The best ways to lose 3 pounds

If you want to lose weight by 3 kg, not necessarily
go on a hunger strike and fall down from exhaustion from physical
loads. Each person can choose the most optimal for him.
method of losing weight, as long as it is not only effective, but also
safe. The result should hit weight loss, a surge of strength,
and most importantly a wonderful mood.

The best ways to lose 3 pounds


  • Rules and recommendations for weight loss
  • Ways to lose 3 pounds in 7 days
  • How to lose weight by 3 kilograms in 5 days
  • Lose weight by 3 kg in 10 days
  • 3 kg in 2 weeks
  • 3 kg per month


Rules and recommendations for weight loss

Consider the basic rules that promote fast and
effective weight loss:

  1. The main rule in losing weight is proper nutrition.
    You need to cook yourself, the only way you can be sure of
    what is this or that dish. It is necessary to hit on vegetable soups
    and freshly made salads.
  2. If you can not attend the gym, then
    можно заниматься дома. Nowadays, there are many
    exercise videos that help you lose weight, and even
    moreover, tighten the whole body.
  3. A single serving of meat or fish dishes should be free.
    fit in your own palm.
  4. Riding a bike, playing tennis, jogging, swimming – all this
    promotes weight loss. In short, you need to keep active
    lifestyle, it will eventually become a habit, and will always allow
    stay in great shape.
  5. Excessive carbohydrate intake can lead to obesity and
    poor metabolism. They are needed only during physical
    loads, and the rest of the time they should be reduced to a minimum.
  6. To lose weight not to go back a few steps,
    the habit of snacking after stressful situations, you need to leave in
    the past.
  7. During the meal you can not be distracted by anything, whether
    TV or phone. Since when watching your favorite movie
    it is possible and not to notice that quite a large amount was eaten

Ways to lose 3 pounds in 7 days

There are many ways to lose weight in a week, at least 3-4
kg It can be both diets, and the strengthened physical activities,
hormonal pills, vibromassage and so on.


Behind 7 дней избавиться от 3 кг вполне возможно, только если делать
it is right and regular. On the Internet you can find
A large number of different diets, but we will consider the most

Sour milk diet

Fat with such a diet disappears primarily from the abdomen, thighs,
buttocks and waist, which immediately gives aesthetics appearance.
Dairy products are very useful, especially if you yourself
cooked. Follow the diet should be no more than 7 days, but for
This short time result will pleasantly surprise.

The first day of the fermented milk diet, he

  • на протяжении суток выпить литр kefir;
  • You can use your favorite coffee, tea, but without adding
  • также необходимо употребить 2 литра простой water.

Second day

Behindвтрак должен состоять из:

  • boiled chicken or quail eggs;
  • 200 milliliters of low-fat kefir with a pinch of cinnamon.

Suitable for lunch:

  • 250 ml of soup, from which you need to remove the potatoes;
  • 100 grams of chicken breast;
  • небольшой кусок ржаного of bread;
  • a glass of compote.

At lunch you can eat an orange or other citrus.

Dinner should consist of:

  • 5% cottage cheese, the amount of which should not exceed 100
  • 2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream.

During the day, be sure to drink about 2 liters
простой water.

The third day

Behindвтрак может состоять из:

  • кофе либо зеленого чая, но не без Sahara;
  • pieces of cheese.

For lunch you can eat:

  • 300 ml of the soup, after removing the potatoes;
  • 200 grams of sea fish steamed;
  • кусок ржаного of bread;
  • fresh tomato or cucumber.

Tea time should consist of a glass of yogurt.

You need to have dinner:

  • стаканом обезжиренного kefir;
  • an apple.

Fourth day

Behindвтрак должен выглядеть так:

  • steam omelette;
  • half cream cheese.

Похудеть за неделю

Dine need:

  • soup in the second broth, again removing the potatoes;
  • veal or beef;
  • rye bread;
  • a glass of juice.

Tea time should consist of an apple or citrus.

For dinner, fit:

  • cottage cheese;
  • 150-200 ml of yogurt.

На протяжении суток выпить 1 литр чая, и столько же water.

Fifth day

For breakfast you can eat

  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • стакан молока с малым количеством жира.

For lunch we eat:

  • chicken broth with the addition of greens;
  • 200 grams of meat or lean fish;
  • кусочек черного of bread;
  • cucumber or tomato.

At lunch we drink a glass of yogurt.

Dinner should consist of:

  • 150 grams of cottage cheese;
  • glasses of kefir.

Sixth day

For breakfast we eat:

  • a piece of cheese;
  • drink tea without sugar.

Lunch should consist of:

  • soup without potatoes;
  • 100 grams of offal;
  • кусочка ржаного of bread;
  • 5 pieces of radishes.

In the afternoon we drink yogurt or kefir in the amount of 20 ml.

We have dinner:

  • one boiled egg;
  • a piece of cheese;
  • a glass of kefir.

Just a day you need to drink two liters of plain water without

Seventh day

Unloading. That is the same as at the beginning of the week. If the first
the day turned out purely kefir, the seventh should be
kefir-cottage cheese.

Sour milk diet не only save you from extra inches, but
and cleanse the body of bad substances, besides it will improve


You can not lose weight with this type of diet for people who have
individual intolerance of the main components. Also she
contraindicated if there are diseases associated with the kidneys. And at
ulcer and gastritis should be excluded from the diet salted cheese.

Water diet

Nutritionists have invented a way to lose weight, in which
you need to drink a lot and eat a little. This mode will allow not only
lose weight but also cleanse the body of harmful substances as well
prevent the multiplication of bacteria that lead to different

The principle of the aquatic diet:

  • Immediately after waking up, you need to drink 200 ml of pure
  • Before each meal, you also need to drink a glass of clean
    water to improve metabolism. Besides, the body is faster
    will be satisfied.
  • The habit of drinking food, you need to leave in the past, because
    nutritionists do not recommend during, and within an hour after eating,
    use any liquid.
  • It is important not to confuse feelings of hunger and thirst. If soon after
    трапезы появилось чувство голода можно просто попить water.
  • Вместо чая или кофе лучше выпить простой минеральной water.
    To understand how much fluid you need to use each
    man need to know your weight. For 10 kg should be 400 ml
  • The main advantage of such a diet that there are no restrictions on food, you can eat
    all you want, only in smaller portions.


It is contraindicated to use a lot of water for people who have
diseases of the kidneys or urogenital system. Therefore, before
embark on such a diet, it is necessary to consult with the treating
a doctor.

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat diet is fairly simple and very effective. Behind
a week you can lose 3 or even 4 extra pounds.

Похудение за неделю

From the first to the fourth day

  • for breakfast we eat buckwheat porridge without dressing, and drink 200
    gram of kefir;
  • for the second breakfast we drink a glass of kefir;
  • lunch should consist of 80 grams of buckwheat porridge and half
    glasses of yogurt;
  • for dinner we use 50 grams of buckwheat and 200 ml of kefir.

From the fifth to the sixth day

  • breakfast should consist of 50 grams of buckwheat and a cup of tea without
    add sugar;
  • for a second breakfast we drink half a glass of yogurt without
  • at lunch we consume 100 grams of buckwheat porridge and drink 200 ml
  • dinner should consist of 50 grams of buckwheat and a cup of kefir.

Seventh day

We distribute 200 grams of buckwheat and one liter of kefir to the whole

Buckwheat diet имеет свои

  • period of bearing a child;
  • lactation period;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • high physical activity;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • heart failure.

Apple diet

This type of diet is available at any time of the year, and very
effective. Behind неделю можно сбросить больше чем 3 kg Worth right away
note that the apple diet is not easy, and sit on it a whole
week is not all under force. If it’s very hard to eat some apples,
nutritionists are allowed to add to your diet a piece of bread
coarse grinding.

Menu for the week:

  • The first and second day should consist of one and a half kilograms.
  • the third and fourth, with two kilograms;
  • на пятый день едим полтора килограмма apples;
  • the last two days we use a kilogram of apples.

Apples can be eaten of any kind, neither color nor taste will affect
the process of losing weight.

Physical exercise

The main task is to distribute the load correctly.
an organism. The body should not be overstretched, but at the same time
work actively.

  • Первый день: силовая и кардио-тренировка.
  • Second day: кардио-тренировка;
  • The third day: силовая тренировка;
  • Fourth day: кардио-тренировка;
  • Fifth day: силовая и кардио-тренировка;
  • Шестой и седьмой день: отдыхаем.

Power training

Positive moments of strength training:

  • calories are burned not only during exercise, but also after
    them while relaxing;
  • muscles strengthen;
  • the body becomes elastic;
  • health improves.

At the beginning of training, when the body does not feel tired,
you need to master the tricks, at what to repeat each exercise
15-25 times. For weight loss it is recommended to make every effort on
мышцы рук и плеч, бедер, ягодиц и талии.

Cardio training

This is the same aerobic workout that aims to
energy release. During cardio workouts, there is a load on
all muscles and cardiovascular system. Increases stamina and
cardiac performance

Examples of cardio workouts:

  • jogging;
  • велоjogging;
  • active games (golf, tennis, paintball) and others;
  • walking tours;
  • swimming.

The duration of any workout should be at least 20
minutes, but not more than 60.

Похудение за неделю

Slimming with wraps

Argued that with the help of wraps with special
mixtures, literally before his eyes burned extra centimeters. This
the procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home

  • to begin with, a person must take a hot shower together with
  • then dirt, seaweed, chocolate or other is applied to the skin.
    therapeutic mixtures;
  • after which the treated places are wrapped in food
  • over the film must wear warm pants, wrap a handkerchief
    and wear a warm robe;
  • after half an hour, a shower is taken to wash the whole body

For greater efficiency, at the end of the procedure, you can apply
cream or lotion.

Diet pills

In pharmacies, you can find a large number of different pills,
allowing to reduce weight. But are they all effective?

Consider the most effective and less safe pills for

  • Xenical;
  • Goldline;
  • Eco slim;
  • Glucophage;
  • Lipoxin;
  • Mazindol;
  • Cefamadar

The above drugs, according to multiple reviews proved
its effectiveness. But to apply any of them, you only need
after consulting a doctor because any pills possess

Slimming massage

Massage is best carried out in special salons, because only
Experts know how to do it so that the extra ones are gone.

The most common types of massages for weight loss

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • lipomodelling;
  • sculpturing;
  • honey;
  • dotted.

Each of them has its pros and cons, but they are all directed
to fight obesity. What type of massage will suit a particular
a person, prompted by a specialist working in a massage salon.


The acupuncture method came to us from China, because there it is
The most popular method of dealing with obesity.

Acupuncture is divided into several types, and to each
the patient needs an individual approach.

Classic method

The specialist inserts needles into places that are directly connected.
with the digestive system, as well as with the liver and kidneys.
The functioning of these organs is normalized, and the feeling disappears.
hunger. Pain during the procedure is absent, and time will be required.
just half an hour.

Method “Faleva”

The needle is inserted only in one place, located inside the ear.
Данный метод представляет собой блокировку чувства hunger.

Golden needle

A needle is inserted into the point responsible for saturation, which
reminds piercing. It must be worn throughout the year, not
taking off.

Vibro massagers and muscle stimulants

If you buy a natural massager, you can in a week
to lose 3 kg or more, but buying a fake, the effect may not
be, or even health problems appear.

Types of muscle stimulants:

  • Electronic. They affect the muscles by
    pulses emanating from the apparatus. Certain muscles start
    to shrink heavily, so that extra centimeters go away.
  • Apparatus stimulators of a dot type. With their
    using, you can quickly get rid of obesity, sagging skin, excess
    centimeters on the waist, hips, stomach, buttocks. But it is worth noting
    that this thing is not cheap, and buy such a massager can
    not every.
  • Hand massagers. This type of stimulant can
    purchase each, as the price is acceptable. Result,
    certainly not as fast as for example in the application of point
  • Vibro massagers. Affect muscles, also
    like electronic stimulants.
  • Vacuum. First applied to the skin
    anti-cellulite cream, after which a vacuum massager is applied.
    This massage helps to speed up the metabolism, which leads to
    weight loss

Slimming baths

You can lose weight not only with the help of diets and enhanced physical
loads, but also taking a bathroom.

Лучшие ванны для slimming:

  • Mix a liter of milk with three tablespoons of honey, and stir with
    water Separately, prepare a scrub: mix 200 grams of 10% sour cream with
    the same amount of sea salt. We rub problem areas and
    we stand for 20 minutes, after which we take a honey bath.
  • Glass dry mustard stir with water to obtain
    mushy mass. Then pour the mixture into the bath, and
    we are in it a maximum of 15 minutes.
  • A glass of soda mixed with 300 grams of salt, pour
    mix into the bathroom, take it 15 minutes.

It should be understood that without proper nutrition and when sitting
this way of life will not help because it’s just
addition to the main methods of losing weight.

Sauna for weight loss

Previously, people did not know that you can lose weight with a sauna, there
only came to rest and relax after a busy day. Behind
due to high temperatures, the body loses moisture, which comes from
потом и запускается the process of losing weight. This is due to the active
heart work and increased blood flow.

But do not get involved in this method, as you can overheat
and get serious heart disease and central nervous


How to lose weight by 3 kilograms in 5 days

There are such situations when it is necessary to dump urgently superfluous 3
kilograms in such a short time. It is possible, but extremely difficult
since it is necessary to drink only kefir and water for 3 days in a row, because
what may be general weakness and dizziness. Remaining 2
of the day we sit on light broths without fat.

Lose weight by 3 kg in 10 days

Lose weight by 3 kilograms in 10 days is quite realistic, without harm
for good health. You only need to keep track of calories consumed,
day they should not exceed 1500.

To do this, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • pastry and pasta;
  • sweet teas, cakes, pies and others sweets;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • smoked products;
  • canned food.

Products that can be consumed in unlimited

  • low fat fish and meat;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • soups and borscht on the second broth;
  • black bread;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • beans and nuts.

If you follow all the rules, you can get rid of a week and a half.
from extra 3 kg or more.

3 kg in 2 weeks

To lose extra 3 kg in 14 days, you first need
follow the food, namely to leave in the past flour products,
sweets and fatty foods. But on the fish, meat is not fatty varieties,
vegetables, black bread and various cereals need to focus.

It is also worth maintaining muscle tone, by simple
exercise, skiing, swimming, daily

3 kg per month

To lose 3 kg in 30 days, no need to exhaust yourself
fasting and severely limited in food. Enough for
month refuse from:

  • of bread;
  • oils;
  • Sahara;
  • salt.

And the result will surely please you.

In addition to following this diet, you need to adhere to several
the rules. And so, to lose weight, you need:

  • eat not large meals, but 6 times a day, snack
    can be fresh fruit, dried or vegetables;
  • eat food preferably every day at a certain
  • drink two liters of water per day;
  • sleep at least 8 hours.

With the help of diets, you can easily lose the extra 3 kg, but they
not everyone is suitable, because each of them has
contraindications. You can choose more gentle ways to lose weight,
for example, baths, saunas, various muscle stimulants that are not
less effective, but there are practically no contraindications.

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