Tomato “Chio Chio San”: characteristics, photos,features, advantages and disadvantages. How to grow varieties of tomatoes “Chio Chio San”

Tomato "Chio Chio San": characteristics, photos,features, advantages and disadvantages. How to grow varieties of tomatoes "Chio Chio San"

New hybrid varieties of tomatoes are increasingly conquering
popularity among gardeners, which is not surprising. They possess
a lot of advantages and have a good taste. Among the new special
место занимает гибридный сорт томатов �”Chio Chio San”, который дает
unprecedented yields.


Variety description and main characteristics of tomatoes “Chio Chio San” with photo

This culture belongs to the indeterminate species, i.e. its growth
is not limited. Shrubs are grown only on poles, as their height
reaches more than 2.5 m. Tomatoes are suitable for growing in beds and
in greenhouses. Have high immunity that pleases gardeners.
Fruits are tied in any weather, and fruiting continues until
frosts. Good yields can be obtained even in regions
risky farming.

The hybrid has a medium ripening period, the first
tomatoes removed after 3.5 months after germination. In our conditions
Climate is grown through seedlings.

Fruits “Chio San” oblong, covered with dense skin, painted
in a bright pink color. Pulp has excellent taste,
sugar content and juiciness. Fruits grow brushes on one brush
up to 40 tomatoes are tied at the same time. Average tomato weight about
50 gr. With proper care from the bush can collect more than 6 kg

The variety “Chio San” is universal, tomatoes are used for fresh
consumption and processing. Despite their pink color, the fruits
good for making juice, fruit drink, salads and other

Gardeners claim that the fruits are characterized by good keeping quality,
but for this they need to be collected on time. Overripe Tomatoes Fast
crack and deteriorate, become unsuitable for

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato varieties “Chio Chio San”

From all this we can conclude that the variety has

– high yield;

– excellent taste;

– long period of fruiting;

– friendly ripening of fruits;

– good transportability;

– good immunity.

The disadvantages include a large growth force of the bush, which
requires special care. In addition, on the branches the fruits are saved
непродолжительное время, требуется регулярный сбор harvest.

Features agricultural hybrid varieties of tomatoes “Chio Chio

Shrubs form in 2-3 stalks, but they surely remove all the lower ones.
leaves and stepchildren. This helps the plant grow comfortably.

Planted bushes in rows, leaving at least 40 between the plants
cm. Between rows, the distance is increased to 60 cm.

Instructions for growing seedlings of tomatoes “Chio San

Tomato seeds are noticeably smaller, but this does not affect their
yield. To get a harvest on time, sowing on
seedlings carried out in early March. Change pre

– reject empty and deformed;

– soaked in a solution of growth stimulant and permanganate

– conduct hardening.

Planting material is planted in loose soil to a depth of 2 cm.
After which the containers are covered with foil and cleaned in heat. Shoots
appear on day 5 Gradually remove shelter, give seedlings
time to adapt.

Water the seedlings carefully to allow the soil to dry.
between watering. Too wet soil results in “black
legs ”, which is not easy to get rid of. Seedling dies in
short time.

Hybrid variety requires picks. It is carried out in stage two.
real leaves. Seedlings gently transplanted into individual
500 ml containers for a well developed root system.
The soil is used loose, as for sowing seeds.

In the open ground seedlings transferred in mid-May, when
warm weather will set and night frosts will pass.
Pre plants harden, take out the street, gradually
increase the time of stay.

Comprehensive care for с “Chio Chio San” variety tomatoes in the open ground

After transplantation, plants take time to adapt, therefore
2-3 weeks they are not fertilized, but regularly watered. Then
fed with mineral fertilizers, sprayed with copper-containing
drugs for the prevention of disease. In the future, tomatoes
feed every two weeks, alternating mineral fertilizers and
organic. As soon as the fruits are fastened, reduce the feeding, otherwise
bushes will grow greens to the detriment of fruiting.

Water the bushes 2-3 times a week, depending on the weather. If a
summer was rainy, then watering is stopped, but regularly loosened
soil crust. On dry days you will need to water the tomatoes through
day. In the greenhouse watered less often. To root system does not
overheated, soil under bushes is mulched with straw or mowed
grass. This technique helps to keep the soil moist and loose.

As the bushes grow, they must be tied up with supports to
branches are not broken off under the weight of the fruit. The procedure is repeated.

In the second half of the summer, the tops of the bushes are pinned and removed.
stepchildren at the bottom of the plant. Loosen the soil regularly to
provide her breathability.

gardeners advise: from time to time spud tomatoes so that they
increased additional roots. Such a procedure is positive.
affects the yield, makes the bushes more sustainable.

Fight against diseases and pests of tomatoes

Even good care of the crop does not guarantee that tomatoes
attack pests. The most common among them are:

– spider mite;

– whitefly;

– nematode.

Spider mite wielding in dry weather, harms leaves
plants. Shrubs suffer from nutritional deficiency, fade, decreases

The whitefly is more common in greenhouses where high humidity
of air. Damages leaves and shoots, feeds on cell sap

It is difficult to notice the nematode, it destroys the root system
Tomatoes, plants noticeably lag behind and die.

To get rid of pests, carry out preventive
insecticide spraying, regularly airing greenhouses,
keep them in proper condition. В открытом ground томаты
«Чио San редко поражаются вредителями.

Томат сорта «Чио San подходит для выращивания в любом регионе
country tolerates the vagaries of the weather and gives stable yields.
The fruits have high technical characteristics and excellent
by taste. Годятся для летнего consumption and processing. Small
the weight and shape of the fruit allows them to be used for whole fruit
canning. The yield of tomatoes is high for a family of two
man is quite enough 2-3 bush.

Tomato seedling is growing rapidly, it takes root well on the new
a place that rarely gets sick. Bushes does not require special care, except
standard procedures. Easy to adapt to greenhouse conditions.
content. В открытом ground плодоносят до frosts.

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