Most often the plants get sick in unheated
greenhouses where all conditions contribute to the development

• high humidity;

• thickening of crops;

• temperature drops.

Before planting seedlings room is treated with a solution of chlorine
lime, which is prepared from 200 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water.

If the causative agent of the disease hit the soil, then planting is treated
antifungal drugs. With массовом поражении рассаду

Important! If the soil in the greenhouse pereuvlazhnili, the beds
sprinkle with wood ash that will prevent black

Black spot

This disease is most common when growing seedlings
eggplant в домашних conditions. One of the reasons for its occurrence –
excess watering that is difficult to adjust in the room
conditions. Also spotting seedlings appear when thickened
planting or on heavy soil. For growing seedlings picked
loose and moisture-permeable substrate.

Curing seedlings is very difficult, so it’s important right at the beginning.
identify the disease. If seedlings are affected, then you must perform
a number of activities:

1. • Reduce soil density by adding soil baking powder.

2. • Check the drainage holes.

3.•Проредить landing.

4. • Reduce watering.

5. • Treat seedlings with fungicides.

В запущенных случаях растения destroy

Mealy dew

You can recognize the disease by suddenly withering leaves, which
dry out and die. If you do not take action, the seedlings will die.
Withчины болезни — высокая влажность воздуха и резкие перепады

To prevent the development of the disease, make sure that there is no
перепада temperatures. With проветривании оберегайте растения от
drafts, reduce watering and spend prophylactic
spraying with phytosporin. In addition, prevent
treatment of antifungal diseases will further help
drugs that are carried out with an interval of 14 days.

Gray rot

A beginner gardener will not always be able to determine the disease that
negatively affects the seedlings. When signs are already more
visible, it is difficult to cure the disease. Inspect carefully
plants, on shoots and leaves visible gray patina. To get rid
gray molds will require several complex treatments
fungicides. In addition, the soil in the greenhouse after growing seedlings
must be disinfected.

Вирусные болезни рассады eggplant

Late blight

Самая страшная болезнь рассады eggplant, которую распознать
can be on the characteristic rust spots on the leaves and shoots. The sick
seedlings are removed to avoid damage to other plants.

As a preventive measure, plantings are treated with copper.
drugs or Bordeaux liquid.


Mosaic virus reduces crop yield by 15%. To determine
the presence of the pathogen can be on the characteristic spots on the leaves, shoots
and the fruits of the plant, while the sheet plate is deformed.

Mosaic virus is introduced with affected seeds, goes into
the soil. During the picking, seedlings are affected by the virus, as it is large
risk of mechanical damage.

To protect the plants from the virus, conduct pre-planting
seed treatment with hydrochloric acid. For this, seeds are soaked in
the solution for 20 minutes, then washed in running water
and dried.

If a virus is detected, then the whole garden
inventory, seedling containers. Affected plants burned.

Неопасные болезни рассады eggplant

The seedling has an unsightly view not only because it is affected
viruses or fungi. Sometimes this is due to inadequate care.
behind the plants. Before treating the beds with chemicals, determine

Листья eggplant фиолетового цвета
not enough sunlight for plant development, planting
thickened. Thin the seedlings, tear off part of the leaves.

• Cracks on the shoots – high temperature during cultivation
seedlings, uneven watering. Adjust the temperature and mode

Опадают цветки и завязи — высокая температура
in the greenhouse, watering with cold water, excess nitrogen. Feeding is carried out
14 days after transplanting to ground.

Листья сворачиваются лодочкой кверху
potassium deficiency in plants. Be sure to feed the seedlings
potassium phosphate fertilizers before landing in the ground.

Листья вытягиваются кверху — недостаток
phosphorus. Make a feed.

Блеклые листья у рассады eggplant
lack of nitrogen. Seedlings are fed 2 times with an interval of 10

Рассада eggplant очень нежная и ей необходимы определенные
growing conditions: heat, light and moderate watering. Novice
gardener is not easy to cope with plant diseases, but the result
worth it. The reward for the work done will be excellent harvest.

Regularly inspect the plants, watch the color of the foliage,
pay attention to every little thing in time to take action for
combat disease. Do not neglect pre-treatment
seeds and soil, observe planting density and cultivation techniques.
– it will save seedlings from many diseases.

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