Tunic do it yourself quickly and beautifully. How to sewDIY tunic without a pattern quickly: a master class with photos

Вт, 30 авг 2016 Автор: Екатерина Баркова

In fashion began to enter things hand-made: jewelry,
clothes, accessories and more. Sew things for yourself or
for loved ones – a pleasure! Investing soul in your
a work, you get an original thing that you will not meet
no one! So the tunic is sewn with its own hands in just a few

How to sew тунику своими руками быстро без выкройки? About this we
We will tell in this article and give 3 examples of visual patterns,
which construction is not required, and they are presented only for
approximate idea of ​​what model will be in the end.


DIY tunic: fast, easy, beautiful!

Tunic is a universal thing, which can be worn as with
jeans or trousers in a hot city, and on the beach in hot
the weather! It all depends on the chosen material for manufacturing.
tunics. For example, for beach tunics it is best to choose
natural fabrics. These include cotton, linen,
silk fabrics, as well as lightweight and weightless chiffon.

Tunic suggests a free style. It looks like a winning
on skinny girls on whom such a cape flutters on
protects the wind from excessive rays of the sun, and on ladies in forms,
hide figure flaws.

Finishing and accessories for tunics can be the most
varied! What your imagination wants – from stitched
belts to ornaments in the form of rhinestones and beads. The main thing to know when to stop is for
beach tunic application of too many decorative elements
will look ridiculous.

To sew a tunic is easy and simple, and even a beginner can handle it.
craftswoman. It is only necessary to purchase the necessary materials and
get ready for creative activities. Sewing, knitting, embroidery and
other types of needlework are a kind of creativity.

How to sew тунику своими руками быстро без выкройки

Having decided on the choice of style and having bought the fabric you like,
The next step is to take measurements. Although the description of the tunic is given
without a pattern, but knowing the dimensions of the body is necessary, as they are necessary
will transfer to the fabric and cut out. And this will help you
measuring tape and notebook for records.

So, the measurements needed for the simplest

1. The length of the tunic,

2 Tunic width (hips circumference + a few centimeters for
free style),

3. Sleeve width (arm circumference + a few centimeters for
loose sleeves)

4. The distance from the center of the chest to the estimated length of the sleeve,
if any.

That’s all the measurements! Adding a length of several centimeters
to the hips and arms are purely symbolic. Can
add for example 10 centimeters to each of these measurements
and get a light and free tunic, not a tight silhouette.

The simplest and most popular pattern of the tunic, not requiring
special knowledge in the construction of the drawing. Enough to transfer to the fabric
your measurements in accordance with the lines on the pattern.

Neckline can be changed as you like. On the pattern
The neckline is round, but you can change it a bit and you get a triangular one.
Include fantasy and create a unique thing, the only and

Do it yourself tunic: a practical and beautiful thing, fast in

After transferring the measurements to the fabric, cut out your future
tunic, fasten the fabric with pins and try on the figure. how
as a rule, at the time of fitting it becomes clear where to remove centimeters,
and where, on the contrary, too much was cut off.

So, when all measurements are transferred to the fabric, it is necessary
prepare a workplace for sewing. For comfortable work, remove
from the table disturbing you items and leave on the table only sewing
typewriter and necessary tools (scissors, pins, thread).
Adjust the light so as not to cause discomfort to the eyes, and
get to work.

For starters, the edges of the tunic need to be tweaked 5 centimeters and
to process overlock. The finish of the neck can also be
do with overlock, and with a lot of desire and imagination you can
crochet an openwork collar or sew a satin ribbon
for beauty.

Sew a tunic from the sides. The next step will be stitching by
hemline hem and stitching hem. That’s all! Tunic,
made by hand, ready.

How to sew тунику своими руками быстро без выкройки: 3 простых
patterns for different occasions

A great variety of patterns designed for tunics. WITH
kimono sleeves, flowing and flying like capes, with
short sleeves, no sleeves, long, short and many

Option 1.

Tunic, в основе которой лежит прямоугольник с отверстием
in the middle for the head. Такая простая в performance модель идеально
suitable for those who want to get a beautiful and original thing,
but not at all friendly with a sewing machine or lazy.

For such a tunic is best to choose a light fabric, like chiffon.
It flows and creates the effect of “lightness” on the figure. Cotton
or linen fabrics will not create such an effect and in such a model there will be
only weight the silhouette.

Option 2

Tunic, не представляющая из себя ничего сложного, но зато с
what effect. For its implementation, again, it does not require any
special skills and knowledge, it is enough just to transfer the measurements to
fabric and start sewing!

Option 3.

Such a tunic requires some effort, but still, it also
очень проста в performance. In this model, the main thing is correct
transfer your measurements to the fabric, especially in the area of ​​the side cuts.
But, anyway, the tunic with its own hands is focused on
man in the street and done in haste.

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