Tightness in the apartment worsens health

Sun, Mar 27, 2016

Your house will surely become a safe fortress if it reigns
healthy microclimate, love, respect and peace. Location
rooms, humidity, noise and dust levels, temperature
air – these components are your habitat. Doctors
do not get tired to warn that the dwelling directly depends on the climate
health of its inhabitants. Extremely dependent on housing factors.
kids and elderly people. Also at risk are people who have
diagnosed with various heart diseases. Crowded and crowded
– This is the main cause provoking the disease.

Lack of free space leads to organ pathologies
digestion and circulatory system diseases. Preschool kids
age, forced to live in not comfortable conditions,
sick much more often and lagging behind in physical indicators
their peers with excellent living conditions. Exists
specific pattern linking the state of the air in the house and
people’s health. It turned out that prolonged discomfort reduces
immunity. And this greatly hinders the body to adequately counteract
viruses and infections. You need to understand that the air in the room with
bookshelves, carpets, animals and upholstered furniture can
be much dirtier and more dusty than outside. As a result
people start to get sick enough serious diseases: neuralgia,
rheumatism, sore throat, allergies and acute respiratory inflammation

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