Thuja has dried up – why and what can be done?The reasons for which thuja dry up: improper watering, disease,landing site

Пт, 10 июн 2016 Автор: Марина Нач

Tui – one of the excellent ornamental and useful plants for
your garden or plot.

It has the ability to disinfect the air and emit phytoncides,
than enhances immunity.

There are five kinds of western, Korean, Szechuan,
folded and Japanese.

It can be as undersized shrubs, and a tree to 15
meters in height.


Tuya, distribution and application

This evergreen plant perfectly decorates any landscape.
all year round. Coniferous trees or shrubs perfectly take root in
different regions. Most species are cold-resistant specimens.
Often carry frosts up to -30 degrees. The plant grows well in
cities with polluted air. In different climatic zones,
except the far north and frosty regions. Most
thuja western is popular, it is most resistant to frost.

Planting and care, to prevent the thuja from drying out, must be

Thuja is a non-capricious plant. Care for her is not difficult.
It is undemanding to soils, moisture, perfectly tolerates decorative
pruning. He likes light, but not constant sun. therefore
plant it best in the penumbra.

At the first time after planting the plant will require care, from this
depends on subsequent growth and health.

• Young seedlings require regular watering in the evening
or in the morning (1, 2 times in 10 days depending on weather conditions) and
spraying – sprinkling once a week).

• Mulching. Bottom circle covered with sawdust, spruce,
peat This will allow the ground to dry out. Summer mulching
protects a plant from the sun, in the winter from freezing.

• Loosening around the seedling is necessary for good growth and
development. But this is done to a depth of no more than 10 cm, since the roots
its located in the surface layer.

• In winter, the thuja crown is tied to prevent branch breaks.
under the weight of snow.

• Feed the tree once a year. If the first time you land –
then the next year or two. Good when landing add
Epin’s growth regulator (1 ampoule per 10 liters).

Thuja dried up, why is this happening?

The following weather conditions may lead to this.
the reasons:

• severe frosts: some varieties of plants are not too
cold resistant and may freeze

• drought,

• sun – can burn young plants, therefore, for planting
partial shade is better,

If you thought that a thuja dried up, then you need to know that once in
3-6 years to autumn its scales needles die off, but
spring grow new. In this case, you just need to clean off the dead

In addition, the thuja can disappear with the following

• insufficient watering, the plant needs to be watered regularly, but not
pour: do after landing – once a week, and in dry weather
– 2 times a week, in an amount of about 10 liters per sapling,

• overdose of chemical fertilizers or drugs,
feed the plant costs two years after planting out
calculating 100 g per m2 of mineral fertilizers, and organic 2 -3
liters. It is not recommended to use fresh manure, you can
apply rotted for six months, and insist not insist
less than 10 days and pour under the plant, diluting it with water.

• presence of rodents in the soil: moles, bears, close
nestled anthill.

From what dried thuja. Tui diseases and pests

Thuja, besides everything, can be exposed to some illnesses and
pest invasion. As a result, it can dry out and
the abyss

These are diseases like phytophthora, brown shoots, rust and
Schutte Of the dangerous pests: tuevaya pseudo, tuevoy mole
speckled, wireworm, thugs, spider mites.

Diseases of Tui and ways to deal with them


It is a dangerous fungal disease for all plants, which
first affects the root, then the upper part. It looks like this:
the tree withers, then a gray color appears on the leaves, the trunk below
softens. The root begins to emit a putrid odor. Usually
plants affected by phytophtora are difficult to cure, but it is possible
to try.

To protect the plant from this disease

1. Select the correct place for planting a thuja, thus
that it is not in a place with constant high humidity,
and the soil had good drainage properties.

2. Water more often seedlings and krupnomer fungicides.

3. If the listed measures did not help, then it is worth destroying
tree (bush), and the land where it grew to replace or you can shed
boiling water.

Brown shoots

This disease is manifested in the russeting of shoots and their dying off.
This happens often from poor nutrition. First, the scales turn yellow,
then shoots turn brown and branches die.

For treatment you need:

1. cut off affected shoots,

2. constantly pour limestone under the root,

3. feed regularly

4. In the summer and early autumn constantly sprinkle thuy antifungal

In addition, browning may occur due to poor access.
nutrients to the root system. It may happen because
fusarium or tracheomycosis. In these cases should process it
basezol or other similar preparations, both under a root, and
spraying crown.

Well helps to protect plants from fungal diseases.
zircon preventive treatment.

Rust and Shutte

With these fungal diseases darkening of the crown and
drop of needles. Mostly suffer from rust young
seedlings. In order to prevent, it is worth cutting off the affected shoots and
burn them so that the disease does not spread.

To protect and treat need:

• treatment with copper preparations, such as HOM or
Bordeaux mixture;

• With the progression of the disease – strait pristvolnyh circles
do not spray with a foundation base, and use it only for

Tui pests and how to deal with them

Thuja moth spotty

Its larvae begin to gnaw the branches of the trees, resulting in
they die off. This is why the thuja often dries.

To protect against it is sprayed with preparations containing
pyrethroids. This is Fumitoks Moskitol Antiklesch, Antiklesch, Tornado
Anti mite Moreover, it should be done several times at intervals
one week.

Thuye pseudo shield

A small insect of light yellow color. When adults die off
individuals – larvae remain. With the defeat of this pest
withering and drying of the needles and the whole plant is observed.

For protection, they are processed by the Commander —Aktaroy twice with
the end of May to mid-June with an interval of 7-12 days and fungicide
Champion – twice. Or karbofos. You can also wrap
plant trunk burlap or straw. In the autumn – use the drug


The larvae of this pest infect the root system. To get rid of
they can be digging the soil pristvolnoy circle.

Tuva beetle

If this pest has already appeared on the plant – then from the very
plants better get rid of. These bugs gnaw through the bark of a tree and
lay eggs under it. The plant dies in a month. Of methods
fight with him yet. Only prophylaxis is possible with
Aktar or Clipper.

Spider mite

This insect is especially dangerous in the summer in the heat. Its larvae damages
pine needles Signs of defeat tick – thin web on the branches, and
small yellow spots appear on the scales, subsequently turning into
brown dead spots.

Protection and prevention from pests are in the processing
several times by Actophyte or Atkelite. Additionally worth
feed the plant with fertilizers containing magnesium sulphate

If thuja is withered, and the reasons are not established, what should be done?

If you do not find the reasons for the drying of trees, then you can
use Appin. Spray the plant with this drug can
every two weeks and follow up on how it will behave during the year.
Perhaps he can be saved.

If the tree is young, try to transplant it. Maybe him
just do not like the place. When transplanting carefully inspect
roots, cut rotten and affected, treat them with Kornevin.

Proper care, preventative treatments and targeted
help with the defeat of diseases and pests will help save thuyu
beautiful and healthy for a long time.

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