Unpretentious annuals: we grow asters fromseeds. All about planting and care (photo)

Сб, 03 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Annual asters adorn the autumn gardens with bright colors. Their
petals are painted with various colors: white, blue,
pink, red, yellow.

There are varieties with double color of flowers. Shape and size
inflorescences depends on the variety.

There are asters with chamomile, peony and terry
flowers that form a variety of bushes from dwarf to

Observe the beautiful flowering of this annual can practically
all gardeners, because aster refers to unpretentious plants. But
know some secrets of growing and caring for a flower


Growing asters in the garden (photo)

Any amateur gardener can breed asters.
The annual is well propagated by seeds from which it can be grown.
many varieties of asters.

Before you start planting seeds for seedlings, you must
decide on the purpose of the plant. All depends on it
further care and landing.

Aster classification

Conventionally, annual asters can be divided into several

• In terms of flowering. There are early, middle and late
flowering plant.

• According to the height of the bush. Breeders displayed several forms.
annual plant: dwarf (up to 25 cm in height), undersized
(up to 40 cm), medium tall (up to 50-60 cm), tall (up to 80 cm),
giant (more than 80 cm).

• By target growing. Asters are cut-off, as a rule
these are tall varieties with large flowers, casing – compact
Bushes, used in flower beds and as a pot plant,
universal – medium tall bushes with large beautiful flowers,
suitable for cutting and as a flower garden decoration.

• The shape and structure of inflorescences. Simple tubular inflorescences,
transitional – the flower has tubular and reed petals, reed
– they are divided into non-double-ended, coronary, semi-double, curly,
spherical, needle, hemispherical inflorescences.

This division is not universal, since many
New varieties that create other groups or complement

How to grow asters from seeds

To plant this annual is very simple. Aster
propagated by seeds, which can be sown by two

• rassadnym;

• sowing in the ground.

Growing one-year-old aster seedlings takes time, but this
The most reliable way to grow a plant. Sowing seeds begin at
April-May, depending on the variety. Before planting seeds
disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Their заворачивают в
cotton cloth and soak in a weak solution overnight.
Next, the seeds are placed in a bag and cleaned in a warm place on
germination. Asters seedlings are grown in any suitable containers.
by volume.

Annual prefers nutritious and light soil. Will fit
garden soil, but it adds peat and sand. Substrate for
Sowing seeds must be disinfected. To do this, it is watered
solution of potassium permanganate.

Prepared ground fill containers for seedlings. Soil
слегка уплотняют и делают бороздки для посева seeds. Germinated
the seeds are laid out in grooves and sprinkled with a layer of sand. Landing
cover with glass and clean in a warm place with a temperature of about 25

Fresh seeds sprout in a few days. Once
shoots will appear, containers are transferred to a cooler room,
где температура регулируется на уровне 16 degrees Further, for
seedlings must be well cared for, moderately watered.

Once астры подрастут и выпустят до 4 настоящих листочков,
they dive into separate tanks. At the same time, the root system of the plant
need to pinch. For picking use the soil mixture of the same
composition, but add ash to it. When caring for seedlings need
avoid over-watering because plants can get black

Many gardeners sow aster seeds directly in
open ground. At the same time, early varieties start sowing at the beginning
April, and later – in early May. Seeding technology is no different
from growing seedlings. The seeds are sown in the grooves and dive in
flower garden

Important! Plants grown in this way
bloom later than others.

Having correctly selected varieties and sowing dates, you can enjoy
asters bloom from early August to late September, in some
areas to the most frost.

Sowing seeds of asters in open ground can not only
in the spring, but in the fall, immediately after collection. Sowing is carried out on frozen
the ground, when spring shoots appear, they are thinned. Grown
thus, asters get sick less and are attacked

Important! Seed germination is conserved in
for two years, then it decreases by half.

How to plant asters: the choice of location and method of landing

Before planting seedlings in a flower garden, it is prepared for the conditions in
which it will be grown.

One week after picking the plants in their individual containers
fed complex fertilizers. Further fertilizers
make once a week until the landing. Seedlings harden,
take out to fresh air.

Where to plant asters?

Flower garden with asters is better to break on the sun plot with well
drained soil, which is prepared in advance. With
autumn digging make humus and compost.

Before planting, the chosen place is weeded, weeds are removed and
loosen to a depth of 8 cm. Asters are planted in shallow
grooves that are pre-watered, adhering
distances between seedlings of about 20 cm. You can retreat more or
less, it all depends on the variety that will be grown. Between
the grooves are left to 50 cm. The transplanted seedlings are watered and
mulch. In a week, you can feed asters with nitrogen-containing

Care for asters

Any gardener will answer the question about the care of asters. After all this
unpretentious plant that does not require much effort. but
есть некоторые правила, придерживаться которых necessary.

1. Regular loosening of the soil. After rain or watering the soil
around plants it is necessary to loosen, combining it with weeding
weeds. Prior to the branching of the bush, the lower part of the stem is spud,
which accelerates root growth.

2. Timely watering. Aster не переносит сухости почвы, но и
waterlogging roots she did not like. Watering is carried out as
drying the soil. Untimely watering leads to the fact that
the flower loses its decorativeness.

3. Making feedings. While courting asters one must not forget about
dressings. During the season it is useful to fertilize the plant at least three.

4. Removal of faded blossoms. Dried flowers need regularly
cut, otherwise the plant loses its decorativeness, and the timing of flowering
are decreasing.

What are the difficulties in growing annual asters
(a photo)

Even unpretentious asters can make an inexperienced nervous
gardener, who first decided to decorate the garden with their beautiful

• The first difficulties arise after sowing. Seeds do not germinate or
seedlings disappear. Withчина кроется в недостаточной предпосевной
обработке почвы или seeds. You can re-seed, observing everything
agrotechnical techniques.

• Asters get sick with Fusarium. Withчина в неправильном удобрении и
choosing a place for landing. Asters do not plant after tulips, levkoev,
gladioli. Also you can not make under the plants fresh manure.

• Inflorescences are incomplete, malformed, and twisted. Withчина в том, что
pests have settled on the Astrakh or its lack of nutrition. Of
possible aster pests are affected by aphids and spider mites. With
lack of nutrition needs to feed the plants.

Observing all agrotechnical techniques, growing asters will not take
all a lot of time and effort, but it will please with bright colors on the eve
outgoing summer.

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