Vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in two steroid varieties: D2
(calciferol) contained in yeast, and D3 (cholecalciferol),
produced in the skin under the action of sunlight.

Vitamin D is needed to control the level of calcium in the blood, it
stimulates the enhanced absorption of this mineral from the intestines to
provide a good supply of calcium for production and recovery
bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin D provides absorption
phosphorus. Good sources of fiber-soluble vitamin D are fat.
fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna, smoked fish), liver,
egg yolk, fortified margarine and dairy products.
In addition, this vitamin is produced in the skin when exposed to the sun.
on one form of cholesterol. Liver and kidneys convert vitamin D,
derived from food, in a much more strong form, but certain
diseases of these organs may impede the most favorable
the effect of this vitamin on the body.

A slight lack of vitamin D in the body causes tooth decay,
softening of the bones with the consequent risk of injury, muscle spasm and
weakening. More severe vitamin deficiency causes rickets in
childhood and osteomalacia in adults. These diseases
characterized by softening of the bones, which as a result
bend and deform. The daily dose of vitamin D is 10 mcg
(0.1 mg). Excessive vitamin D should be avoided in the body, so
how can poisoning occur?

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