Turmeric: beneficial properties for humanbody, scope. Turmeric: Contraindications toto use

Вт, 20 сен 2016 Автор: Анна Онуку

Turmeric is a plant with a truly unique composition.

Its stems and rhizomes of the hostess are used in the form of spices, as well
they can be used to make effective recipes
traditional medicine.

Few people know that turmeric useful properties are very much appreciated and in

The composition of the plant improves the overall condition of the skin, nourishes it with important
vitamins and trace elements.

There are some contraindications for turmeric;
know to avoid unexpected body reaction.


Composition of turmeric

Turmeric, whose beneficial properties are beyond doubt,
includes a huge amount of nutrients
necessary for the normal operation of all body systems.

The turmeric contains:

• vitamins – K, groups B, C;

• trace elements – iodine, phosphorus, calcium, iron;

• essential oils;

• curcumin (prevents the development of cancer

Useful properties of the plant have long been interested in physicians.
Studies have been conducted, during which an amazing
fact. The content of curcumin allows you to fight
abnormal tumor cells, while remaining healthy
intact. It has been proven that adding turmeric to your diet
man greatly strengthens his immune system.

Turmeric: beneficial properties for the human body

Turmeric is recognized as a truly strong natural healing.
means. For many millennia it has been used in
alternative medicine and traditional medicine for treating many

Turmeric: Useful Properties

one. Normalizes digestive processes.

2. Promotes bowel cleansing, removes toxins, slags and
accumulated heavy metal salts.

3. Has detoxification properties, with some ailments.
copes better with antibiotics.

4. Add turmeric to the diet is recommended for prevention.
senile dementia.

5. Helps rehabilitate after illness, saturates the body
vitamins and other beneficial micronutrients.

6. Contributes to the overall strengthening of the immune system.

7. Turmeric is recommended for obesity and people who have

Turmeric, whose beneficial properties were presented,
really helps to fight obesity. She takes out
cholesterol, normalizes metabolism and speeds up the process
fat loss

Application in recipes of traditional medicine

Куркума, противопоказаний к to use которой не много,
is not just a fragrant spice that makes dishes gorgeous
taste. It is in great demand in alternative medicine,
due to the rich vitamin composition. It is useful to know a few
recipes to be prepared to deal with suddenly attacking

one. Recipe for cleansing the body. Need to pour 1/2 tsp
seasonings in powder low-fat kefir (300 ml), good
stir drink. Here is a cleanser ready. This drink
It is recommended to drink 1 glass daily. From the body will
salts of heavy metals, toxins and slags are removed, normalized

2. Cold medicine. If you have a cough and the temperature is not
decreases, turmeric will facilitate this state and relieve fever. Need to
grind the powder with honey in a ratio of 1 to one. The resulting slurry
consumed 3-4 times a day after meals in half tea

3. When bleeding gums need to dissolve 1 tablespoon
seasoning and warm water and rinse the mouth cavity 3 times a

4. With a sore throat. Turmeric is known to be natural
antibiotic and excellent antiseptic. No wonder she
quickly relieves inflammation in the throat. 200 ml warm
water you need to add 1 teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon
turmeric, mix everything thoroughly. The resulting solution is needed
полоскать горло в течение 5 суток, как минимум по 4 раза в day.
The main thing is to be warm.

Cooking turmeric

Turmeric is one of the favorite spices of modern housewives. She is
gives the dishes a special spicy taste with a hint of “spice”. Seasoning
It goes well with meat, egg dishes, it is filled with soups and
even plov. Few people know that turmeric is very often found.
as part of potato chips, it is she who gives them such

How not to overdo it with seasoning? Everything is very simple. If the mistress
prepares a dish for 6-7 servings, it will be enough to add all this
Amount 1 teaspoon turmeric. No more seasoning needed, so
how taste will get too bitter.

Turmeric: Useful Properties для красоты, домашние рецепты

Turmeric is in demand in cosmetology for many
reasons she:

• relieves inflammation and redness;

• stimulates the healing of small wounds on the skin;

• improves blood flow;

• smoothes wrinkles;

• nourishes the skin.

In cosmetology, there is only one contraindication to turmeric;
use with allergies. If individual intolerance to
the woman does not have seasoning; she can easily feel the whole
the power of recipes for beauty based on spices.

one. Nourishing mask for dry skin. From the leaves of aloe need
squeeze the juice, add turmeric to it to make a gruel.
The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin
cleaned), leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. Cosmetic
The procedure is recommended to repeat 2 times a week.

2. Remedy for acne and acne. 1 teaspoon turmeric
It is filled with water so as to form a thick paste.
The mixture is evenly applied over the entire face. When the crust appears,
need a little shake off the excess, and the remaining layer until the morning is not
wash off. This procedure is recommended to be carried out 2 times a week.
People with problem skin. When acne and acne pass, you can mask
do for prevention 1 time in 10 days.

3. Nourishing mask for hair from turmeric. Useful properties
seasoning is really a lot, its composition also nourishes and
restores the structure of curls. You can prepare such a mask
houses. 1 banana, fresh orange juice (100 ml), apple
mix using a blender until a homogeneous mass.
There also need to add half a teaspoon of turmeric, again, all
interfere. The mask is rubbed into the scalp, then evenly comb
applied over the entire length of the curls, the hair is covered from above
cellophane bag and towel. After 40 minutes curls
washed well with shampoo. Mask is recommended to do 3-5 times
month. She is питает и увлажняет локоны, восстанавливает их структуру
He is the roots, gives a radiant healthy shine to the hair.

Turmeric: Contraindications to to use

Before using the spice for medicinal purposes, in cooking or
in beauty recipes, you need to familiarize yourself with some

Turmeric: contraindications

one. Запрещено злоупотреблять пряностью во время беременности и во
lactation time.

2. If you are allergic to turmeric, use it categorically.

3. You can not use the seasoning for medicinal purposes with gastritis and
stomach ulcer.

4. For jaundice, spice is also not recommended.

Turmeric is desirable to have at home every hostess. Seasoning всегда
will have the way in the kitchen for refueling culinary masterpieces. To that
however, it can be used for cosmetic purposes and in

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