Lose weight with a diet “90 days separatefood

All people who want to lose weight, want to find the most effective and
safe way, but at the same time do not limit yourself to food. AT
In this case, the ideal option is a 90 day diet.
separate food. It differs from others in its diversity in
food and duration of use.

Lose weight with a diet


  • Special features
  • Food
  • How to eat
  • Weekly menu
  • Recipes with a 90 day separate food diet
  • ATыход из диеты и ее повтор
  • Results of the 90 day separate diet
  • Contraindications


Special features

The principle of diet – separate food, during which it is allowed
eat everything, including muffins, flour products, sweets. Purpose
is the acceleration of metabolic processes, as well as the establishment of work
digestive tract. The diet consists of several cycles
alternating different directions in food.

It is for 3 months of proper nutrition, you can heal
body and significantly lose weight. The term is long enough for
diets, but unlike others – more reliable, safe and


Nutritionists have developed this diet so that people can themselves
pamper your favorite meal. Only junk food is replaced by more
useful, for example, instead of pastries – marshmallow or marmalade, instead of
vegetable oil – olive.

Start your day with a glass of water, which should
add a little juice, squeezed from lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Then
You can eat your favorite fruit and 150-200 grams of any berries.

Below is a table where you can find out which products
can be combined during a diet, and which is not recommended.

Can be combined Can not be combined
concentrated protein foods acid and starch
leguminous food with sour cream and vegetable oil carbohydrates with kiwi, apples, oranges
butter and potatoes, various cereals proteins with carbohydrates
bread with butter bread, any cereal, pasta with potatoes, with meat,
eggs and hard cheese
potatoes with sour cream, butter and vegetables cheese and eggs
fruits with cream cheese with meat
eggs with vegetables proteins with acid

How to eat

There are several rules about eating, during
submitted diet:

  1. Do not drink liquids during meals because water
    leaves the stomach after 15 minutes after the food is in it
    hit, and if you drink any food with water, she will take a lot
    digestive juice. Thus, digestion starts badly.
    work, and a man, instead of carefully chewing, swallows
    soaked products, almost entirely.
  2. Use better fresh food, so you need to cook for one
    times, and you can only boil, bake and steam.
    No frying.
  3. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions, strictly up to 18
  4. You can snack every two hours, because the break
    between the intake of proteins and carbohydrates should not be large.
  5. It is better to refuse at all from salt and other seasonings, but if without
    they are completely unbearable, then at least they should be limited

Weekly menu

The diet is built on daily cycles, and swap them.

  • в первый день диеты необходимо употреблять
    only protein foods;
  • на второй день содержащую крахмал;
  • когда настает третий день от
    start a diet – food should be rich in
  • а четвертый день должен состоять из
    use of vitamin fruits.

Then повторяется вновь его последовательность. Should add
the fact that every 29 days should be made fasting day,
in which you can not eat anything, but only drink a lot of normal
mineral water.

AT белковый день нужно употреблять
chicken, veal, sea fish, boiled eggs, hard cheese,
dairy products. Also dishes can consist of vegetables, in
the composition of which should not include starch, also allowed to eat
A piece of rye bread for lunch.

AT крахмальный день разрешается кушать
legumes, potatoes, cereals and other vegetables containing
starch, you can also eat a piece of bread at dinner.

Углеводный день должен состоять из
eating bread, crackers, vegetable-based pizza, buckwheat or
barley porridge. It is also allowed to season a salad or borscht with tomato
eat muffin from yeast-free dough.

ATитаминный день представляет собой
eating different fruits, citrus fruits, vegetables and berries for every taste
and color. In addition, it is allowed to drink fresh juices, eat
seeds, and not limited in the number of nuts.

Диета раздельного питания

Below is a rough menu for each day.

First day

First time for breakfast:

  • овсянкой на молоке;
  • kiwi in the amount of two things;
  • tea but not sweet.

ATторой раз завтракаем:

  • any apple varieties;
  • salad of dill, lettuce, sorrel, seasoned

We have lunch:

  • 250 g boiled meat;
  • broccoli;
  • A slice of hard cheese.

Полдничаем грушей.

Ужинаем, максимум в 18 часов:

  • vegetable-based pea soup;
  • steam omelet where mushrooms are present.

ATторой день

First time for breakfast:

  • Greek woman;
  • citrus;
  • tea without sugar.

ATторой раз – любым an apple.

We have lunch:

  • boiled or baked fish;
  • raw or stewed vegetables;
  • coffee.

Диета раздельного питания

Полдничаем чистым йогуртом.

Ужинаем салатом из любимой зелени, заправленным
оливковым oil

The third day

Первый раз завтракаем:

  • diluted orange juice 1: 1 with water;
  • semolina with milk;
  • savory tea.

ATторой раз завтракаем:

  • pear;
  • apple green varieties.


  • boiled veal with a small amount of salt;
  • raw vegetables.

We dine with seeds or nuts.

Ужинаем цветной капустой с сыром.

Fourth day

First time for breakfast:

  • any milk porridge;
  • two mandarins;
  • tea without added sugar.

ATторой раз завтракаем: двумя яблоками.

We have lunch:

  • boiled or baked fish;
  • salad with herbs with oil.

Полдничаем сухофруктами.


  • boiled vegetables;
  • steam omelette.

Fifth day

Первый раз завтракаем:

  • овсяной кашей с добавлением фруктов;
  • kiwi in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • savory tea.

Диета раздельного питания

ATторой раз завтракаем an apple.


  • boiled chicken meat;
  • vegetable and green salad;
  • cauliflower or broccoli in boiled form.

Полдничаем двумя бананами или одним апельсином.

Ужинаем супом, приготовленным из овощей.

Sixth day

First time for breakfast:

  • buckwheat cereal without sugar and butter;
  • an orange;
  • tea without added sugar.

ATторой раз завтракаем бананом либо an apple.

We have lunch:

  • soup;
  • fresh green salad;
  • boiled fish.

Полдничаем любыми орехами в неограниченном

We have dinner:

  • stewed vegetables;
  • steam omelet with the addition of mushrooms;
  • fresh green salad.

Seventh day

During the day we eat one and a half kilograms of apples, better
green varieties. Then everything repeats from Monday, and so should
will last 90 days.

Яблоки в диете

Recipes with a 90 day separate food diet

You can also lose weight beautifully, and not be limited to lean porridges and
vegetables. ATо время предложенной диеты можно готовить довольно-таки
tasty, and at the same time healthy dishes.

Below are the recipes that are not long
work hard, but they will be delicious and very healthy.

Vegetable salad

Для его приготовления нам понадобится:

  • four cucumbers;
  • two chicken or five quail eggs;
  • dill, parsley;
  • one and a half tablespoons of olive oil;
  • some salt.

Boil eggs until cooked, cool them and peel them.
Crush eggs (not very finely) and add sliced
cucumbers. Солим по вкусу и заправляем oil

Steamed hake

This dish can be prepared if the house has a slow cooker.
or double boiler.


  • fillet of sea lean fish;
  • lemon juice;
  • vegetables to your taste (you can take two carrots and the same
    sweet peppers);
  • salt, some spices;
  • foil.

Put the fish fillet in a bowl, pour with lemon juice, salt and
add a small amount of your favorite spices. We roll in foil,
and give marinated for half an hour. AT отдельной посудине
marinated chopped vegetables, and send all the ingredients at once to


For this salad, we need:

  • two large or 4 small potatoes;
  • one beet;
  • 6 cauliflower blossoms;
  • one carrot;
  • 150 g salted cucumbers;
  • oil for refilling;
  • some salt.

Boil potatoes, beets and carrots until cooked, and chop
on the squares. Then cook the cabbage, chop and mix everything
vegetables. Pour olive oil, salt and decorate with salad and



  • chicken fillet;
  • a tomato;
  • sweet pepper (paprika);
  • one onion;
  • garlic to taste;
  • olive oil;
  • teaspoon paprika;
  • spice.

Sliced ​​onion fry in butter until golden, there too
sprinkle coarsely chopped chicken, and fry all together
for another two minutes. We salt, we sprinkle with spices, we add
chopped tomato and sweet peppers, as well as water and simmer under
closed lid until ready.


Potato casserole


  • six large potatoes;
  • four small tomatoes;
  • a glass of boiled beans;
  • one medium carrot;
  • half a glass of broth;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley or dill;
  • salt and pepper.

ATарим картофель в кожуре до готовности, очищаем и нарезаем на
squares. Lubricate the brazier with oil and lay boiled
potatoes, beans on top, then carrots, grated, finely grated,
and the topmost should be a layer of tomatoes, sliced

Water with oil, broth, salt and send in preheated to
200 degrees oven for half an hour. Serve decorated

Honey Pears

What you need:

  • pears, in the amount of three pieces;
  • vanilla;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • natural honey;
  • any nuts.

Cut the pears into strips and simmer a little with water and vanilla.
When the mixture has cooled, add some honey and a little ground
cinnamon Stir in order to preserve the integrity of the pear and
Sprinkle with nuts.

ATыход из диеты и ее повтор

Separate meals used to cause a lot of controversy about
efficiency, but nowadays humanity has understood that it is possible
lose weight and not limiting yourself to food, by way of separate
power supply.

ATначале диеты, это может показаться трудным, поскольку
unusual to combine carbohydrates, fats, proteins. But already through
a week or two everything will come to a rhythm and it will seem that way always and
It was. The main thing to remember is to follow this diet.
only 90 days, and then you can return to the past
power supply. However, fried and large amounts of salt are still
need to be avoided.

Диета раздельного питания

You can repeat the 90 day separate diet only after
3 months. If the desired result is achieved, you can
for preventive purposes as well as for cleansing the body
such a diet once a year. For the best effect, you need to combine a diet with
massages, jogging, exercise.

Results of the 90 day separate diet

People who have a little overweight can lose from
one to three extra pounds per month. But if the original weight
was 90 kg or more, then such people will be able to lose from 4 to 10 kg per

If after the end of the diet again to eat fried, fatty and
salty food, you can again return to its previous size. Not necessary
starve yourself or exercise yourself is enough
say goodbye to junk food, replacing it with a wholesome and more


Any diet has its own contraindications, and this is not
the exception. It is forbidden to diet, people:

  • suffering from diabetes;
  • with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • in violation of metabolism;
  • in the period of carrying a child;
  • during lactation;
  • after operations;
  • with colds;
  • psychogenic disorders.

If you follow all the rules of this diet, you can reset
significant amount of kilograms. This diet is different from
others, so that you can not limit yourself to the usual food, and when
This effectively lose weight. Adhering to not complicated rules and schemes
nutrition can get the desired shape and good health.

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