Victoria Beckham diets for weight loss andkeeping fit

The wife of a famous football player, fashion designer, singer and mother of 4 children –
Victoria Beckham – has always been and remains the benchmark for women
slimness and beauty. 42-year-old beauty does not hide that hard
working on his figure to stay in shape. But not
only workouts make up the usual Vicki day. According to her
own words, the pledge of a slim figure is the right one

Victoria Beckham diets for weight loss and keeping fit


  • The essence and benefits of Victoria Beckham diet
  • Menu classic diet Victoria Beckham
  • Victoria Beckham Vegetarian Diet Menu
  • Victoria Beckham’s Alkaline Diet Menu
  • Victoria Beckham’s Healthy Diet Menu
  • How to go out of diets?
  • Disadvantages and contraindications
  • Victoria’s diets results
  • Victoria Beckham Diets (video)


The essence and benefits of Victoria Beckham diet

In different years of his life, the star adhered to various diets.
For herself, she singled out 4 basic types of diets, the principles of which she
always adheres to:

  • Classic;
  • Vegetarian;
  • Alkaline;
  • Healthy.

The essence of the star food is the complete exclusion from the diet.
animal proteins, as in a protein diet. Basis
rations are plant foods and foods that
rich in fiber.

The basic beneficial properties of the Victoria Beckham diet can be

  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Stabilization of intestinal microflora;
  • Removal of toxins, toxins from the body;
  • Improving the appearance of the skin, strengthening nails and
  • Reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.

Menu classic diet Victoria Beckham

Victoria followed a similar weight loss method before
embarked on the path of full vegetarianism. The diet is based on
consuming four meals. An organism with such nutrition
gets all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, proteins, minerals,
fats. Duration – no more than 5 days.

The first day

  • Завтрак: 2 отварных яйца + салат из
    avocado, figs, green salad and Bulgarian pepper. Can
    season with soy sauce.
  • Перекус: фруктовый салат из киви,
    mango, pear, apple and orange, seasoned with yogurt
    minimum fat content (approximately 50 grams will be needed).
  • Обед: отварная утиная грудка с
    boiled vegetables (at your discretion).
  • Ужин: легкий салат из томатов,
    Peking cabbage, Bulgarian red pepper and greens.

Second day

  • Завтрак: молоко обезжиренное с
    oatmeal + a cup of green unsweetened tea.
  • Перекус: пюрированные сезонные
  • Обед: рыба с овощами запеченные + рис
    in a double boiler.
  • Ужин: зеленый салат из шпината и
    celery, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice (you can
    replace with soy).

Third day

  • Завтрак: 100 гр винегрета + тост из
    cereal rye bread + a glass of fruit uzvar.
  • Перекус: яблоко, запеченное с орехами
    and dried fruit + a cup of mint tea.
  • Обед: брокколевый суп + гречка с
    mushrooms in the slow cooker.
  • Ужин: творожная запеканка с

Day four

  • Завтрак: омлет из 2 яиц с овощами +
    a glass of decoction of herbs.
  • Перекус: десерт из творога,
    low-fat yogurt and strawberries.
  • Обед: луковый суп.
  • Ужин: рагу из овощей без

Fifth day

  • Завтрак: “цезарь” с креветками +
    cup of tea for weight loss.
  • Перекус: пиала фруктового салата без
    dressing (persimmon + mango + kiwi + orange + pomelo).
  • Обед: чечевичный суп.
  • Ужин: паровая котлета из рыбы + овощи
    steamed (all without salt and pepper).

Victoria Beckham Vegetarian Diet Menu

Victoria in recent years has begun to adhere to vegetarian
nutritional principles. It is recommended to adhere to such a diet not
more than 1 week, after completion increase gradually
caloric intake of food.

Sample diet menu for 1 day:

Завтрак: 100 г тофу + полстакана
strawberries or other berries (to taste) + white or green tea.

  • Перекус: мятный чай.
  • Обед: отварные соевые бобы + зелень
  • Полдник: сыр соевый.
  • Ужин: листовые vegetables.

Vegetarianism is not for everyone, so before going
For this type of food, consult your doctor. You can also
take advantage of the classic vegetarian diet.

Victoria Beckham’s Alkaline Diet Menu

In the diet of such a diet can be found: citrus, dates,
apricots, figs, ginger root, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, cabbage
broccoli, cauliflower, seaweed, greens, nuts and porridge.
Sample diet menu for 1 day:

  • Завтрак: салат помидоры + огурцы +
    salad + arugula + asparagus, a cup of green tea.
  • Ланч: 1 грейпфрут или 2 инжира.
  • Обед: салат + авокадо + лосось +
    cucumbers + arugula + paprika.
  • Ужин: суп из шпината и капусты

Victoria combines any diet with exercise, which
described in this article.

Victoria Beckham’s Healthy Diet Menu

Popular diet based on the use of steam food. Star
regularly resorts to such nutrition in order to preserve its beautiful

The first day

  • Завтрак: пшеница цельнозерновая +
    several fried loaves + tea.
  • Обед: грудка курицы +
    mango salad + tea.
  • Ужин: салат листовой + грудка курицы
    + green tea.

Second day

  • Завтрак: несколько поджаренных
    хлебцев + яблоко + green tea.
  • Обед: рисовая steamed casserole +
    a glass of kefir.
  • Ужин: говядина + салат из капусты
    (you can add greens and carrots) + 200 ml of water.

Third day

  • Завтрак: несколько поджаренных
    loaves + pear / kiwi / strawberry + green tea. As
    sweetener fit honey.
  • Обед: котлеты на пару + овощной салат
    + tea.
  • Ужин: свинина на пару + салат
    sheet + 200 ml of kefir.

Day four

  • Breakfast: carrot souffle + thin slice of black bread + tea
  • Обед: рыбные котлеты на пару + салат листовой + стакан
  • Ужин: креветки + овощной салат + 200 ml of kefir.

Fifth day

  • Завтрак: несколько поджаренных
    хлебцев + салат из манго + green tea.
  • Обед: рисовая steamed casserole +
    a glass of kefir.
  • Ужин: говядина + салат из капусты
    (you can add greens and carrots) + 200 ml of water.

Sixth day

  • Завтрак: овощной салат + несколько
    fried bread + tea (can be replaced with mineral water).
  • Обед: лист салата + грудка курицы +
    чай green.
  • Ужин: морепродукты + салат листовой +
    200 ml of kefir.

Seventh day

  • Завтрак: пшеница цельнозерновая +
    several fried loaves + tea.
  • Обед: рисовая steamed casserole + 200
    ml of kefir.
  • Ужин: говядина + салат из капусты
    (you can add greens and carrots) + 200 ml of water.

How to go out of diets?

In order for the diet to have some kind of result, after it
graduation is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet and eat more
fruits and vegetables.

If you choose a vegetarian diet, then after its completion is not
you need to immediately “pounce” on the meat, as well as after the steam
diets – fried foods. This will be a great stress for

An important role in the output from the diet and drinking mode plays.
For example, Victoria recommends drinking more than 2 liters.
filtered water per day. Eat fractional but small
in portions.

Also, Mrs. Beckham never forgets about training, namely
thanks to constant occupations, her body is always toned and

Disadvantages and contraindications

Since any diet is an exception to any
foods, then can be observed during the diet: weakness,
drowsiness, insomnia, fatigue.

And among the main contraindications are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • impaired liver and kidney function;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic illness or exacerbation;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Victoria’s diets results

The results of what is said on the face. In his years, Victoria will give
handicap young beauties. After four pregnancies star without
Special work keeps your body in top shape.

Thanks to self-developed wiki diets after childbirth in
the shortest possible time to reset to 6 kg and it is not going
stop there Victoria Beckham constantly
being improved.

Victoria Beckham Diets (video)

Little stuff about Victoria Beckham’s diet and her secret

So, the famous mother of many children never hid her
способа похудеть – это постоянные тренировки и правильно nutrition.
Author’s diets help maintain the weight of a star within 49 kg. BUT
In recent years, Victoria has become an ardent vegetarian that only
helps her stay in top form.

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