Tips for an agronomist: we grow onions leek juicy andthick. Planting, care and storage of leek (photo)

Пт, 05 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Leek is very useful and versatile, it is eaten
fresh and make harvesting. They grow onions everywhere, this
quite unpretentious culture that is rich in vitamin C. In
cookery is used not only greens, but also “legs” – bleached
false stems. The process of growing is not laborious, even
novice gardener.


Leek: planting seeds for seedlings

The vegetation period of this culture is quite long, therefore
Onions should be planted in a seedling manner. Exist
some principles to consider when sowing

• Planting material should be soaked in warm water.
about 25 minutes. Next, the seeds are left for several
days wrapped in a damp cloth. Do this regardless of
method of growing, the procedure accelerates the emergence of shoots.

• Sowing seeds for seedlings should be carried out not earlier than the beginning.

• The soil for seedlings is prepared in advance. As
soil mixtures use sod land with humus or peat.

• The distance between the lines in the tank should be no more than 5
cm, and the depth of seeding is about 1 cm.

• Boxes with seeds must be covered with foil, for
maintain the required level of humidity and heat.

• When shoots appear, daytime temperatures should be
about 18 degrees, night – 10 degrees.

• Seedlings need two additional feedings,
using mineral fertilizers.

• Regular watering of seedlings is the key to growing strong and
healthy seedlings.

Before planting leek seedlings on the garden bed, it should be hardened.
To do this, a week before the intended landing in the room temperature
reduce the capacity with seedlings carried out to the open air.

Planting onion seedlings on the garden bed

On the beds planted seedlings aged about two months.
This should be done not earlier than the beginning of May. By this point the plants
must be strong, have a well-developed root system,
two pairs of leaves and reach a height of about 15 cm.

For the cultivation of leek need to pick up a well-lit
plots, as he prefers heat and light. In the shade a plant
will feel bad, the yield will decrease, the risk will increase
the occurrence of diseases.

The soil before planting should be well fertilized. On 1 square. m. beds
use 2 tbsp. l mineral fertilizers, humus bucket,
mixed with 2 glasses of ash. They dig up the earth well and

The scheme of planting leeks on the beds two-line. Distance
between plants in a row is 10-15 cm, and between the lines
about 30 cm. The depth of embedment of leek roots is 15-20

Fragile seedlings cover spunbond until
warm weather will set and night frosts will not go away.

We grow leek: care for the plant (photo)

In order for the onion harvest to be good, and the taste qualities –
excellent, you need to follow the agrotechnical cultivation and the rules for
care of the plant.

The plant is demanding to care at the very beginning of the growing season, and after
landing in the ground, further, the process is simplified.

1. The most important factor in growing leek is
no weeds in the garden. Weeding should be carried out

2. The soil should always be wet, but it’s
means that you need to arrange a swamp in the garden. Moderate humidity
– Another component on the way to a good harvest. Zoom
the amount of watering needed in June, when a green mass is formed, and
also in July, when the bulb is formed.

3. To get a good white leg, the plant must spud
several times per season. After that, the soil around you need to well
mumble with straw or mowed grass.

4. A few weeks after transplanting spend
feeding plants. To do this, use bird droppings or mullein.
Pour the solution between rows, pour liquid on the plant itself.
can not. On good nutrient soils can get by infusion
fermented grass.

5. Feeding plants, you need to monitor the nitrogen content in
mixes. Its excess leads to onion rotting, even when

Important! Before hilling a bow, under each
the plant can add a little ash.

Harvesting onions for storage

Harvest onions can be as needed. Deep
All plants must be stored in autumn. All plants,
selected for long term storage should be prepared.
Inspect each bulb: remove damaged leaves,
the remaining ones are cut to 1/3 of the length, the roots are also pruned, leaving
около 1 cm.

Stores onions need at a temperature of about 2-5 degrees. Will fit
cellar or lower chamber of the refrigerator.

• When storing onions in the refrigerator, it must be wrapped in
film, then it will lie much longer without losing its

• In the cellar, onions are stored only in an upright position;
wet sand. For backfilling onions you can use the soil with

Important! Leek never stops growing, even
when stowed away.

If there is not enough storage space for fresh onions, can
to dry To do this, the white leg is cleaned, cut and dried in
indoors, then in the oven. Keep such a billet need to
linen bag, cardboard box, but not in a tightly closed

Leek: Cultivation Tips

1. В южных регионах страны can выращивать лук порей посевом
seed directly into the ground. The optimal time for sowing is
начало марта, can продолжить в апреле. Timing depends on the weather and
varieties of plants. Seeds are sown in rows, the distance between them
должно быть около 60 cm. Когда у всходов появится несколько
leaves, the plants are thinned. Repeat the procedure when it appears.
two pairs of leaves. After the last thinning, the distance between
растениями должно быть не менее 10-15 cm.

2. If daytime temperatures keep below 15
degrees, then watering is not carried out. Adjust the frequency of watering and
evenly distribute moisture will help drip irrigation system.
It allows you to accurately dose the nutrient mixture, feeding fertilizers
in the amount that each plant needs.

3. Watering by sprinkling is not very effective because
increased risk of spreading disease, due to increased
air humidity.

4. Good forerunners for growing leek
tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, perennial herbs. After this
культуры также can сажать практически все овощи.

For the secondary planting of onions you need to pick a bed, where previously
suitable cultures grew. Return the leek to its place
can только спустя 4 года. An earlier landing entails
increase in the number of pests and diseases.

Leek: diseases and pests (photo)

With proper care, the plant does not practically bleach and
damaged by pests. But launched landings are often subject to
attacked by various parasites.

• Onion fly – the most insidious enemy who eats away the leaves.
Личинки вредителя выедают белую ножку, урожай can выбросить. For
профилактики can высаживать лук порей рядом с морковкой.

• Viral mosaic attacks plants after picking. On the leaves
появляются желтые пятна, которые не дают луку возcanсть
develop. For посадки нужно использовать только свежие семена

Important! Grow leek after garlic
Not recommended! These plants are close

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