Watermelons: the cultivation and care of the largestsweet berry. We eat juicy watermelon grown onown bed!

Ср, 06 янв 2016 BUTвтор: Елизавета Шатунова

Watermelons are demanding for heat and light – they used to be grown
only in the southern regions.

To the joy of the summer residents, many varieties and hybrids of this
juicy berries that are suitable for cultivation in medium

But living in the north of the country, where so often overcast
days, do not wait for abundant harvests – the fruits, of course, will grow, but
their pulp will not be so saturated taste.

Many gardeners do not stop it – watermelons, not in time
ripen, you can always pickle, getting an exquisite delicacy.


Choosing a watermelon variety

Watermelon — бахчевая культура, относящаяся к
Pumpkin family. If you choose the right grade, given
features of the climatic zone can be obtained at the end of the season before
late ripe fragrant fruit.

To date, hundreds of varieties and hybrids of watermelon are bred. Everything
they are divided into 10 by geography for ordering
groups. Russian gardeners prefer to grow those species that
belong to the Russian, Transcaucasian and Central Asian groups. They
more adapted to our weather conditions – withstand the cold.
If you decide to choose foreign hybrids, please note that they will require
more thorough care and more fertilizer – this
option for experienced gardeners. But their main advantage is a good one.
resistance to diseases and pests. Foreign experts are many
attention is paid to the shape and taste of watermelon, creating varieties,
fruits of which have an excellent presentation.

The following varieties are suitable for cultivation in our country

BUTстраханский. The fruit ripens 70-81 days.
Ripe watermelon has a rounded, slightly oblong forum, peel
dark green color, delicious juicy flesh. With good care
fruits can reach 10 kg.

Холодок. Ripening period – up to 97 days. Fruit –
round, dark green color with light specks. Watermelon by
weight reaches 7 kg.

Фотон. The variety does not differ large fruits –
watermelons grow to 4 kg. Peel – light green with green

Кримсон свит. Ripening time – up to 82 days.
Sweet fruit by weight up to 5 kg has a round shape. Peel –
smooth, shiny.

Кримсон глори F1. The variety is resistant to diseases and
may be stored for a long time subject to temperature conditions. Fruit
turn out very large – to 15 kg.

Огонек. Variety is perfect for small
vegetable gardens, because the fruits are not very large – up to 2 kg. Matures in
70-81 days Peel – тонкая, черно-зеленая.

Сахарный малыш. Fruit круглой формы (до 4 кг
by weight) reach maturity in 75-85 days.

Мадера F1. Ripens quickly – for 70 days. Watermelon
weighing up to 8 kg – slightly elongated, with a pattern in the form of spots and
strips on the peel. The flesh is crispy, juicy.

Подарок Солнца. Watermelonы продолговатой формы
ripen in 63-73 days. Crust – yellow, not very thick. Pulp –
sweet, juicy, red.

Чарльстон грей. Unusual variety, seemingly
resembling zucchini. Peel – бледно-зеленая, рисунки отсутствуют.
Pulp – однородного красного оттенка, сладкая и сочная. Weight
one fruit can reach 12 kg.

For growing watermelons in the middle and northern latitudes of Russia
choose fast-growing varieties resistant to frost. Not
search for those varieties of seeds that will give large fruits – in
unsuitable climatic conditions until the end they will not have time to mature,
Yes, and places in the garden will take a lot.

For the southern regions fit any hybrids. But pay attention
that they must endure drought.

Site preparation for growing watermelons

Pick for growing watermelon well lit, protected
from strong winds plot. The best option – southern or
southeast side of the garden. Root system of melon culture
develops the bulk mass of the roots, and therefore, it is undesirable that
groundwater flowed close to the surface of the earth. The best
Lean plants and cabbage are considered to be the forerunners of watermelon. BUT
But from his landing after the “related” pumpkin refuse. Take away
under the bahchu more space – the scourge will move along the ground. For
saving space can be made for watermelon supports to
the plant went up. Fruit в этом случае «упаковываются» в
nets and grow in weight. This method is more suitable for greenhouse
watermelon cultivation.

Growing watermelons on poles

Watermelonы лучше растут на легком песчаном или супесчаном грунте —
It is well heated by the sun. In the hard ground will be
accumulate a lot of water that will prevent the gourd culture to recruit
weight. If the soil is acidic, alkalize it because watermelon
loves a neutral or slightly alkaline earth.

Having planned for the next season to get melons, in the fall
Dig the beds with mineral fertilizers and wood
ash. Before transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, prepare
beds Place them from north to south. Hole Spacing –
60-80 cm. Dig holes in 50 cm and a diameter of 40-50 cm. Seedling
get accustomed better if you fall asleep in wells of 2 compost buckets and 1/3
buckets of sand. Mix the nutrient mixture thoroughly and you can
begin to transfer seedlings to open ground.

Experienced gardeners to create for watermelon root system
ideal conditions for development, mulch melted black ukryvny
material. Cover the beds with a special film, making it later
�”Little windows” for planting seedlings. Using this technique
cultivating, you will save your time and energy on weeding bahchi and
protect the fruit from pests. Water the plants right on top
material – it perfectly passes water.

Growing watermelons under the film

Watermelon planting

Plant watermelon seeds immediately in open ground in the middle lane
makes no sense – the land for germination must warm up
at least up to 15-16 ° С – it is likely that by the end of the season watermelons
will not reach maturity. Therefore, it is better to prepare seedlings in advance.
This method is often used in the southern regions.

Seedlings start cooking in April and May. If do this
before, seedlings outgrow. Before planting seeds are pre
prepare – soak them in hot water (no higher than 60 ˚C) for 20-30
min or leave wrapped in a damp cloth. Germination
you can not wait – plant seeds in the nutrient soil. For
growing seedlings watermelons suitable substrate consisting of
sod land, sand and peat. It is better not to use the box
– more suitable individual containers of at least 0.6 liters.
Cover the pot with glass or plastic to create for
Senets greenhouse conditions.

Когда над поверхностью земли появятся всходы, обеспечьте
seedlings proper care:

• The optimum temperature is 20-25 ˚C.

• Good lighting for at least 10 hours. When cloudy
days it is necessary to dosachivat plant.

• After 10-14 days after emergence, feed each
plant water-soluble complex fertilizers. No organics

• Watering is plentiful but not frequent.

• Regular loosening.

If, even before planting in the ground, the seedlings will be much longer, the stalk
Carefully roll the semiring, sprinkled with moist soil.

Ready for planting watermelon seedlings

The time of transfer of seedlings to prepared melon depends on
climatic conditions of a particular region. Focus on the end
May / early June – the earth should warm up enough. One week before
planting begin to harden their plants, briefly bringing to fresh
air. When the night temperature does not fall below 7-9 C,
you can start landing work. Seedlings dredge
be careful not to damage the root system. If on the street
heat, plants can not cover.

Watermelon Care

If you properly care for watermelons, at the end of the season the taste of the fruit
will certainly please you. This is a fastidious enough culture –
summer resident will not be up to rest. The rules are as follows:

Полив. Since watermelon has a long root,
culture can withstand drought. But if possible,
Be sure to water the plants – abundant, but not often. Norm – 3
buckets on 1 m2. When on the lashes appear ovaries, plants
need more moisture – watering at least 2 times
a week BUT во время активного созревания плодов, увлажнение можно
minimize to slow down the process. After watering is not
forget to loosen the soil.

Подкормки. During the season, be sure to spend 2
top dressing – 2 weeks after disembarkation and during formation
the ovaries. For the first fertilizer, use slurry or chicken
droppings diluted in water. Add superphosphate to the mixture and
potassium chloride. The second time for feeding

Плети. Watermelon развивает длинные плети. AT
direct them in the right direction throughout the season and sprinkle them
the ground so that they do not get confused and do not take root. �”Fix” them
can be using hooks. Many gardeners use trellis,
which whips rise up. Scourge nip over 5th or 6th
leaflet last watermelon on a branch. The fruits themselves will be
formed on the main stem. On one stalk should not be
more than 2-3 ovaries, since the development of more
watermelons in one plant is not enough nutrients. AT случае
If necessary, remove the rest of the ovary.

Watermelon Lash Pinch

Pollination often occurs naturally. But bees, if on
the street is not very sunny, with its “duty” can not
to cope – then you have to do it yourself. Tychinka
one flower touch the pistil of another. 20-30 days after
watermelon pollinations will begin to form ovaries.

Many varieties of watermelon stop growing, if the street below 15 ˚C
therefore, occasionally need to cover landing. BUT когда плоды начнут
keep up, gently turn them up from time to time for
uniform ripening. On open ground, under them
something to keep the crust from rotting.


Not торопитесь убирать в конце сезона плоды, поскольку даже
large specimens may be immature. Watermelon byра
cut when:

• peel – with a clear bright pattern

• when tapping – a dull sound,

• aroma – saturated.

Cut the lash so that the watermelon remains small

Over-grown fruit cannot be stored for a long time. The rest, with
correct conditions, lay for 3-5 months. Watermelonы можно подвешивать или
to be laid on shelves with dry bedding. Store the harvest in the basement
or any other dark ventilated room. The only thing
condition – there should not be any vegetables. Optimal
temperature – 5-8 ˚C.

Prior to storage, experienced gardeners pollinate watermelons
2% lime. Not забывайте время от времени проверять плоды.
If you notice traces of insects or diseases,
remove the berries from the rest of the crop.

How to protect watermelons from pests and diseases?

Watermelonами любят полакомиться птицы, особенно — вороны. To
To avoid damage to the crop, pre-install near the bahchi scarecrow.
Diseases and insects, if the summer resident observes all the conditions of care for
watermelon, infect it rarely.

Denote diseases that can harm landings:

Белая гниль. Appears where too
wet and often changes in temperature. Fungus spoils foliage and scourge
watermelon, the plant is suspended in growth, the fruits ripen not
so juicy and fragrant. Noticing a whitish bloom on watermelon,
rotten parts of it should be destroyed and treated planting solution
copper sulfate.

Черная гниль. The reason for its occurrence –
a fungus that can be tolerated even by insects. Damaged
remove parts of the plant, weed the ground and treat chlorine

Мучнистая роса. Infected leaves are covered
whitish spots. The green parts of the plant die off, the fruits become
unpleasant to the taste. Powdered with powdery mildew
to destroy. Process the soil with caratan suspension.

BUTнтракноз. Brown leaves appear on watermelon foliage.
or yellow spots. If time does not take action, the whips are covered
dark “ulcers” – the plant gradually dies off. Noticing
treat the plantings immediately with a suspension of cuprozan and
Bordeaux liquid. Land necessarily weed.

BUTнтракноз на арбузе

Корневая гниль. Soil fungus actively
develops in cool, wet weather. Watermelon root becomes
thick and gradually cracks. Fruit уже не спасешь, если
rot struck the whole root.

As for insects, watermelon is sometimes attacked by melon aphid.
In just a few days, the pest can hit the fruit badly.
This is a small insect wintering on weeds. Aphid colonies settle
on the lower leaves of the plant. When insects begin to multiply,
they can be seen even with the naked eye. Affected watermelon grows poorly
(it lacks nutrients) and may die.

It is better to prevent the appearance of a melon aphid than with it
fight. Everythingгда убирайте с грядок сорняки, пропалывайте почву.
Small pest colonies can be washed off with watermelon. Helps
also dusting wet foliage with ashes. With whole aphid invasions,
spray planting chemicals.

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