Thuja: growing at their summer cottage. Secretssuccessful cultivation of Tui: planting, care, diseases and pests

Чт, 10 мар 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Thuja has long gained popularity with gardeners.

It is used to create various landscape designs, in
as a hedge (with a haircut, the plant can be given
any kind).

It is durable, very unpretentious (can grow on different
soils in urban environments).

In addition to the decorative function, thuja sanitizes the air, highlighting

Varietal and species diversity allows to grow thuyu even in
northern and middle latitudes.


Thuja: cultivation. Selection of planting material

Acquire thuyu recommended with the following

1. The appearance of the plant – the twigs should be elastic, and the needles
bright, brilliant, lively. If it is dull and showered at
touching, the plant died;

2. The earth lump must be saved – bare
plant roots;

3. If possible, examine the root system. She must
be healthy and not dried: the ends of the roots are white or yellowish
colors, elastic (if you scratch them, the juice stands out);

4. It is also necessary to take into account indicators of a variety of thuja: color of needles
splendor crown, frost resistance.

Types and varieties of Tui

Under natural conditions, there are 5 main types of thuja: Japanese,
korean, folded, east, west. The most popular of them
– Thuja western. This is a pyramid tree reaching in height
15-20 m, with a crown of 3-5 m in diameter. Thanks to its
frost resistance, suitable for growing in all regions of ours
country. Many varieties of this species have been developed, having various forms,
color needles, height. The most famous are:

Брабант — морозостойкий быстрорастущий сорт.
The diameter of the crown is 1.5 m. The color of the needles is green in summer, brown
in the winter.

Смарагд — представляет собой дерево,
reaching a height of 4-4.5 meters. The shape of the crown is conical. Is growing
slowly, dark green needles practically do not fade in winter. Good
tolerates a haircut.

Колумна — быстрорастущий сорт в виде дерева с
dense narrow crown. It has a high winter hardiness, prefers
partial shade areas.

ATагнери — сорт с сизой хвоей, приобретающей
in the winter a copper shade. Prefers fertile soil on open
plots. It has high frost resistance.

Глобоза — медленнорастущий сорт с шаровидной
crown (height of 1 m reaches to the 10th year of vegetation), winter-hardy and

Даника — низкорослый кустарник с округлой
плотной кроной высотой до 0,6 м. Is growing медленно (прирост достигает
only 5 cm per year). The needles have a light green color. Sort
shade-tolerant, drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Breeds only
cuttings. Ideal for landscaping small areas.

Голден Глоб — сорт имеет золотисто-зеленую
needles, slowly growing, used in single compositions,
rockeries, rock gardens and low curbs.

Thuja: cultivation. Sowing and planting (timing, shelter,
temperature, soil, etc.)

For the cultivation of Tui is suitable as a sunny place, and
penumbra. If you plant this coniferous plant in the shade, then its crown
will thin and lose its decorative effect. Although thuja is moisture-loving, but
does not tolerate overmoistening. Therefore, if the plot is close to
the surface is covered by groundwater, then it must be
conduct drainage.

Thuja can grow on different soils, but still it is better to plant it on
moisture-permeable fertile lands. On heavy clay soils
it is prone to root rot. Therefore, such areas pre
Enrich with humus or compost, add sand and peat to
improve aeration. Acidic soils are alkalized by adding
wood ash or lime.

Planting thuja

• Dig a hole 70-80 cm deep and 90-100 cm in diameter;

• Drainage from rubble, expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the pit;

• Pour the prepared soil on the drainage, add complex
fertilizer and 2 glasses of ash;

• The seedling is placed in the pit so that the root neck
was at ground level;

• The distance between plants depends on the size of the variety. If a
thuis are planted in a group, the interval between them ranges from 1 to
5 m, and when creating a single row hedge is one

Growing thuja from seeds

The process of growing thuja from seeds is quite long in time:
3-5 years will pass from sowing to planting seedlings to a permanent place.
In addition, plants from seeds do not retain varietal characteristics.
However, if you need at minimum cost to get a lot of strong
seedlings, adapted to the climatic conditions of your region,
then this method fits perfectly.

Like all conifers, thuja seeds are different.
unpredictable in its germination. They can lie in the ground
more than half a year before shoots appear.

Seed cones are harvested in the year of fruiting. They are laid out in
warm room in one layer, in a couple of days they will open and
then small reddish seeds easily spill out of them. For landing
healthy seeds that have passed natural or artificial
stratification (exposure to cold).

In the first case, they are sown in open ground after collecting late
in the fall. In spring there will be shoots similar to dill shoots. First
sprigs of seedlings will grow only after 6 months. To seedlings not
lost among the weeds, they can be sown in boxes dug into
the earth. In the third year, the plants dive. Land on permanent
place young thuya can be the fifth year of the growing season.

In the second case, the seeds are sown in a bowl with wet sand,
cover with glass or film, put in a cool room or
refrigerator on the shelf with a temperature of + 5ºС for 2-3 months.
Periodically crops need to be aired and remove condensate. After
stratification seeds are sown in February in boxes. Substrate make of
turf land, peat, sand, taken in equal proportions. For
disinfecting it shed solution of potassium permanganate. After посева
moisten the soil. Seeds germinate at a temperature of + 20ºС and higher.
As soon as sprouts appear, the boxes with the seedlings are transferred to more
cool place with good lighting. Twice a month plants
fed with complex mineral fertilizers for conifers.
Saplings dive in the second year in the spring. Summer pots with them
выносят в сад в penumbra. In the winter they are brought in a greenhouse or in the house. On
The third spring grown TUI pass in larger pots.
When plants reach 50 cm in length (4-5 year of growing season), their
transplanted to a permanent place.

Sowing thuja seeds

Growing tui from cuttings

With this method of propagation, plants retain their varietal
the signs. Some varieties of Tui can only be grown
cuttings (for example, Danica variety).

Tui cuttings are carried out in April. For черенков выбирают
healthy strong twigs of a young plant (2-3 years). If a таких
there are no instances, then half-woody branches of the adult are used
TUI. Cuttings should be torn off with a “heel” – a piece of bark.

Thuja cuttings with “heel”

The lower end of the cutting 1/3 clean of needles, soaked for a day
in the root stimulator and put on a garden bed in a greenhouse,
deepened by 2-3 cm. The substrate for planting is made from a mixture of equal
proportions of sheet (sod) land, sand and peat, which should
pre-shed solution of potassium permanganate. Saplings need
diffused light and high humidity (about 70%). therefore
cuttings planted in pots, it is necessary to cover the banks. After посадки
plants need to be sprayed and ventilated so that it does not start
decay. The emergence of new shoots means that rooting was
successful. In the fall (September), young plants are planted on
permanent place. On зиму они нуждаются в укрытии. For этого
use fir spruce branches, sawdust, dry leaves.

Thuja: cultivation. Care, feeding

Care in growing thuja is watering, feeding,
a hairstyle and preparation for the winter period.

Thuja irrigation mode depends on weather conditions. Thuja is very
sensitive to soil moisture content. With a lack of moisture
the needles grow dull and become yellow-brown in color. Especially
it affects after the summer pruning. The minimum amount of watering on
one plant -10 l. In hot weather, watered every 3-4 days. It is better
do it in the morning or in the evening. Good сказывается на внешнем виде
sprinkling plants. Daily spraying washes dust off pine needles,
which begins to exude its phytoncid odor.

Spring make compost or mineral fertilizers for conifers
plants. If a подкормка была внесена при посадке, то следующий раз
fertilized after 2 years.

The pristvolny circles of a thuja mulch sawdust, compost,
crushed bark or nutshell. Mulch retains moisture
летом, предохранит корни от перегрева и промерзания in the winter.

К обрезке приступают на третий год вегетации TUI. The main
pruning is carried out starting from April. This removes the dry and
diseased branches, form the selected form of the crown. When shearing live
hedge shoots cut not more than one-third of the length.

Preparing thuja for winter. In central and northern Russia
young thujas (even frost-resistant varieties) need shelter first
some years. Pristvolnye circles fall asleep dry leaves, and
plants cover spunbond or thick greenhouse film. On
adult plants branch with twine to the trunk to avoid
their breaking off when snow accumulates on them.

Shelter Tui for the winter

The main pests and how to deal with them

Туевая тля — насекомые, живущие колониями и
sap-eating plants. Damaged needles turn yellow and crumble.
For уничтожения тли используют инсектициды (например, Фуфанон).

Паутинный клещ быстро распространяется при
dry warm weather. You can notice it on the branches covered
cobwebs. The needles are covered with yellow spots and showered. With strong
lesions apply acaricides. Mite does not like high humidity,
therefore, to prevent thuja, it is necessary to spray water more often.

Моль-пестрянка — небольшая бабочка, личинки
which gnaw the moves in the needles. The shoots first turn brown and then
die off. For борьбы с вредителями пораженные туи дважды
treated with pyrethroids with an interval of 8 days.

Туевая ложнощитовка — небольшие светло-желтые
insects. The affected plants wither, the needles partially dry out. AT
period from May (until dissolution kidney) and until mid-June tui spray
karbofos, aktellik or aktar.

Жуки-щелкуны (проволочники) — многоядные
pests. The larvae feed on small roots and humus, and
As growth grows to thicker roots. AT результате туя
stops in development, needles dry and crumble. More often
Hedgelocks settle in wet areas with acidic soils. For
preventing the spread of these beetles in the fall is necessary
dig the soil, because imago (adult insects) winter shallowly
in the ground. Low areas should be drained and alkalized. With
mass defeat wireworm Tui and surrounding vegetation
sprayed with drugs such as Fufanon, Aktellik, Decis. For
destruction of larvae in the soil contribute chemicals with diazonin
(Trap, Basudin).

Короеды – небольшие жуки, прогрызающие ходы и
laying eggs in the bark of a tree. Struck tree fast
dies. There is no universal remedy for bark beetle.
It is recommended to spray plants with insecticides at intervals of two
of the week. Damaged branches are cut and burned.

Шютте и ржавчина — вызываемые различными
pathogenic fungi diseases, in which the needles darken and
falls down. Болеют в основном молодые TUI. Struck branches need
cut and burn to prevent the spread of mushroom spores.
For профилактики все хвойные на участке опрыскивают препаратом Хом
(40 g per bucket of water), Topsin-M (15 g per bucket of water) or Bordeaux
fluid. Withствольные круги 2 раза за сезон проливают раствором

Корневая гниль — одно из самых опасных
грибковых заболеваний TUI. AT результате разрушения молодых корней
shoots become pale yellow, eventually turn brown, the plant
dies. Sick copies must be destroyed, and the land under
neighboring plants shed fungicide solution (for example,

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