Ukrainian showman Andrei Danilko moves toGermany

Fri, 12 Dec 2014

Ukrainian showman Andrei Danilko, known for his ambiguous
образом Верки Сердючки, переезжает в Germany. As a reason
a similar decision showman calls discomfort that he feels
in Ukraine due to frequent tours to Russia.

Director Danilko admitted that because of the political crisis, they
I had to cancel all the concerts and performances on New Year’s
corporate parties. Andrey is convinced that the genre in which he realizes
yourself, now just out of place.

Andrey declared that he intended to give concerts only in those
countries that do not have direct participation in political

At the same time, we are not talking about emigration. Germany is selected in
as a temporary country of residence where the showman feels
most comfortable.

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