The secret of the perfect figure of Julia Bordovskih

Athlete, clever and just beautiful – it’s all about Julia Bordovskih,
one of the brightest women of the Russian television screen. However, few
knows that when she started her career on TV, she had to lose weight immediately –
obliged the image of a sports journalist, and the camera, as you know,
�”Throws” a few pounds.

The secret of the perfect figure of Julia Bordovskih
The recommendations of the star of Russian television should heed
especially since Julia willingly shares her secrets. �”It was not important
just lose weight, ”she says,“ but also maintain weight on
proper level. And it is extremely difficult. I tried a lot
ways: did not eat after six in the evening, did not eat at all. But I missed
just for a couple of weeks – getting to the festive table or good
a restaurant, I started to feel sorry for myself and, of course, relaxed. ”

Her serious success in losing weight Bordovskih achieved with
using separate meals: cutlets along with pasta or fish with
potatoes are completely contraindicated for her today. Food Julia washes down
only an hour after the meal – according to some
nutritionists, the fluid dilutes the gastric juice, which is not the best
way affects the digestion of food. As for the menu, then
star – monodiet opponent. �”Getting used to monotonous food, the body
starts to work worse, because it uses the same mechanisms and
reactions, ”notes Julia. – “You should be getting a variety of
trace elements, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins contained
in various products. And be sure to remember that carbohydrates need
try to eat in the morning or afternoon, and protein food – in the evening. ”

Great importance in the power system of Julia Bordovskikh takes
water consumption – at least one and a half liters per day. Her day she
starts with two glasses of liquid on an empty stomach – in order to
cheer up and tone yourself up. By her own admissions,
invigorating this procedure is not worse than a cup of coffee. Star appetite also
regulates with fluid. �“Water helps to deceive hunger. If a
appetite broke out, before a meal, drink a glass of water – and then
eat a lot less, ”advises Julia.

The principal position of the Bordovskys in the theory of proper nutrition –
the rejection of three things: salt, sugar and bread. Sugar without problems can
replace with dried fruit, bread – yeast-free pastries. From salt
it is more difficult to refuse, but it is quite possible to make the process of its use
healthier – sea salt has a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid
glands. Instead of sauces of all stripes – olive oil. Well, of course
– nothing fatty, smoked and pickled!

�”It is not necessary to rape your body with debilitating diets and
exhausting workouts, “- says Julia, -” Enough to find
optimal system of nutrition and physical activity to
the body enjoyed all of this and did not let you down
answer. Do not rush – rapid weight loss as a result
tight diets are usually not stable
results. “

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