“Speedy” diets that imply
fast and significant weight loss in 7 days. Most often their diet
monotonous when the whole week has to use any
specific product. But there is a completely balanced complex.
nutritional, aimed at rapid weight loss. It is called
�”Favorite” diet.
- Characteristics favorite diet
- Pros, cons and contraindications
- Fundamental rules
- Menu
- Additional “hard” version of the diet
Characteristics favorite diet
Against the background of numerous options for proper nutrition for
Slimming diet favorite stands out. She has a completely unique
approach to building a weekly diet. This form of diet combines
in itself several monodiets, while not forcing to eat exclusively
only one thing. To the usual products is added a little bit conditionally.
fasting days when the ration is filled with various liquids.
This diet has gained its popularity in a number of
- Firstly, it is very effective. Available diet
allows you to quickly lose weight, by the end of the week you can throw up to 10
kg - Secondly, it practically excludes the exhausting feeling of hunger.
Menu составлено разнообразно, приемов пищи за сутки может быть
more than 5 times. - Thirdly, the main variant of the Beloved diet is gentle.
way to lose weight.
Another feature of this complex – there is no strict
need to stick to the stated menu. Valid Products
can be combined according to your personal taste. Diet Effectiveness
Favorite can only fall when the number of calories in
day significantly exceeds 1000, and not all are excluded from the diet
prohibited products.
Pros, cons and contraindications
This diet is not for nothing is the choice of many people seeking
get rid of extra pounds.
Its main advantages are:
- rapid weight loss (you can throw up to 10 kg in 7 days), after
out of the diet weight is almost not gained; - decrease in the volume of portions of food and after the course, since in a week
the stomach is slightly reduced; - during the period of weight loss and cleansing of the body;
- diet less stressful than various forms of mono-diet;
- the number of meals can be more than 5 times;
- during express weight loss, you can use a small
the amount of oil (comes as a dressing for salads); - Favorite diet is extremely short in time, because
stand it will not be so difficult; - Out of the diet begins on the seventh day, it is clearly
simplifies the process of returning to the usual diet.
However, this approach has negative features.
The main disadvantages of this diet:
- the food is not balanced, the alternation of unloading
and ordinary days can wear down the body; - during the diet is often the need to add bran to the diet,
vitamin complexes and bioactive supplements, in some cases may
taking laxatives; - Often the diet is accompanied by a strong weakness.
dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, nausea, headache,
irritability, stomach pains; - may slow down metabolism, metabolism, and there is also a risk
blood pressure surges; - diet requires some preparation;
- a week will have to eliminate heavy physical exertion,
excessive activity and minimize the duration
fitness, sports.
Despite its huge popularity, the Beloved diet has
quite serious contraindications.
- Diabetes.
- Pregnancy, feeding period.
- Intestinal diseases (colitis, dysbacteriosis), stomach (ulcer,
gastritis), disorders in the digestive tract. - Diseases of the kidneys and liver.
- Hypertension.
- Immune diseases, reduced immunity.
- Heart failure.
- Allergic reactions.
- Postponed diseases or other courses of diets, since
2-3 months have not passed. As well as the postoperative period, especially
with surgical treatment of the abdominal cavity. - Clinical depression.
- Eating Disorder.
In the period of losing weight, exacerbations of any kind can also be noted.
existing diseases of chronic type, may develop anemia,
increase in acidity of the stomach, heartburn.
Fundamental rules
This is not to say that the Favorite Diet has a huge list.
strict rules, the violation of which is fraught with zero result to
the end of the week. But there are some nuances.
- Go on a diet after a couple of days
preparation. It includes dietary correction when
flour products, sugar and sweets are gradually excluded,
more healthy foods are added, and portions are reduced.
It will be useful to cleanse the intestines with water and water.
laxative. - A very important mental attitude. During the period
diets need to avoid strong stressful situations. - Лучше выбирать для диеты «Любимая» время, когда не
придется ездить в командировки, менять привычный режим
day, load yourself physically and mentally. - На 7 дней из рациона необходимо исключить «вредные»
продукты, наполненные жирами, быстрыми углеводами. Need to
refuse salt and spices. Also banish bananas,
mango, grape, avocado, as this very high-calorie fruits. TO
prohibited foods include potatoes, which is rich
starch. Homemade fruit juices should be
dilute with water by half to reduce their calorie content. - Индивидуальное меню составляется
independently, but based on an approximate diet plan. - Выход из диеты предполагает еще минимум неделю
in the format of proper nutrition, with a restriction in the amount of food for
day. Sweets at this stage should not be entered. - TOаждый день нужно выпивать достаточное количество
чистой фильтрованной или минеральной воды. A portions of food
do modest to break the allowable amount of products into
several stages. This will avoid strong hunger. - В течение всего курса рекомендуется внимательно следить
за состоянием здоровья. Completely remove the physical
activity is not worth it, but it is permissible only in the light version and
when the general state allows.
Accounting for these rules will facilitate a week of dieting, will help
achieve the desired result in losing weight.
This diet knowingly received such a pleasant name. After all she
allows you to combine and keep in the diet a variety of favorite
products, excluding from the everyday menu only some
There is no clear and strict nutrition plan.
The composition of foods may vary, and the dishes are rearranged in
during the day in some places. But when making a personal schedule for the week
should be based on a rough diet plan for weight loss.
Sample menu
The first, third and sixth days are unloading.
The so-called “drinking days”. During this period, cleaning takes place.
organism. And you can use all sorts of liquids in
unlimited First place among them, of course,
takes water. Other valid options for days without solid
- low-fat broths, only natural, no cubes;
- fruit and milk smoothies;
- diluted juices, mousses, savory stewed fruit;
- drinking yoghurts, 1% kefir;
- black, green, red tea and herbal teas without sugar, honey
or jam; - allowed soups and coffee.
Вторые сутки – день на овощах. During this
day you can feel like a vegetarian, using only food
greens, vegetables. Dishes can be completely different, but without
generous addition of salt, spices, seasonings and a huge amount
various oils. Sauces are excluded in the same way as potatoes. Main
the emphasis among vegetables should get broccoli and kale, since
It is these products that first-class get rid of the accumulated
Четвертые сутки – фруктовый период. Many
nutritionists advise to rearrange the day for vegetables with the day on
fruits. Since then, after the “day without food” in the diet mode Favorite
it will be easier to enter. TOроме запрещенных калорийных фруктов все
the rest are permissible here. You can also use diluted
Freshes, fruit purees. It is allowed to eat about 3 kg per day.
various fruits. Main акцент желательно делать на яблоках,
Kiwi and citrus, they better fight with extra pounds.
Пятые сутки – добавляем белковую пищу.
There is no need to fill yourself up to hell, otherwise you can bring
previously applied efforts to zero result, as well as aggravate
well-being. As part of the diet on this day is allowed:
- seafood and fish (only non-fat) in any form;
- poultry meat (chicken, turkey);
- eggs, a little curd, dairy products and clean
Seventh day – the beginning of the exit from the diet, balanced
рацион.В течение всего дня разрешается комбинировать между
are the products that were allowed in this week
diets. The portions should still be small, the effect
�”Crushed” food is important to maintain and stretch after another
several days.
All week you need to drink more than 2 liters of pure water.
daily, and not excluding teas from the diet. Important: water must
be warm To make it easier to create your personal week menu
Express diets, you can rely on the following option.
Подробное меню День первый
- Завтрак: чай, молочный коктейль или 200 мл
kefir. - Обед: нежирный супчик, бульон.
- Полдник: домашний несладкий компот или
diluted with water 1: 1 fresh. - Ужин: йогурт без красителей либо стакан
warm milk.
Second day
- Завтрак: пара небольших томатов или
cucumbers. - Обед: капустный легкий салат с добавлением
other vegetables. - Полдник: пара штук индивидуально выбранного
vegetable. - Ужин: тушеное рагу из смеси овощей без специй
or salt.
Third day
- Завтрак: кефир либо кисель без
sweeteners. - Второй завтрак: молоко.
- Обед: бульон на курице.
- Полдник: немного чистого йогурта.
- Ужин: кисломолочный продут питьевой.
Day four
- Завтрак: пара цитрусовых целиком.
- Второй завтрак: пюре из фруктовой смеси, либо
fresh, or kiwi, or one orange. - Обед: нарезка из различных фруктов, которую
allowed to fill with yogurt. - Полдник: несколько груш, яблок либо kiwi.
- Ужин: небольшая чашка подогретого молока.
Fifth day
- Завтрак: несколько вареных яиц.
- Второй завтрак: морепродукты либо кусок
fishes. - Обед: вареная фасоль либо горох с индейкой,
chicken. - Полдник: 2-3 ложки творожка с низкой
calorie or ryazhenka. - Ужин: твердый сыр несколько кусочков либо
a cup of milk.
Sixth day
- Завтрак: чай либо травяной отвар, 200 мл
one percent kefir or yogurt. - Второй завтрак: цитрусовый фреш или мусс из
kiwi. - Обед: небольшая тарелка постного бульона.
- Полдник: домашний кисель без сахара.
- Ужин: кружка warm milk.
Seventh day
- Завтрак: кофе либо черный чай, две ложки
curd or 2 “cool” eggs. - Второй завтрак: немного фруктов на выбор.
- Обед: суп с крупой, например, с рисовой.
- Полдник: вновь фрукт или разбавленный
fresh - Ужин: нарезка овощная с маслом.
Additional “hard” version of the diet
For those who for several reasons can not use the basic plan
this diet, you can choose an additional option. He can not
call a gentle method, however, its effectiveness remains
And one more difference from most diets of this type:
�”Hard” menu mode is allowed the presence of alcohol. Those who do not
wants to drink wine, can replace this drink with natural
pomegranate juice.
Simple, but strict menu for seven days
1-ый и 2-ой дни: обильное питье, состоящие из
filtered, non-carbonated water and low-fat yogurt.
3-ий день: употребление в течение суток разных
сортов яблок в общем количестве до 3-х kg Allowable substitution of apples
цитрусовыми фруктами либо kiwi. It is also important to drink a lot.
fluid and make sure that there is no stomach pain and
heartburn due to increased acidity.
4-ый, 5-ый и 6-ой дни: в меню представлено
only poultry meat (chicken or turkey). It is desirable that the finished
dishes were paired, boiled.
7-ой день: в рацион добавляется алкоголь –
red or white dry wine that should be drunk
a small glass in every meal. The menu also contains
various types of low-fat, better than hard cheese (30 grams per
Getting out of a rigid diet should be gradual, without excessive
load on the digestive system. During the week required
should take balanced vitamin complexes to
поднять тонус и улучшить well-being. If you are comfortable on
hard food, then stoti try a diet “American
Diet “Love” – this is an emergency measure in the fight against obesity,
however, despite the contraindications and the minuses present, she
is as comfortable as possible. The results achieved will
to remain for a long time, and to fix them will allow the correct
food after passing a course of weight loss.