Tomato seedlings wither – what to do? The reasonstwisting the leaves of tomato seedlings: improper care,pests or …

Сб, 29 апр 2017 Автор: Евгений

When sowing tomatoes on seedlings – take responsibility
for the next harvest.

If in the care of seedlings of tomatoes there are some
mistakes, they often signal this by twisting

Unfortunately, not every gardener can determine the reasons for such
plant behavior. Twisting the leaves of a seedling can lead to
low yields, poor quality fruits and even become
cause the death of the bushes. Knowing what the symptom is talking about, you can
short term diagnose trouble and immediately help
to the plant.


Tomato seedlings curl leaves – causes

Usually problems begin some time after the pick.
tomato seedlings.

Experienced gardeners are responsible for the care of seedlings
tomatoes, for this reason, even minimal deviation in their development
they are naturally disturbed. But not always anxiety
justified – if the seedlings leaf blades twist down
getting the form of chicken legs, worry, not worth it.

This is due to the fact that the vein on the leaf grows,
ahead in the development of the leaf plate, and therefore occurs
twisting. Also the tips of the leaves can curl, as this
feature of some varieties of tomatoes, which is especially noticeable in
young tomatoes.

The tomato seedlings curl leaves, the reasons for this
may be:

1. Feature of the variety. Leaves of this type may be in varieties
tomatoes – cherry and varieties such as – “Honey drop”, “Oxhart”,

2. • Disease bacterial cancer. Find out what plants are
struck this disease can be on such symptoms:

• Lower leaves wither, change color and dry;

• Ulcers and cracks appear on the petioles and stem of the tomato;

• The cross section of the stem has a ring of brown color.

3. • Lack of mineral elements.

How to feed the seedlings of tomatoes do not know everything.
To find out what is missing tomatoes can be on the following grounds:

• Phosphorus – the veins on the leaves become purple-red
shade, and the plate itself becomes gray-green;

• Boron – young leaves begin to curl, adult leaves
turn yellow, the veins on them become purple;

• Sulfur – young leaves become curved, they form
necrotic spots;

• Copper – bend down the ends of the leaves and their petioles, over time
chlorosis and necrosis appear on the plate.

4. Surplus of zinc and boron. Overdose of these elements can
notice by these signs:

• Boron – the ends of the leaf blade are bent down, dry and
become brittle, the leaves begin to bend from below and gradually
bend reaches the tips;

• Zinc – old leaves bend down the bottom of the leaf blade
turns purple.

5. • The root system is injured during transplantation. Seedling
Tomatoes with damaged roots first get nutritious
elements of internal tissue. But after a time from lack of nutrition
leaves of the plant begin to curl down.

Mode for sick seedlings of tomatoes

Seedling помидоров вянет иногда из-за резких перепадов
temperature or irrational watering. Both inadequate and
too much watering is equally harmful to seedlings.

Pour or underfill

Strong or very frequent soil moistening under the tomatoes removes
oxygen from it is vital gas for tomato roots.
The root system in wet soil cannot breathe and begins to rot.
Bushes of tomatoes signal the withering of green mass or
скручиванием leaves. All the time wet ground additionally
provokes active reproduction of fungal pathogens
diseases. Insufficient, superficial or too rare watering,
leads to abnormal root development. Instead of
they begin to spread horizontally into the soil. Such
tomato bush grows weak, and when transplanted to a permanent place
very sick and may even die.

Tomatoes in the heat saved leaves

A sharp and prolonged increase in air temperature leads
to curl leaves – this is the natural protection of the plant. Reason in
that prolonged heat to cause moisture causes
the desire to minimize the surface that evaporates
precious moisture. And the plant has a maximum evaporating area –
sheet machine.

Folding and curving, the leaves retain moisture under the hot
the sun and in the evening are aligned again, the seedlings take
normal appearance.

Root resuscitation

Injuries to the roots during planting at a permanent place,
lead to the need to rebuild the root system.
Eating a plant due to injured roots becomes
insufficient. The term “treatment” can be reduced timely.
top dressing.


Sometimes the tomato seedlings curl the leaves, as a result
accidental damage to the bushes when removing stepsons. Impatient
gardeners cut off all unnecessary shoots at once. For young
plants are a strong stress strike that delays for a long time
its development and may lead to the death of the seedling. Pysynki permissible
break off 1-2 pieces, with breaks of 1-2 days, they can not only
let it grow longer than 6 cm.

Pest attack

Tomato seedlings curl leaves as a result of reproduction
some pests. Continuous inspection of plants will give the opportunity
time to notice the attack and immediately take the necessary measures.

Тля, которая знакома вам по комнатным
plants, do not mind feast on delicate leaves and juicy
stems of tomatoes. A pest not immediately noticed will quickly cover
young sprouts and begin to suck on them juices. For this reason, even
finding single pests must immediately begin with them
the fight. With early detection, you can cope with this scourge.
using old-fashioned recipes – infusions of ash, onion, garlic. If aphid
managed to breed, you have to apply the chemical compounds that
available in specialty stores.

Паутинный клещ иногда тоже наносит вред кустам
Tomatoes. Insects settle the lower surface of the leaves, the symptoms

• Small yellowish or white punctures on the leaf.

• Whitish ton spider web under the leaves.

As a result of the vital activity of this insect in tomatoes
leaves curl, gradually curving inward, after a while they
dry out and fall off. Alcohol will help to destroy the spider mite. Them
spray or wipe the diseased plants. Processing is repeated
a week later. Water infusions of garlic, horseradish, tobacco, dandelion so
can help in the fight against this scourge (mainly for
repelling pest as a prophylactic agent). With strong
contamination of plants will have to process the bushes with chemical

Bacteria, viruses, fungi

The wilting of the stems and the twisting of the leaves occurs through the fault
fungal, viral diseases and the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
The most common of them are Alternaria, necrosis, bacteriosis,
tobacco mosaic virus.

Alternaria The leaves of the plant are twisted,
covered with spots, then dry out.

Necrosis of the stem. At the bottom of the stem cracks are noticeable, of which
air roots form, the plant weakens and fades, from it
leaves fall off. Sick bushes destroy (preferably burn).

Бактериоз. Plant for a few days
dries out for no apparent reason. On a dry bush can be found
darkening of the stem and the appearance of empty spaces. To save the rest
plants suspicious seedlings need to be destroyed.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: