We grow up hamedoreu – guest from tropicalthe woods. Hamedorea: planting, growing and caring at homeconditions

Пн, 08 авг 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

Sun, sea, sand and, of course, palm trees.

This is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind, if suddenly
want to arrange an exotic corner in the room.

Most palm trees are large plants and are not suitable for ordinary
residential buildings. However, there are low-growing species.

Hamedorea – one of the most “convenient” for home maintenance
palm trees



Хамедорея (Chamaedorea) — это род однодольных
flowering plants belonging to the Palm family (Arecaceae)
and numbering more than a hundred species. All Hamedorei are short
palm trees, widespread in South and Central America,
nature growing in the lower tier of the foothill forests. Some
Hamedorea species are cultivated as indoor plants and
because of their simplicity are popular among
flower growers. The first such species include hamedorea
high (C. elatior), x. graceful (C. elegans), x. monochrome (C.
concolor) and some others.

Hamedorea in nature

Hamedorea is a real tropical palm tree.
Of course, sunbathing under her is unlikely to succeed because of her small
sizes, but in all other respects from their high
relatives, it is no different: the same bright green
dissected leaves delight their shadow all year round.

Most palms have a single single point stem.
growth. They can not be shortened, and when they reach the ceiling, from them
have to get rid of. Hamedorea, on the contrary, is a spray palm,
regularly forming new shoots. She has curved feathers
leaves, wrapped in remains of petioles, thin stems resembling
cane. And although on each shoot no more than four or five leaves,
the palm tree looks truly luxurious due to the young

Хамедорея: выращивание и уход в домашних conditions

Hamedorea is slowly growing, but for growing in an apartment is
only a plus, as this palm does not take up much space. She is
tolerates partial shade and is also very good for

Хамедорея: цветение в домашних conditions

With good care, hamedorea regularly blooms at home
conditions. It blooms at a very early age and does so in
different seasons – depending on the mood.

Цветущая в домашних conditions хамедорея

When does Hamedorea bloom? And when he wants. If a
living conditions she likes, she can bloom anytime.

Hamedorei orange-yellow flowers are collected in a loose panicle. �”AT
captivity “this palm tree blooms but does not bear fruit. Maybe because
that this dioecious plant. In some instances, only women
flowers, on others – men. Smell only female flowers. On
young Hamedorei inflorescences should be removed because flowering
depletes immature plants.

Hamedorei flowers

Hamedorea blooms regularly, usually in winter and spring. Throws out
on several arrows. Mimosa-like flowers are very adorned.
exotic palm tree.

Now very popular Hamedoreya graceful. At home
conditions ее рост не превышает двух метров. Very unpretentious
Hamedorea monochrome (Ch. concolor) 2-3 meters high.

Hamedorea Care


During the growth period, the best temperature for Hamedorei is 20-25 ° C. AT
winter dormant period, the optimal values ​​- 16-18 ° C. Onдо следить,
so that the ambient temperature is below 12 ° C.

ATесной и летом пальму желательно выносить на свежий воздух,
Covering from drafts and bright rays of the sun.

Does not like Hamedorea sharp temperature jumps.

The soil

Plain fertile, but not too heavy. A mix of
compost earth, peat and large river sand (2: 1: 1).

A place

AT комнате на прямом солнце ее лучше не размещать. In my
Hamedorea lives under the forest canopy, so she has enough
a small amount of ambient light. Can grow in partial shade
even on the north window. Onиболее подходящее расположение — вблизи
eastern and western windows. Artificial lighting is enough for
growth hamedorei.


Enough plentiful watering Hamedoree need all year round, her
earthy clod should never dry out. However, the frequency of watering
depends on the conditions of detention, so it is better before watering
soil moisture check: if at a depth of about two phalanges
finger land is dry, it means it’s time to water the plant and water
well Excessive watering is destructive.

For the palms is useful shower, or rather, spraying water, then the leaves
less dust. In addition, an increase in humidity is holding back
the development of spider mites, which fight in the house, and even on
sprawling palm, uneasy.

Wateringают хамедорею отстоянной теплой водой, температурой 22—25˚
C. In the summer, the water should be warmer, about the same as the temperature.
of air.

Top dressing

Feed a palm tree only during the growth period of the universal
fertilizer – and at the root, and on the sheet.

• ATесной и летом частота подкормок один раз в полмесяца. Take
special palm fertilizer or universal. ATносят обычно в
liquid form.

• Do not pour fertilizer on dry ground. In order not to burn
the roots, the palm tree is abundant at first pour water.

• Never fertilize plants immediately after planting.

• Hamedorea better underfed or pour a weaker solution
fertilizer than indicated in the instructions.

Hamedorei landing

Особо надо сказать о посадке palm trees They are by no means impossible
fall asleep “trunk”, moreover, many species with proper landing as
would stand up on thick roots.

Грунт для нее берут универсальный или специальный, для palm trees
Good drainage is a must. On дно горшка насыпают керамзит.

Transfer to Hamedorea transshipment as rarely as possible, only
when the roots literally bulge out of the pot and protrude from the drainage

• young plant – about 1 time in two years,

• adult less: 1 every 4-5 years.

Do it in the fall before the palm tree goes to the winter
rest. By spring, it will increase the root system and delight with new ones.

ATажный момент при посадке хамедореи: горшок
it is necessary to take the size of the root system, increasing it once
two to three years.


Hamedorea seeds propagated. Sowing produced in the spring. To wait
seedlings account for from one month to six months. ATсе зависит от свежести
seeds. The fresher they are, the faster they germinate. After the appearance
the first leaf of the seedlings dive into pots with a diameter of seven – eight

In addition, it is a rare palm tree, capable of breeding root
offspring. The young growth is separated from the mother plant only
when she has her own roots. “Kids” are seated along
three – four pieces in one pot. Young offspring taken without
корня, не приживаются даже в тепличных conditions.


Drying leaves

Do not be afraid if the lower leaves of Hamedorei darken and
dry up. Это естественное явление для данного вида palm trees The main thing,
do not confuse natural shrinkage with the result of activity
pests – spider mites or scale insects. Naturally
only the old dead leaves die off. Young leaves do not dry
should. Old yellow leaves can only be cut when they are
completely yellowed, if this is done earlier, it will inevitably begin
dry out and leaf above.

Shading of the tips of the leaves Hamedorei

Excessive dryness may cause dry leaves.
of air.

Spots on the leaves

The cause of the spots – spraying plants with increased
illuminated or in bright sun. Watering жесткой водой также может
cause staining.

Excessive watering can cause root rot.

Hamedorei is very fond of mites and thrips. To prevent infection
with these pests the plants are sprayed with water, they arrange a “shower”. With
Infection with Hamedorei pests use insecticides.

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