We grow garlic in the country: how to water and whatfertilize. Rules for cleaning and storage of garlic

Вт, 28 июн 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Garlic is cultivated by every gardener.

But only a few know how to do it right.

The secrets of great harvests lie in the right irrigation and
regular dressings in the process of growth.


Fertilize garlic according to the rules.

Feeding up garlic is not difficult at all, but it’s not to neglect
worth it. Growing it without dressings, you can go without a crop.

Garlic fertilizers should be applied according to his agricultural practices. On
Summer cottages are grown spring and winter garlic. Fertilize these
cultures need differently. Winter varieties feed not only
in the spring, but in the fall.

1. Top dressing of spring garlic

Spring garlic is planted in early spring. Before landing teeth
need to feed the soil after the winter. Fertilize
position two weeks before the landing of the segments. For this use
rotted manure, which is laid out on the beds.

In the period of active growth of garlic spend a few more.
fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Well proven
potassium salt and superphosphate. The first time you need to feed
stages of three leaves.

It is necessary to combine top dressing together with watering. This will help to avoid
soil moisture and the development of fungal diseases.

2. How to fertilize winter garlic

In the spring, when the teeth start to grow, you need to feed
nitrogen-containing preparations. The first time you need to fertilize garlic
thawed ground, 10 days after the snow melted.

All varieties of garlic need to feed three times. First
carried out according to the form, and the second – two weeks after the first.
Terms are calculated individually, based on the appearance of the plant
and phases of development. The third dressing of garlic should fall on
the formation of the head. As a rule, it is the middle of June. More
late fertilization for winter varieties is unacceptable. Per month
before harvesting, all feeding must be stopped.

How to fertilize garlic: recipes root dressings

On разных этапах развития растение нуждается в различных
substances. For the preparation of nutrient mixtures you need to use
only those components that are needed in this phase.

– Первую подкормку проводят nitrogen-containing preparations. it
helps build a good green mass for later nutrition
bulbs. Urea is used at this stage, which is diluted in
water 1:10 and water landing. For early winter garlic fertilizer
in the spring you can scatter the pellets on the thawed ground.

– It is better to conduct the second dressing with the addition of nitrophoska.
The consumption of the drug is calculated as follows: 2 are added to 10 liters of water.
Art. l

– For the third final dressing use superphosphate.
Watering combined with fertilizer. Using this feed on
stage of formation of the head, you can get large bulbs

How to fertilize planting garlic: feeding on the leaves

In rainy weather for rapid absorption of nutrients
experienced gardeners apply top dressing on the leaves. Spend
top dressing is necessary in the morning or in the evening in calm weather. Solution
for spraying should be lower concentration.

Important! Foliar feedings can not
Replace full root nutrition. They serve only
addition to the main methods.

Fertilizing garlic over the leaves should be twice a season, using
preparations as for the main top dressings.

The introduction of ammonium nitrate in the spring

Lack of nutrients in early spring affects
посадках озимого garlic. The leaves of the plant turn yellow and look
pretty sad. You can eliminate this disadvantage by loosening.
soil and fertilization.

Applications of ammonium nitrate solution for root and extra-root
dressing compensates for nutrient deficiencies. On 10 литров
воды используют 1 Art. l drug.

Feeding garlic with ashes

The introduction of ash gives good results when growing many
cultures. Dry ash laid out between the rows of garlic when loosening
soil. It is possible to water the plantings with ash solution. For
preparation of the working solution 100 grams of ash mixed with 10
liters of water. The resulting suspension is watered beds.

Feed ash can be alternated with a solution of bird droppings.
Fertilize нужно аккуратно, не допуская переизбытка
nutrients in the soil.

Features of growing garlic: how often garlic is poured

Garlic loves moisture, but an overabundance can lead to
root decay and various diseases. However water
plant need. How to do it right?

Rules watering garlic

1. After planting spring garlic, the plants are watered once
a week Winter garlic begins to be watered after germination at
dry spring at least 1 time in 10 days.

2. During the period of ripening of the bulbs, watering is stopped completely. But in
жаркую погоду полив продолжают не чаще 1 раза в a week it поможет
plant grow normally.

3. Watering is carried out along the grooves between the rows. At the rate of 30-35
liters of water per 1 square. m. beds.

4. Spend полив нужно вечером, но если ночи холодные, то
do it better in the afternoon.

It is necessary to water garlic on all глубину залегания bulbs. it
will ensure the proper development of the plant.

Important! If garlic is grown for
long-term storage, then watering the plant during the formation
bulbs reduce. The heads are not too large, but
lezhki. Watering garlic to be used for
conservation, carried out in full. The heads are big,
but unsuitable for long storage.

Garlic harvesting and storage: when it’s time to dig

Соблюдение сроков уборки garlicа во многом влияет на
the duration of storage of the crop. In different growing regions
сроки уборки garlicа сдвигаются и зависят от срока посадки. If a
the summer is too rainy, the cleaning is done a bit earlier
put. it сохранит урожай от гнили.

The general harvesting time depends on the maturity of the bulbs. To determine
зрелость garlicа можно при помощи цветочной стрелки. On одном
plant the arrow left and wait for its disclosure. Once
пленка лопнула — пришла пора убирать garlic.

Выкапываем озимый garlic

The appearance of the plant will indicate the exact time of cleaning. Leaves
озимого garlicа полностью усохли и он готов к уборке, все процессы
formation completed.

If a листья garlicа полегли на землю, то головки перезрели.
The moment of digging missed. Such bulbs are worse stored, cracked and

Подготовить garlic к уборке нужно заблаговременно. Per month
watering is stopped, which has a positive effect on the storage of bulbs.
Fully matured heads are stored better. For этого за 10 дней до
the alleged digging otbrebyat from them the earth. Aging process
going faster.

Выкапывать garlic нужно вилами вместе со стеблями. Dried
harvest in a shady place until dry. This period is
the flow of nutrients from the stems to the bulb. Plant roots

Перед хранением garlicа проводят осмотр луковиц и выявляют все
damaged or damaged onions, as well as sprouted teeth. Such
garlic не закладывают на хранение.

Когда выкапывать яровой garlic

To determine сроки зрелости ярового garlicа немного сложнее. These
varieties do not give arrows. Cleaning is carried out a few weeks after
winter varieties.

Before cleaning you need to pay attention to the lower leaves of the plant.
A well-matured head has lower leaves that are dry, but the middle is still
green it самое время проводить уборку ярового garlic.

Как хранить garlic

Обычно хранят garlic в связке или отдельными зубцами. But
some gardeners prefer to keep peeled teeth

Such способ хранения помогает сохранить garlic до нескольких
months. Peeled teeth are placed in a jar of sunflower oil, in
which pre-add some salt. Oil can
использовать для салатов, а garlic для других блюд. Keep
очищенный garlic нужно в холодильнике или погребе.

Keep неочищенный garlic можно в холодной или теплой комнате.
With cold storage, the temperature should be 1-3 degrees.
Keep garlic в тепле нужно при температуре не выше 16-19

For хранения garlic можно связать в вязанки или разложить в
fabric bags.

Правильные условия для хранения garlicа влияют на сроки. Spring
garlic хорошо сохраняется до следующего урожая. Winter varieties
garlicа не лежат дольше 3-5 months.

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