Yogurt diet for weight loss of 10 kg pera week

  • 1 The benefits of losing weight on yogurt
    • 1.1 How to choose the right yogurt for weight loss
  • 2 Types of Yoghurt Diet
    • 2.1 What else can you eat?
  • 3 Menus
  • 4 The right way out of the yogurt diet
  • 5 Results

One of the most healthy kinds of sour milk
products is yogurt. However, not many know that there is
yogurt diet for weight loss, developed 70 years ago
nutritionist Zake, originally from Germany. Zeik first applied his
the method of weight loss in a sanatorium in Switzerland,
vacationers who were amazed by the effective results.
Yoghurt diet helps speed up metabolic processes in
the body and the active burning of accumulated fat deposits, and
because if yogurt is your favorite fermented milk
product, you can choose for yourself one of various techniques
Zake weight loss for 3, 7 and 10 days.


The benefits of losing weight on yogurt

Yogurt – fermented milk product obtained by oxidation
milk by beneficial lacto bacteria. This fermented milk is assimilated
the product is 60% better than milk, and therefore especially recommended
adults and those who suffer from intolerance
milk protein. In the process of processing milk protein lacto
the bacteria produce beneficial and nutrients (vitamins
B12, B3, A, calcium, potassium, magnesium) necessary for normal
life activity.

Vitamins and trace elements contained in yoghurt favorably
affect vision, nervous system, skin condition, normalization
levels of cholesterol in the blood, as well as increase immunity and
prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Bacteria contained in yogurt affect maintenance
the desired acidity of the digestive system, which contributes
prevent constipation, diarrhea. Yogurt recommended regularly
use for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases
(gastritis, ulcers, chronic indigestion). Also this product
There is in the menu of the diet Dash, intended for the treatment of elevated
blood pressure.

The benefits of a yoghurt diet include:

  • Easy tolerance and lack of hunger;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Normalization of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Prevention of caries, hypertension, osteoporosis.

How to choose yogurt for weight loss

Before you begin to follow the yogurt slimming method
should be the right choice of yogurt. Shop Counters
full of dazzling packages of fruit yogurt, in which
contains dyes, preservatives, and sugar, which is not
suitable for weight loss. From the store products worth giving
preference exclusively to natural products, without additives, and
also low fat or low fat. Most effective
yogurt diet is based on yogurt, which can be easily
cook at home.

The recipe for making yogurt at home


  • Pasteurized milk 1 l;
  • Dry yogurt culture 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, boil, remove from heat, cool to
    room temperature.
  2. A small amount of milk mixed with dry yogurt
    culture, stir until a homogeneous mixture, add to
    the main amount of milk.
  3. Thermos pour boiling water, wipe, pour the mixture tightly
    to close. Insist 12-14 hours. The longer the starter, the
    yogurt will taste sour.
  4. Pour the resulting fermented milk product in the bowl, cover
    the lid, send to the fridge to cool until thick (at 2

Yogurt can be used as a separate dish, and
fill them with vegetable salads.

Types of Yoghurt Diet

There are many varieties of yoghurt

  • Yoghurt diet for 3 days. The essence of the three-day
    yogurt diet is that for breakfast yogurt should
    to eat with fruit, for lunch with meat or fish, and for dinner
    with salad or cottage cheese. For three days on this diet can lose weight
    1-2 kg.
  • Yogurt diet for 7 days. In the daily menu
    includes: yogurt 500 grams, savory fruits and non-starchy vegetables 400
    gr, lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood 150 gr, freshly squeezed
    juice 2 glasses. The shown daily amount of products should be
    distribute to 4-5 meals. The last meal should be
    no later than 3-3.5 hours before bedtime. It is recommended to drink during the day.
    non-carbonated water, herbal teas, green tea, but without adding
    sugar, cream, syrups. За a week на данной диете можно похудеть
    on 7-10 kilograms.
  • Творожно-йогуртовая диета заключается в
    during the day 200 grams of skimmed cottage cheese and 600 ml
    natural yogurt. When dieting, cottage cheese is filled with yogurt, not
    adding salt or sugar. Daily food volume shown
    must be distributed to 5 meals. For three days on this
    mono diet can lose 2 kg.
  • Яблочно-йогуртовая диета считается одной из
    most stringent. Designed for 3 days for which you can lose weight on
    2-3 kg. The menu of the three-day apple-yoghurt diet consists of
    use in during the day, 500 grams of yogurt and 3 pieces of apples of any
  • Фруктово-йогуртовая диета помогает похудеть на
    2-3 kg in three days. Daily menu of this method of disposal
    overweight consists of 500 ml of natural yogurt and 500 grams
    savory fruit. Despite the fact that sweet fruits (bananas,
    grapes, mango, melon, watermelon) are not recommended to include in the menu
    This course of losing weight, many prefer to comply
    banana-yoghurt diet because of its satiety and nutritional value.
    The result of this option will be reduced, you can get rid of the day.
    no more than 500 grams of excess weight.
  • Овсяно-йогуртовая диета способствует не только
    effective weight loss, but also cleansing the intestines from accumulated
    harmful substances. The menu of this diet consists of 500 ml of natural
    yogurt and 300 grams of oatmeal, boiled in water without salt and oil.
    It is recommended to eat porridge for breakfast and lunch, the volume of one portion
    150 gr. You can drink yoghurt as a snack and for dinner. For three
    days on this mono diet can lose weight by 3-4 kilograms.
  • Диета кефирно-йогуртовая заключается в
    600 ml of kefir (skimmed or with
    жирностью 1%) и 600 мл natural yogurt. Shown daily
    food rate should be divided into 6 meals. Recommended
    drink a glass of sour-milk drink (kefir or yogurt),
    alternating them with each other every 2 hours.

What else can you eat?

Allowed products with diet:

  • Low-fat meat (veal, beef, rabbit meat);
  • Lean skinless poultry (turkey, chicken);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, airan,
    sour milk);
  • Eggs (not more than 1 pc per day);
  • Bran;
  • Cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice);
  • Poor vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli,
  • Savory Fruits (Exception: Pears, Grapes, Watermelons,
  • Berries;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro);
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices (diluted with water in
    proportions 1: 2);
  • Tea (herbal, green) without sugar;
  • Decoctions and tinctures of herbs, berries.

During the day, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of purified
water without gas, mostly one cup half an hour before


По правилам йогуртовой диеты, рассчитанной на a week, овощные
salads should be filled with yogurt (no more than 150 grams per one
portion). Thus, eating two portions of vegetable daily
salad for lunch and dinner, will take 300 grams of yoghurt shown daily
normal 500 gr. Other salad dressings (olive, vegetable
oil, lemon juice) are prohibited. Salt dishes and use
spices and spices are impossible.

Yoghurt diet for 7 days – menu for every day
(breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Yoghurt dessert with dried fruits 200 gr;
  • Tomato juice;
  • Broccoli cream soup 150 ml. Cabbage salad 150 gr;
  • Apple-carrot juice;
  • Отварное куриное филе 150 gr. Cucumber and tomato salad 100


  • Yoghurt 200 gr with 1 tbsp. bran;
  • Pomegranate juice;
  • Beetroot 150 ml. Arugula salad 150 gr;
  • Orange fresh;
  • Креветки 150 gr. Салат из морской капусты 100 gr.


  • Yoghurt dessert with green apple 200 gr;
  • Apple juice;
  • Green soup 150 ml. Salad “Brush” 150 gr;
  • Cucumber smoothie;
  • Отварная говядина 150 gr. Салат из шпината 100 gr.


  • Йогуртовый десерт с киви 200 gr.;
  • Cherry juice;
  • Okroshka lean 150 ml. Salad of cucumbers and greens 150 gr;
  • Tomato juice;
  • Запеченный кролик 150 gr. Салат из свеклы 100 gr.


  • Yoghurt dessert with orange 200 gr;
  • Peach juice;
  • Kapustnyak 150 ml. Vegetable stew 150 gr;
  • Carrot smoothie;
  • Отварное филе индейки 150 gr. Салат «Греческий» 100 gr.


  • Yoghurt dessert with berries 200 g;
  • Plum compote;
  • Celery cream soup 150 ml. Tomato salad with onions 150
  • Cucumber and celery smoothies;
  • Паровые котлеты из телятины 150 gr. Salad “Shopsky”.


  • Yogurt. 1 tbsp. bran;
  • Orange juice;
  • Gazpacho 150 ml. Салат из брюссельской капусты 150 gr;
  • Beet juice;
  • Отварное филе судака 150 gr. Помидоры «Черри» 100 gr.

The right way out of the yogurt diet

The yoghurt diet is balanced, but
low-calorie. Daily caloric in the course of losing weight
exceeds 1200 Kcal, and therefore a sharp transition to the usual diet
When exiting, it can trigger a quick return of lost weight.
In order to maintain the result of losing weight, you must first
a week увеличить суточную калорийность своего рациона до 1400-1500
Kcal. 50% of the diet at the exit should be products containing
complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, cereals) and fiber (vegetables, fruits).
Fats should be kept to a minimum, and from protein foods
must be chosen with minimal fat content.

To save the result of losing weight for a long time,
must be eliminated or reduced to a minimum in your diet
fresh pastries, sweets, desserts, especially with an abundance of creams,
fatty and fried foods. Regular exercise will help
keep fit, keep muscles in shape. Repeat
a seven-day yoghurt diet is recommended not earlier than after
month. A three-day yoghurt diet in strict and sparing option
can be observed twice a month as fasting days,
allowing not only to maintain slenderness, but also to clean
the body from toxins, toxins, accelerate metabolic processes.


The laudatory comments on the yoghurt diet testify
that in three days on a strict mono diet you can lose weight by 2-4
pounds. Observing the method of losing weight, designed for 7 days,
You can easily “say goodbye” with 6-10 extra pounds. On
the end result directly affects the initial
weight, the higher it is, the more kilograms you can throw, as well
level of daily physical activity. With regular classes
sports (fitness, aerobics, swimming, jogging) efficiency
yogurt slimming methods above.

We provide to your attention a photo of people before and after compliance
Yogurt diet for weight loss:

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